《The Rise Of The Death God》Teamfighting


"So Sashimi do you have any other skills?" Chibi asked planning to squeeze the most out of Sashimi as possible.

Sheepishly scratching his balding head, Sashimi replied, "Uhh, The thing is, I know some traps and a bit about using guns. After all, my father taught me how to use them!"

An Illusional bright light reflected off of the bald part of his head and reflected into Chibi’s eyes as he said that. Sashimi’s tone indicated his pridefulness regarding this matter. His nose started to elongate as Chibi looked on.

Fuckin Pinocchios bullshit right here...

Chibi thought for a moment. He tilted his head back and forth before asking him something that was bothering him the entire time they talked. It was what happened before.

"Why did you even fight the monsters?" Chibi exclaimed exasperated and facepalming

Sashimi looked a bit embarrassed and explained himself, "I was just carrying some canned food to stock up, but on the way back I was attacked by a group of fierce monsters"

"And why didn't you just run?" Chibi asked even though he could probably guess the answer from how Sashimi crap fought the monsters.

"Well the hobgoblins were too fast for any actions other than fighting," Sashimi said sheepishly as he scratched the back of his head.

“I guessed correctly,” Chibi thought.

As they were chatting, they spotted a different group of Hobgoblins. The goblins approached them, ready to take their lives without a hint of remorse.

Because the hobgoblins have low intelligence and were straightforward, they approached Chibi and Sashimi in a bold manner even though they could see their fallen comrades around the two. They only gave a slight glance at the poor hobgoblin that had had his head blown to smithereens only minutes before.


Chibi and Sashimi instantly saw the group of hobgoblins heading towards them. Chibi took his gunchucks off his knee. Sashimi was already on edge, so he already had his gun in his hand.

Chibi slowly bent his knees into a common fighting stance while Sashimi just stood upright, trying to pose in all his glory. He placed his hand in front of himself and tilted his head up looking down at the just as arrogant hobgoblins in a menacing manner. His fingers were spread out in even distance as he cocked his hips to the right. His headband flowed behind him slowly. He started to slip his red jacket off his shoulders as if he was trying to seduce the hobgoblins into submission.

"I know that we just met, but we still need to cooperate. You understand that, right?" Chibi asked

"Don't worry you can count on me. My shooting skills are top notch," Sashimi answered in a proud manner.

Chibi chuckled after remembering the previous fight where Sashimi's pistol often failed to land a shot.

"By the way, why are you posing like that?" Chibi asked, a little stumped at how he was losing in a pose battle with the wimp next to him.

"That's not important right now, is it?" Sashimi said and still continued to pose ridiculously. He started to emit an aura that even seemed to frighten Chibi a little. Chibi started to shiver a little at the immense aura created by the man with no skill.

Returning his focus and ignoring him, Chibi just looked at the hobgoblins that were now sprinting towards the duo during their moment of posing.

"Be ready, they’re almost here," Chibi said, lifting his gunchucks ever so slightly in anticipation.

The hobgoblins kept sprinting at the duo, and the smallest one started to break away from the horde.


Chibi aims at the current leading hobgoblin and proceeds to give a final warning to Sashimi.

"They’re here!"

After Chibi fired his first shot, he quickly ran at the hobgoblins and shot another one in the head.

Quickly avoiding a slice from a sword almost as tall as he was, Chibi attacked twice using the gunchucks in his hands.

Hearing a shot coming from his right, he knew it was Sashimi who had dealt the shot. Following the shot came a very loud scream. As he looked on, a hobgoblin clutched his crotch, signifying a perfect hit to the groin. It didn’t have the will to live and just lied on the ground holding his balls.

The dipshit can actually shoot in that position?

Quickly finishing it off while sympathizing with the hobgoblin’s pain, he turned to the next one that also dropped because of a shot to the leg. Sashimi was doing far better than he had expected.

While impressed at Sashimis display of skill to not hit him, he quickly finished the rest of the hobgoblins with the Dance of Death

After killing all the hobgoblins and resting for a little bit, he quickly took all the important goods from their bodies. He first used a cup to stop the blood from landing on the ground. Then he used a syringe to take in as much blood as possible. The fangs were much easier to handle. Chibi took the fang in his right hand and stepped on the goblin with his right foot. Then, he pulled until the tooth dislodged itself..

Returning to Sashimi, they high-fived and rested for a little more after the semi serious brawl.

"Nice work, Sashimi! Seems like you aren’t all talk with the shooting skills, if you’re far away from melee combat."

"Thanks, Chibi. Also, nice team work. I stun them with my shots, and you can go for the kill!"

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