《Direction and Magnitude》9 Elucidate


Once we were all seated Mr. Allard proceeded to ask us “What is magic?” He began to look around the room looking for an answer. “Anyone?”

“Isn't it what allows us to do cool things?” Sally said shyly.

“Yes, and no. While magic can be used to do things like allowing us to control elements, it is also used in many other aspects of our daily lives. I bet all of you have at one point used a faucet and water came pouring out. That was made possible by pumps that run on magic. The fact that magic is so ingrained in our everyday lives is why this class exists, it's to allow you to understand how you use not just your abilities but also the many magical devices around us.”

“Now that I got that introduction out of the way I would like to go around the class and have everyone state what their magical affinity is. This will help me get an idea where I will need to guide you to create a good foundation in your affinity. We will start with you” He then proceeded to point to a boy in front of the class.

“I-I, have a lightning affinity.” The others murmured about how cool that is. Mr. Allard then pointed at the girl next to the boy, “I am blessed with a water affinity” the girl spoke in a more proper and haughty tone. This continued on through the rest of the class, the affinities were some form of the standard elements like water, earth, fire, and air as well as lighting and other more unique elements. Two stood out in particular, the first was a boy who had the affinity for dark magic. The other was none other than Sally who had a Light magic affinity. ‘At this point between the bubbly personality and the light magic she is a dead ringer for a protagonist in a novel, I swear at some point she is going to tell me she also re-incarnated completing the trifecta…’


There were also some students who didn't have any affinities. Mr. Allard informed us that these students, while not able to use the elements were able to enhance themselves with their mana, allowing them to become stronger, faster, and even smarter if they knew what they were doing. My brother Jacob falls into this category and I’m sure I would have as well if it weren't for my “incompatibility” with magic. Speaking of incompatibility, I was up next.

“Next up… is…” Mr. Allard said while his voice trailed off, most likely realizing the awkward situation he just put me in.

Tch. Sigh... “I can't use magic… I am allergic to it” me saying this left the students in confused silence. They were all looking at me, some looked like they had some genuine pity for me while some select few could barely hold back the looks of contempt. They are so used to being told that nobility are the cream of the crop so to speak, so to see one of their own not being able to use something as prolific as magic is unheard of for them.

In this world power is a birthright, magic power and political power also tend to go hand in hand. This is why a few look at me like I am worthless. It's quite funny actually, if I wanted to I could level this building with a stomp of my foot. I can do that because In my world true power is earned through sheer effort and a willingness to do whatever it takes to get it.

I don't blame these children for that deluded mindset, they are both too young and too indoctrinated in this way of thinking to realise how flawed it is. Though this has now made it a lot harder to stay out of the spotlight. It may not be all that bad though, I now have the opposite problem of what I used to have, no one will think to fight me because it would be “pointless”.

To end this situation I decided to give a slight bow and then return to my seat. Mr. Allard took my hint and managed to bring the classes' attention back to himself. He proceeded to give some more information on what the magic class would entail. While this was going on Sally kept glancing over to me, head hung low with a saddened look on her face.


Eventually, the hour was over and we were directed out of the classroom towards the field for our introduction to what we would be doing in the “PE” class. Right as I was about to leave the class Sally came up behind me.

“A-are you ok Lyla? I'm sorry.”

“What are you apologizing for? You did nothing wrong, and don't worry about me I don't mind it.” Hearing my words her face slowly went from sad to determined as she raised her fist and declared.

“Don't worry Lyla, I will protect you!”

‘Ugh… No, that is the opposite of what I want. I know you are too young to know this but that will just make things worse’

“Sally, thank you but you don't need to protect me. I can handle myself.”

“Nope. Lyla I have made up my mind, I am a light magic user and I need to protect weaker people!”

My eye begins to twitch as I come to the conclusion that she is as stubborn as a mule and that I will get nowhere in this discussion.

“Ok… Fine… But right now we need to catch up to the rest of the class.”

With that, we ran down the hall to catch up. The class eventually made it outside to a dirt field that is on one side of the building. The area had plenty of space to train as well as to practice magic. There was also a covered area filled to the brim with equipment like training dummies and wooden weapons. There was also a wall surrounding the area to protect the school building and the surrounding areas, though this wall did not cover the back of the field that faced the forest.

Now that we were here Mr. Allard preceded to explain the rules of the field, they boiled down to “don't leave the area and don't hurt each other with magic or the weapons” there was some other information there but I decided to not pay attention to it.

We were then given free rein to do whatever we wanted during the rest of this hour, though we would be supervised of course. The other students decided to try and use their magic now that they had free time. Mr. Allard was helping them to understand how to control their mana to the point where they could invoke their element. Taking this opportunity I walked over to the equipment and picked up a wooden sword.

The sword was quite worn with dents all over from its many uses. It was also quite heavy for me, ‘curse this young and frail body’. By reducing its gravity I was able to lift it up. Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of how to wield a sword. I decided to take a swing with it, but my swing was quite lackluster. Out of curiosity, I decided to take another swing but this time I accelerate and decelerate the sword at the beginning and end of the sword arc. This ended up making the movement of the sword almost a blur, while this will most definitely be useful. I need to tone it down or else I may accidentally kill someone.

For the rest of the hour, I continued to swing the sword around randomly. Eventually, the bell rang indicating that the school day was over. We all begin to filter out of the field and back into the building. Once I was in the hallway I was stopped by Mr. Proctor.

“Hello, miss Lyla. Would you please come with me to my office, we have some things to discuss…”

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