《James Bland: Madskull》Call



A phone was pressed to an ear; through it spoke a voice of not malice, but suave conversation. Malice however, was what hid behind that mask, that smooth voice.

"You failed, Drake. You screwed up, the Circle's going to have a fit."

"We can't contain Patient 14, we need to kill him. He escaped Luther; no one's ever done that."

"I don't care what he can or can't do, Agent Drake. Find him, kill him."

"I'll send a tactical squad to take him out, shouldn't be a problem."

"Chances are he's going to attempt to contact MI6 to alert them of situation, we can't let him do that."

"I'll have him taken care of in the next twenty-four hours, tops."

She pressed the button to end the call and sighed. She had failed her first job to assassinate her target. Her target was Patient Fourteen, also known as James Bland, the last surviving agent of an entire division of MI6. Madskull –her employer- wasn't getting any more patient. She was only thankful she hadn't been executed for failing. Apparently she was still important to Madskull.

She dialed in another number.

"Hey, Frost?" she said.

"It's midnight Kelly, you know I'm off duty."

"It's about fourteen. I need you to get a team together to eliminate him. I'll send you his last known location; I traced him through a phone call."


"Yeah, we held him here for a year. We ran some tests, tests that would kill the average human being. And at the end of every day his heart was still beating. We thought wiping his memory of the whole thing would fix our problem of having a whistleblower."

"You planned on him escaping?"

"He didn't escape, we let him go after wiping his memory of the year we imprisoned him."

"I'll have him in a body bag by daylight." He said, an almost happy lightness to his voice. The call ended.

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