《The Skeleton Warrior & The Young Priestess》Ch 5 First Match


“We’ll be drawing lots to see who goes up against who. So everyone make a line.” [Combat Instructor]

“Mr. E my Familiar isn’t suited for combat what should I do?” [Ranger Student]

Mr. E stared dead eyed at the student. Mr. E slowly walked up to the student and said

“We’ll be drawing lots to see who goes up against who. So EVERYONE make a line. Any more questions?” [Mr. E]

“no sir.” [Ranger Student]

Everyone in the class got in line to draw lots. Miria’s drew 16 so Sephtis would be fighting who ever got 15.

“Now then we will be using four mats for practice. 1-8 come up and take your places. There can be no interference with your Familiar other than instructions. It doesn’t matter if you make it to the death since Familiars can’t die, but if any one wants to end it early just forfeit...Any questions?” [Mr. E]

The students numbered one through eight were already in their rings, and no one dared speak.

“One last thing I don’t care who wins so don’t come telling me... Begin!” [Mr. E]

Most Familiars took this as a time to square up but not Borick’s Familiar. His Minitaur took this as his time to charge his opponent, an Anubis. Although the Minitaur wasn't as tall as other Minotaurs it was still bigger than most people standing at about 6’5”. The Minitaur swung his club at the Anubis. Hitting its unguarded side. It was true that the Minitaur had good stats but the real reason for this devastating blow was that simply no one saw it coming. The Anubis was so stunned that it almost couldn’t dodge the follow up attack from above.

“Watch the matches closely Sephtis. It could be good experience.” [Miria]

Even without telling him Sephtis was already super into the fights. He was able to keep up while watching their movements, but he doubted that he would be able to move with them. In one corner everyone knew that the fight was already decided with one on the Familiars backed into a corner. Sephtis had already seen through its actions thought. It was a faint. The Familiar wanted to be in a corner he just didn’t know why until it teleported behind his opponent and suddenly had his attacker on the back ropes.

“Wow” ”How did it do that.” “Amazing!” [Various]

The other fights were pretty standard, but the one with the Minitaur interested Sephtis. He could tell that the Anubis was more skilled at combat than the Minitaur, but the Minitaur was stronger and had set the pace of the fight from the beginning. If Sephtis had any chance of winning later he would have to do something similar to the Anubis.


The Anubis was dodging and parrying most of the Minitaur’s attacks, but it wasn’t able to counter attack. The Anubis was keeping its own, but it was slowly losing. Wanting to finish the fight the Minitaur brought up its club for a flashy finish. The Anubis saw this as an opportunity. There was a dark green glow around the Anubis’s arm. Sephtis knew that this could change the outcome of the fight. The Minotaur was open, and this attack looked strong. The attack was right on course when

“I forfeit.” [Student]

Not seeing their Familiar final attack the student gave up early. Sephtis felt empty he wanted to know who was stronger. Sephtis sighed in disappointment. That match was the last one to finish leading directly into Sephtis’ fight.

“It’s our turn.” [Miria]

“Right.” [Sephtis]

Mira was surprised that Sephtis was able to talk. Having the ability to speak was rather rare. Sephtis had never thought to talk until now. When he noticed that he lacked lungs he didn’t even try to talk, but after an audible sigh he decided to try talking. Although he wanted to say ‘Right let's get going’ only one word came out which was enough for him on a first try.

When Sephtis got to the ring his opponent was already there. He was up against a big black cat that looked similar to a panther. Miria was trying to remember what kind of Familiar this was to give some sort of help, but she couldn’t remember. Sephtis held his shield trying to cover as much as himself as possible preparing for an attack. Sephtis had already thrown out the idea of winning the sparr, and just wanted to practice blocking a fast attack.

“I know your chances are bad, but please win Sephtis.” [Miria]

Miria said this without much care. She just wanted to see Sephtis try hard. Sephtis on the other hand saw another flash of memories and felt that he had to win this match. He turned back to the panther causing it to flinch. The bloodlust from Sephtis could be cut with a knife.

