《The Skeleton Warrior & The Young Priestess》Ch 7 Second Round


Miria and Alexia were eating their lunch in the cafeteria.

“News sure travels fast. Everyone’s been talking about the tournament last night.”[Alexia]

“I just wish it would stop. Hearing everyone talk about me is so embarrassing. One person in our class even came up and asked how Sephtis survived that last attack.”[Miria]

“Oh yeah, wasn’t he really weak to magic! How did he survive it?”[Alexia]

“I have no idea. I’ll have to ask him.”[Miria]

“Wait, you can already have conversations with your familiar!?”[Alexia]


“Familiars can tell what their summoner wants them to do, but to be able to actually speak takes years. You're progressing way too fast. Let me and Princess Fluff catch up to you!” Alexia said while faking tears.

“I’ll slow down if you give me your pudding Alexia.”[Miria]

“You and your sweet tooth. Here take my pudding.”[Alexia]

Miria began to eat her newly acquired pudding as Borick came up and with a massive plate of food and sat down.

“Miria, have you heard everyone talking about you. You’re so lucky you get to be the center of attention today and tomorrow!”[Borick]

“Oh My God that’s right. I’ll be fighting again tonight. This won't end for another day.”[Miria]

“It’ll be fine Miria. Borick, be of use and make a big show of your match tonight; to draw attention away from Miria.”[Alexia]

“What are you talking about?”[Borick]

“You're kidding me right. They announced your number last night. Your participating tonight.”[Alexia]

“...Yessss! Sorry Miria, but I’ll be taking all your attention tonight. Tomorrow there won’t be anyone who doesn’t know the name Borick.”[Borick]

*Ding Ding Ding*

“Looks like lunch is over.”[Miria]

“Borick, have you even started eating?”[Alexia]

“Tell the teacher I’m in the bathroom with major shits.” Borick said as he began cramming food into his mouth.

“No! Thats so disgusting tell him yourself!”[Alexia]

Miria giggled at their exchange taking her mind off of her own issues; as she and Alexia left for class.


Shortly after sunset Miria, Borick, and Alexia walked up to the courtyard for the tournament. When they arrived they saw that almost no one was here. There were very few students watching from their windows and others sitting around, but it was dead compared to last night.


“Where is everyone!” [Borick] *feww* [Miria]

“Good to see you made it for round two with this we can begin.”[Miguel]

“Wait a minute. Where is everybody. Who will witness my brilliance?”[Borick]

“Its simple really. Most people don’t watch every match, but everyone wants to watch the first match and the last. Which is why there were so many people yesterday. A lot of the first years are too tired after the first day and skip the second, and finally the second years have a test tomorrow. So there are few people here today.”[Miguel]

“*urg* Can’t we move my match to tomorrow so more people can watch?”[Borick]

“Nope we have to stay on schedule. Just win today to fight again. Now then can we get started?”[Miguel]

“Just fight Borick. Its the one thing you're good at.”[Alexia]

“Well we're already behind so just {Summon} and start fighting.”[Miguel]

“Show your power to everything in your path, SUMMON!”[Borick]

“Come from the earth to serve me, SUMMON.”[Geordt]

“Cairne, destroy that thing!”[Borick]

“Galion, win by attrition.”[Geordt]

Cairne charges at Galion useing the extent of his knowledge to hit the golem with his club. Galion raises his hand to block the swing. Galion is slow, but fast enough to block the swing. Small cracks start to form on the golem’s arm.

“Galion, change of plans take him out now!”[Geordt]

Galion uses earth magic to turn the ground in front of him into mud. All the while Cairne keeps beating on Galion with his club even as he begins to sink into the ground. Galion keeps taking hits as Cairne sinks deeper and deeper. Cairne kept swinging, but as he sinks almost to his waist Cairne can’t keep his balance and has to stops swinging. Cairne looks confused at the ground as he keeps sinking deeper and deeper. Finally as the mud passes his waist with no sign of stopping Cairne panics and tries to go for the solid land. Galion begins to turn the mud back into solid earth as he sees Cairne escape. Cairne reaches some solid land and begins to pull himself up, but not before his legs and knees get caught in now solid ground.

