《The Rise Of The Death God》Alchemy


Back to Alchemy! Coming out of his trance, he composed himself and carefully carved magic seals at the bottom of the pot.

After having done that, he filled the pot with water and placed It on the stove. He knew teeth that were intact were too sturdy to dissolve by themselves; therefore he crushed them into smaller pieces. Turning the heat to the highest possible limit, he threw in 6 pieces of goblin fangs and added in the green, slimy goblin blood

After about 5 minutes, the mixture became a dark and ominous purple

“Failure…” Chibi thought. After 3 attempts, he finally got one right. The Blood red liquid was like candy to his eyes. He was quite satisfied with the result. After all, he only had average talent in Alchemy.. In the past, he focused much more on combat and trying to survive.

Other than eating breakfast and going to the toilet, he only made potions the entire morning. When it was noon, he had a pile of potions in front of him. He managed to alchemize about 40 healing potions. Luckily, there were no consequences if he failed making low level potions other than the wasted resources.

He took one of the potions and drank it with a grimace on his face. It tasted bitter, but it helped cure his sore muscles.

After drinking the potion, Chibi decided to go outside again. It was safe for now because he had cleared out the area. He wanted to get resources before the streets were littered with monsters again.

He remembered he had an old backpack under his bed. Actually, he has a lot of goods under his bed. He just stuffed them there because he thought he'd never need them.

He pulled out the backpack from under his bed. It wasn’t big, but he had to make do with what he had. It was a black backpack with zippers that had green outlines. He dusted it off and started to put several things like food and water in it,in case of an emergency.


After double checking he had everything he needed, he decided it was time to go back out. Hiding would just get him killed after monsters started getting smarter. Chibi walked out of his room and down the stairs. He opened the door and walked out.

He couldn’t see anyone. Given, it was a small area with lots of open space, he could see quite far. Fortunately, or unfortunately if you consider having friends, he couldn’t see a single, greedy and scummy human.

Choosing to go left this time, he quickly came across some goblins. There were about 4 goblins, and. he did not want to attract any possible monsters still lurking in the area. So he decided to not shoot them from afar,but instead chose to whack them to death.

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