《Assassin Alonne》Chapter 5


[You are eligible for Evolution!]

The now large wolf stood still after reading the message. The wolf's tail began to wag after a moment.

'I better find a good hiding spot just in case.'

The wolf went on along to find a hiding place and left a half-eaten ogre in a gruesome bloodied state. The wolf found 2 trees next to each other with a boulder behind them offset by a bit so it wasn't in the middle of the trees. The wolf carried some brush in its mouth to cover himself in camouflage as he evolved.


The wolf thought quietly and the green glow around him began to get brighter. Eventually, the green light was blinding and one could not look in the wolf's direction. The wolf who had its eyes closed finally opened them and found itself to be slightly bigger than it was even after it had leveled up 3 times. A message appeared to inform the wolf.

[You have successfully evolved into a Dire Wolf! Stats will be adjusted accordingly.]

Alonne then checked his status. His tail began to wag, but this time faster and stronger than before.


Level: 5

Species: Dire Wolf

Next Evolution: Level 20

Strength: 32

Health: 34/34

Agility: 37

Spirit: 41

Innate Skill: Evolution, Predator

Skills: Sprint, Shadow Sneak

'...Dire wolf?'

Alone tapped the text that said species with his nose. Another message popped up to explain.

[Dire Wolf: An ancient and extinct species of wolf fluent with controlling spirit.]

Alonne looked at himself with his once again golden eyes. He saw a strong green glow originating from him and following him wherever he went. He concentrated hard and the glow seemed to compress into the wolf. There was a green outline around the wolf's body in a bright glow. Another message appeared.


[Recieved Skill: Spirit Strengthening.]

Alonne examined the skill with intent in his eyes.

[Spirit Strengthening: Increase the user's physical strength by applying spirit directly to the body.]

Alonne had killed spirit fighters before. He even almost died while fighting an especially strong one named Daniel Smith. He also happened to be the strongest human Alonne had ever assassinated.

'So this is how he did it...'

A devilish grin was hinted at by his jaws and he thought on.

'Oh well. Hunting monsters is a lot more fun than humans anyway.'

The wolf went to the lake to get a drink of water. When he got there he saw a hunter smile at him and fumble to get out her camera. She took a picture of the wolf drinking water.

"It is so cute!"

'Are they touring my territory or something'

The wolf then let out a loud howl and the hunter seemed to get even more excited.

"I have to tell Stacy about this. She's going to flip!"

'I wasn't aware that people actually speak in such a manner...'

Alone didn't have many things in common with other people and wasn't much of a social person being an orphaned assassin.[1] His father was an honest man when it was with Alonne and told him that he was abandoned by his parents at a young age.

Alonne was on his way to his bed of leaves he made to sleep on. On his way there he heard the voices of humans nearby. He investigated and found that they were at where he had killed and eaten the ogre.

"What is an ogre doing this far out?"

"Aren't they supposed to be way deeper into the forest?"

Two young men could be seen examining the ogre. Another older man came up to them.


"More importantly what could have done this?"

"Maybe it was hunting something."

"A strong hunter may have come through here and killed it."

The older man pointed to a large bite mark on the half-eaten ogre' ss neck.

"Does that look like a hunter to you?"

"No, captain"

There was a long silence before anyone spoke again. Then one of the younger guardians spoke up.

"Maybe it was the wolf. We are in its territory and I hear that It can use spirit."

Alonne used shadow sneak and crept up behind them as they were examining the ogre.

"That's just a rumor. Don't believe everything you hear."

"Yes, captain"

The captain felt something brush against his arm. He looked over calmly and saw a large wolf showing off a green aura. The wolf looked up at the captain and sat down.

"What the...!?"


The captain stayed calm and looked at the wolf's golden eyes. He then instructed his subordinates.

"Stay calm. My old man taught me about these guys when I was a boy. They go off of how you feel. If you're not afraid then it won't attack you.

"Are you sure?"


The captain reaffirmed them by holding his hand out in front of the dire wolf. The wolf looked at his hand then at the captain's eyes. The wolf looked down and closed its eyes. The captain pet the wolf. It was the softest thing he'd ever felt before. Yet it reminded him of something.


The captain continued to pet the wolf. After a while tears flowed from his eyes.

"Captain... are you alright?"

The captain continued petting the wolf and at some point had begun to hug the wolf's back while on his knees. Tears didn't stop flowing from the captain's eyes. The other guardians began to feel awkward. Then the captain attempted speech.

"I...I used to have... a dog... when I was young. Her name was... Sarah. One day... I was walking her... and I... she... she got free... from her leash... and ran away... and... and... and I never... saw her again!"

The middle-aged man crying was enough to bring anyone's spirits down. The captain continued hugging the wolf while his juniors comforted him.

"Its alright captain"

"Yeah. If you want you can get a new dog."

Alonne openly thought the only thoughts assassins would casually think.

'I wonder how she died.'

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