Galion walks up to the stuck Cairne and starts pounding him with some big devastating punches. The last of which sent Cairne flying out of the ground. He quickly recovered and charged at Galion again not learning his lesson. Galion turned a thin layer of the earth, between him and Cairne, into mud. Cairne started slipping on the mud towards Galion until he was meet by a mortifying kick from the golem. Cairne was left in a bloodied mess lying on the ground as Galion approached.


“Don’t give up Cairne! Never give up!”[Borick]

Cairne slowly stood up breathing heavily. Cairne stared at Galion fire in his eyes. Cairne screamed at the top of his lungs and activated his only skill {Rage}. Cairne charged at Galion ignoring all of his pain, and began recklessly swinging at the golem. With every punch the scene got more and more bloody. While the golem stood there taking all of the abuse. Punch, Punch, punch,...punch. Cairne kept losing blood and started slowing down until he was left almost leaning on the golem for support.

“Finish it!”[Geordt]

The golem raised both of his arms above his head and brought them down on the unmoving Minitaur. It hit with a crack sending Cairne’s limp body to the ground before {Return}ing.

“Good work Galion {Return}”[Geordt]

“Congratulations Geordt. The next match shall be a loser round; between Miria and her Skeleton and Josef and his Lesser Angel! Lets start this thing.”[Miguel]

“...good luck Miria...”[Borick]

“Bo, I’m sorry you lost.”[Miria]

“...forget about it...”[Borick]

“Become my blade, SUMMON”[Josef]

“Come back to me ,please, SUMMON”[Miria]

The other student had {Summon}ed his Lesser Angel. The Angel was almost entirely white, but with its two small wings having a gold tint. It also held a great sword, but without any armor other than some robes.

“Show everyone why an angel will never lose to an Undead!”[Josef]

The Lesser Angel flew up and started to glow extremely brightly letting all know that this was a divine being. Sephtis prepared for whatever attack would come his way.


Out of nowhere ice encapsulated everyone's feet rendering them stationary. Miria looked around to make sense of what had happened. Ice shards flew towards Sephtis and the Lesser Angel damaging them to the point of {Return}ing them both. From where the Ice shards were shot a teacher approached.

“You three are all first years right. It figures you never have discipline. I’ll be back soon with your dorm manager don’t even think of leaving. From true ice serve me, SUMMON.”[Third year Magic Instructor]

A Drake made of ice appears to watch over the three students.

“*Pisst* Miria.”[Alexia]

Miria looks over to see Alexia hiding in a tree.

“Alexia what are you doing there you should leave!”[Miria]

“No I should join you guys in this. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I’m involved.”[Alexia]

“But if we get in trouble so will you. There’s no reason for more people to get in trouble. Just go.”[Miria]

Begrudgingly Alexia leaves. Shortly later the dorm head comes to see the students. It is decided that they will question them tomorrow morning in front of the Dean.


The next morning in the Dean’s office. There are six people in the office: Dean, Mrs. Horcheckx the third year teacher, Mr. Abgon, Miria, Borick, and Josef. Mrs. Horcheckx has just finished saying what she witnesses.

“I see. You three were told that it is against school rules to have your familiars fight, and yet you did it anyway. Borick, we know you were fighting because Mrs. Horcheckx heard your Minitaur scream. Then she found you three because of Josef's Lesser Angel’s light. What I want to know is why you three were fighting?”[Dean] (yes the dean’s name is Dean. I know someone named Dean so shut up.)

“Sir. we were told to fight by an upper classman he said it was tradition to have a tournament between the first years..”[Josef]

“Oh, and do you know the name of this upperclassmen.”[Dean]

“I...I don’t know sir.”[Josef]

“It was Miguel sir also Randall was the one who brought me to the fight.”[Miria]

“Mr. Abgon could you go and fetch Randall and Miguel. Now then, what about you Borick who brought you to this fight?”[Dean]

“I was told about it through an upperclassman I don’t know who though.”[Borick]

“I see so all three of you were told to fight by upper classmen saying that it was tradition. You must understand why I think this is far fetched. Considering how there was no one watching this tournament, and the upper classmen you called out are honor students.”[Dean]

“I’ve brought them Dean.”[Mr. Abgon]

“Miguel, Randall, I’m sorry from pulling you away from your test, but can you tell me anything about this fight that you supposedly orchestrated between these first year students?”[Dean]

“...What fight?”[Randall] “What are you talking about?”[Miguel]

(Authors note: When I started this I was afraid I wouldn't be able to make good conflic)

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