“Lets have a good fight!” [Miria]

“Sure.” [Student]

“Ready, Begin” [Mr. E]

The moment Mr. E said to start the Panther jumped straight at Sephtis. The Panther was too scared of Sephtis to give him the first move. Sephtis was glad to see his haste and was already ready to block the attack, and counter with a punch to the face. He blocked the attack and his fist was going to hit the panther in the face...but didn’t.



Sephtis looked down to this mysterious sound below him to find some broken bones. Sephtis looked at his arm only to find it missing. The attack he had blocked kept on going and hit his arm. The Panther smirked acting like that was its plan while preparing more claw swipes and bites. Sephtis was doging most of the attacks, and blocking the ones he couldn’t with his shield.

The Panther was getting annoyed by how long the fight was taking. It let out a screech and half of its fur turned yellow.

“Sephtis watch out for the lightning!” [Miria]

Miria had remembered that this Panther was a Lightning Kitty. Their defining feature was a mastery of lightning magic.

The Panther started to cover itself in lightning. Sephtis brought up his shield and prepared to dodge or block the attack. Faster than other attack the Panther charged at Sephtis clad in lightning. Sephtis took a stance in reflex to the charge. The Panther hit Sephtis’ shield head on, but it didn’t matter the shield broke and sent Sephtis flying out of the area. The match was lost.

Sephtis stood up; he was disappointed with himself since he didn’t win for Miria. Miria came up to Sephtis worried about him. She was surprised to see that he only had a few fractures other than the missing arm. Miria chose not to {Return} Sephtis so he could keep watching fights, but she did learn how to {Return} just his broken Shield and arm(which would heal). Miria and Sephtis were concentrated on Alexia and Princess Fluff’s match. Fluff’s match was against a giant worm covered with scales.

“Good luck Alexia!” [Miria]

Alexia responded with a thumbs up.

“Ready Begin.” [Mr. E]

The match started and Fluff took the first move attacking with a fireball. The worm shrugged it off as if it were nothing, and charged Fluff. Fluff sprang out of the way before biting the worm and letting out a fireball at point blank. The worm flinked, but spared no time to turn around and swallow Fluff. The worm let out a small fiery burp after eating Fluff and all thought the fight was over. Then the worm let out another burp and another. Then it just started to spew fire from its mouth. The worm was lying on the ground with smoke coming out of its mouth as Princess Fluff victoriously came out.

Sephtis was stunned by all of this. Of all the matches so far this was the first where he saw the true power of magic. He knew that this magic was far more advanced than the magic of his time. A fireball of the size Fluff was firing would only be possible from the most advanced human sorcerer he knew of.

After the matches Sephtis decided to start training while Miria had classes. He started with doing laps around the school until he could do no more. Then he found a tree and did various muscle trainings: pull ups, push ups, crunches, etc. After that he found Miria and had her {Return} him.

Miria on the other hand started training right after sending Sephtis back. She came up to the same tree and started firing {Necto Bolt}s at the tree. At first she could only fire off three before she ran out of mana. In the end she could fire off five of varying sizes before she ran out of mana. She felt that her mana pool had even grown by the end. So she started to meditate to check her {Status}

MiriaLv:9HumanClass:Apprentice PriestTitle:StudentStatsVIT:17Light:Superior Strength(5)STR:11Fire:Neutral(1)AGI:18Earth:Weakness(-2)END:15Water:Strength(2)DEX:13Wind:Strength(3)WSD:18Nature:Weakness(-2)INT:19Dark:Neutral(-1)

Amazing, she had gained two levels and increased her stats. She hadn't checked her {Status} since getting Sephtis, but this was still a lot of growth. Miria wondered if it was the school or just herself that prompted this growth as Randall came running towards her.

“Hey Miria!” [Randall]

“Hi Randall. What is it.” [Miria]

“We’re starting the Familiar Tournament. It’s a tradition at the school.” [Randall]

“I don’t really want to watch.” [Miria]

Randall started to laugh at her to which Miria tilted her head in confusion.

“You’re not watching it. You’re in it.” [Randall]

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Authors notes: Hi I realized while writing this that I was trying to make something that others want. Which is partially why it took so long. So I am going to go back to writing the story I want to read. This doesn't mean that you should stop making suggestions, because those do help me.

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