《Assassin Alonne》Chapter 2


Mark was low-rank hunter hunting in the forest. Every small monster had run away from Alonne, but Mark didn't know what scared them off.

"What could have made even the goblins run away? Should I tell a guild about this? ... I'm tired. Maybe I should stop looking for whatever it is and rest."

Mark looked for a little while longer and then found some boulders that looked like a good place to rest. He climbed on top of the boulders and was going to lay down, but then he saw a dim green light almost like smoke. He went to see what it was. He looked over another boulder and saw a white wolf enveloped in a dim green light all over. It was like glowing green smoke slowly rising and dissipating as it got farther away from the wolf. He then whispered to himself:

"A wolf? They're almost extinct. I thought there were only four left and they are in captivity. What with the green light? ...I should probably catch it and bring it to the authorities. Even though it's a beast and not a monster I should still be careful and use my equipment."

Mark tossed a smoke grenade-like object next to the wolf and put on a gas mask. Then the wolf woke up.


Alonne woke up and saw a middle-aged man peering down on him from the boulder next to him. Alonne immediately stood up. As he stood up he saw something next to him. Alonne panicked In confusion as he knew what it was.

'Knock-out gas!? Hunters carry stuff like this around?!'

The wolf began to feel hazy and tried to escape but before he could, the hunter threw a net around the wolf. The wolf struggled there trying to get free for over ten minutes all the while fighting the urge to sleep. The man could be seen quietly waiting for the wolf to fall asleep.


'What should I do!? I can't get free!'

The wolf eventually gave way and fell into a deep slumber. Mark dragged the wolf inside the net through the forest. Mark once again was tired and decided to take another break. Mark left the wolf and went deeper into the forest to relieve himself. Alonne thought to himself.


Little did mark know that the wolf he was dragging behind him was slowly chewing through the net for quite some time now. Now that he was gone Alonne had the chance to escape and he took it. He escaped from the net and made a mad dash back into the heart of the forest. He saw a message as he got away.

[Recieved Skill: Sprint]

He just kept running on and ignored it. Mark was none the wiser until he came back.

"Wow. I guess I should just tell the authorities so that they can catch it."

Alonne had gone to a lake that was a large distance away from where the hunter was and was drinking some water. His stomach rumbled. He was hungry. Even though wolves don't hunt in the day (for obvious reasons), he needed to hunt.

In the distance, Alonne saw a small figure with a lot of furs. Alonne got closer and realized what it was. It was a kobold. The monster hadn't noticed the wolf yet. Alonne snuck up on the kobold skillfully. He was completely silent. Almost as if he was a shadow. Suddenly Alonne's system appeared before him.

[Recieved Skill: Shadow Sneak]

Alonne checked what the skill was by tapping it with his nose. The status changed.

[Shadow Sneak: The highest form of stealth. Uses spirit to envelop the user in a shadow. The user will be difficult to see or identify while this skill is active.]


The wolf's tail could be seen wagging for a brief moment. While silently following the kobold Alonne activated his skill. The wolf slowly etched closer and closer without the kobold knowing.

'Well now, this is useful.'

The kobold heard some rustling in some bushes slightly ahead of him. The kobold went to investigate. Once he drew closer the rustling stopped. The kobold reached into the bushes. He felt nothing but the air. He looked inside the bushes. A wolf bit his neck and a weakened cry could be heard. The kobold was pulled into the bushes and crunching echoed through the forest.

[Level up!]

The wolf looked at his status blood on his fur and snout.


Level: 2

Species: Wolf

Next Evolution: Level 5

Strength: 16

Health: 12/20

Agility: 26

Spirit: 27

Innate Skill: Evolution, Predator

Skills: Sprint, Shadow Sneak

The wolf's tail wagged once more. He could see how much longer he had until his evolution.

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