《The Skeleton Warrior & The Young Priestess》Ch 2 The Weakest of Them All


I was drifting through the darkness.

Where am I? Who am I? What am I?

The man in the dark kept asking himself these questions as he was floating. He doesn’t remember anything and just keeps running these questions through his mind like a senile old man constantly forgetting that he has already asked these questions.

“Come back to me ,please, ...” [?]

All of a sudden after who knows how long he heard a voice. He turned his attention to where it was and saw a faint light. Then the small light flashed and consumed him.


“What!” [Miria]

“As a priest your healing will deal damage to the undead. It can’t even act as a shield with all of the holes in it. It may be able to fight, but Skeletons are notorious for dying quickly. It is practically useless to you.” [Summons Instructor]

“HAHAHAHA” ”Way to go Miria!” “And here I thought mine was bad.” [Various Students]

“Ok you brats, get a move on to my classroom my assistant will help you with the next step.” [Summons Instructor]

The students start to leave, but Miria stays.

“Is it true that it is worthless?” [Miria]

“... It isn’t worthless, but I wouldn’t bet on it being useful any time soon. Now get going” [Summons Instructor]

Miria leaves with her skeleton and tries to catch up with everyone. When she arrives at the classroom several students’ Familiars have already been graded. Miria gets at the back of the line and waits for her turn.

When it comes to Borick the second to last in the line Miria listens closser.

“So its a Minotaur this time, I can’t think of something better suited to you Borick.” [Avia]



Miss Avia is the assistant to the Summons Instructor, and unlike him has learned the students names and much kinder towards them.

“Now come over here so I can show you his {Status}” [Avia]

Avia said a small chant and a screen appeared before her and Borick.

Species:MinitaurLevel:12VIT:BLight:WeaknessSTR:A+Fire:WeaknessAGI:C+Earth:Superior StrengthEND:BWater:NeutralDEX:A-Wind:WeaknessWSD:DNature:StrengthINT:FDark:Strength

“OH!! ...What does it mean?” [Borick]

“Forgotten already? Well I suppose it has been a while since we started.” [Avia]

“I’m sorry, I’ll remember this time.” [Borick]

“I’m sure you will. Now then, In the first column our his base attributes they show the talent of your Familiar in each field. These are ranked from F- up to A+ it is possible to have an S rank, but I have never seen one. Vitality determines health, Strength and Agility are obvious, Endurance their stamina and physical defence, Dexterity determines their talent with weapons, Wisdom determines magical defence as well as their mana pool, Intelligence determines aptitude for magic. So what is your Familiar good for?” [Avia]

“Same as me BASHING HEADS IN!” [Borick]

“Good next are the elemental affinities. It is common to have just as many strengths as you do weaknesses. Affinites affect both your ability to cast magic as well as receive it.” [Avia]

“Why do we just see this. By meditating I can see my own status with way more information than this.” [Borick]

“That is because you just got him. Normally you wouldn’t even be able to see this without my {Identify}. However, as you two grow closer together you will be able to see his {Status} just like your own.” [Avia]

“Ok I think I get it.” [Borick]

Borick left Avia and stood with the rest of the students. Miria came forward and took his place.


“...I see so Miria got a Skeleton. Well lets see what it can do.” [Avia]

“Please be strong.” [Miria]

Avia said the small chant again and the screen appeared before her.

Species:Ancient SkeletonLevel:1VIT::FLightUltimate WeaknessSTR:FFire:Ultimate WeaknessAGI:FEarth:Ultimate WeaknessEND:FWater:Ultimate WeaknessDEX:FWind:Ultimate WeaknessWSD:F-Nature:Ultimate WeaknessINT:F-Dark:Ultimate Weakness

The two just stood there dumbfounded. It went on for so long that a student got behind them to see what it was.

“OH MY GOD, Its has F’s across the board and is suuuper weak with all magic!” [Student]

Miria was sure she would cry now so she looked up to Avia for help. Avia’s eyes were full of pity as she could think of no way to help Miria. When Miria saw this she just ran out of the room crying with her Familiar chasing after her.

“For the rest of the class try to gain an understanding with your Familiar, but sparing is forbidden.” [Avia]

Avia gave these instructions to the students before trying to catch up to Miria. But before she could make it three steps out the door she was stopped by the Summons Instructor.

“Miss Avia where are you going?” [Summons Instructor]

“I’m sorry Mr. Abgon I need to console a student.” [Avia]

“The one with the Skeleton familiar? I was wondering what its {Status} would be.” [Abgon]

Avia quickly said the {Status} of the Skeleton before trying to leave, but was stopped by Mr. Abgon.

“You always forget the important stuff don’t you...” [Abgon]

Mr. Abgon reminded Miss Avia of something before letting her chase after Miria. However, by the time she began to chase them again they were out of sight.

“Level one huh. Looks like the Skeleton isn’t that weak.” [Abgon to self]

End Ch 2

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