《Ambrosius: My Own Time》Chapter Six


1 Year Later


"Yawn*. Time to go get some Chakra techniques."


I get up and walk past my clone that's been training for the entire night. I find that it's quite convenient how the clones don't have to sleep, they also need neither food nor water, but in the end run it's good so that they can continue their own mission.




❮ ◈ ❯

Name: Desir Ra's Moon

Age: 5 | Level: 6 (550/600)

Race: Prime Male Human | Title: Ambrosius(Gained), Fourth Wall(Given)


Strength: 84 | Endurance: 80

Speed: 83 | Dexterity: 81

Intelligence: 88 | Wisdom: 93 | Luck: 100

Available Points: 7

Secondary Attributes:

Yin Stage: 9 (82%) | Yang Stage: 9 (11%)


- Devourer of the Sun & Moon (Lv. Max)

- Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist (Lv. 5)

Magic Skills:

- Unawakened

Cognitive Skills (Passive):

- Pain-Resistance (Lv. Max) : Complete Pain Immunity, but can notice fear.

- Fear-Resistance (Lv. Max) : Complete Fear Immunity, but can notice pain.

- Mind's Eye (Lv. Max) : Able to see the status and descriptions of things and people.

- Fatigue-Resistance (Lv. Max) : Complete Fatigue Immunity, but can notice fatigue.

Spontaneous Skills (Active):

- Acting (Lv. Max)

Unique Skills:

- Clone

Unique or Racial Traits:

- Ancient Moon Blood : Quadruples the speed of Yin energy intake.

- Primordial Blood Gluton : Gains an instinctive sense for blood, with the ability to consume blood and become stronger.

- Origin Body : A peak physique, that give immense physical talent, and control over one's body.

❮ ◈ ❯


I simply nod at the status screen, then drop to back, as I start my daily quest.




After doing my daily workout quest, I showered, put on a pair of black cargo shorts, a plain black T-shirt, and a black hooded jacket, then left for the 'Shakrus' compound.


On my way there, I stopped by a store and grabbed a full face mask that was called a Devtac Ronin ballistic mask. I also got some black combat gloves with it.


To be honest, the plan of silently infiltrating the 'Shakrus' compound at night sounds incredibly boring, so I figured, why not just bust down the front door. I mean I already have plenty of enough strength as it is, there's only ten stages of Yin and Yang, and I'm already at stage nine in both.


Also, even though I'm only about half way to perfecting it, the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist gives me an enormous boost in overall strength. Plus, now I'm five foot two, and have shoulder length hair, so I look completely different from the time I left home.





Standing in front of the gates of the 'Shakrus' compound, I lift my foot, and slam it into the double five-meter tall gates, making them fly backward toward the inside of the compound.


As soon as walked through the empty gateway, about fifty people were gathered around me with weapon in hand, irradiating killing intent.


A malicious smirk forms on my face under the mask, as I wave my hand sideways, and cut ten of them in half.


The people don't sit still, as they rush at me making different hand seals, and yelling their techniques.


I simply dodge, defend with Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist, or slice them apart, as I continue walking forward.


By the time I got to the door of the compound, a trail of dismantled bodies lay in my wake, as I click my tongue and open the sliding door.


A large group of a hundred or so people emerge from the side rooms, as they run at me, doing their hand seals.


I dash between them incredibly fast, as I cut apart at least four people per hand swing.


After dicing them to pieces, I walk towards the inner areas of the compound.




Getting rid of anyone in my way as I search around, I come upon an uncanny black and purple double door.


I open the door and find a middle aged man, standing in front of a young woman and little girl, along with scrolls, gold and the like.




The man screams at me with anger and fear, as I walk toward him with some inspection.


[Name : Garas Shakrus | Phys Status : Good Health | Ment Status : Slightly Stressed

Age : 34 | Race : Male Human | Titles : Lightning Lance(Given), Bad Father(Given)

Current Emotions : Fear, Anger, Cautious]


I shake my head and speak in a cold, deep voice.


"I am Wraith. I want your family, and your resources."


The man shakes fearfully at my voice and what I said. Then his fear turns to rage, as he dashes at me doing hand seals.


I swiftly dodge his lightning kick, and stab my hand into his chest, before pulling both my hand, and his heart out.


His body fell to the floor, and I dropped his heart along with it.


I walked over to the huddled mother and daughter, before saying in my cold, dark voice.



"I'll give you two a chance... become mine, along with everything here. Or perish."


The mother looked up at me, then looked at her husbands body, before saying a happy phrase.


"I gratefully accept."


I nod slightly, and say in a lighter but still cold and deep voice.


"I can tell he was a bad father and husband. The Shakrus clan is no more, so I'll have your names changed to mine."


She nods, then the little girl looks up at me, and says in a cute voice.


"Are you my new papa?"


I walk forward, and place my left, non-bloody hand on her head, before saying.


"Sure, princess."


She smiles brightly, and the mother asks a question.


"May I know you name?"


Without pause, I say my new alias, and name for this character.


"My name is Wraith, Wraith Von Sin."


I look at their statuses, as the mother and daughter nod.


[Name : Treyni Von Sin | Phys Status : Minor Injuries | Ment Status : Perfectly Healthy

Age : 26 | Race : Female Human | Titles : Chakra Gifted(Gained), Elephant Mother(Given)

Current Emotions : Happy, Relived, Hopeful]


[Name : Lydia Von Sin | Phys Status : Perfectly Healthy | Ment Status : Perfectly Healthy

Age : 3 | Race : Female Human | Titles : Chakra Gifted(Gained)

Current Emotions : Rejoiceful, Joyous, Hopeful]


I squint at Treyni's status, then hand her a vial of liquidized Yin-Yang energy I made.


She drinks it without hesitation, and a wave of blue and red envelops her, as her physical status immediately changes to perfectly healthy.


Treyni stares in wonder at the empty phial, then stands up and gives me a light bow.


"Thank you, Sir."


"You can address me as family. Or, you may address me as master, as I plan to teach you various arts."


I quip back at her response, and she gives a joyous nod.




I swiftly cleaned up all of the bodies and blood around the compound, and left it behind in flames, as I go head to the hotel with Treyni and Lydia.


As we walk, I look at each of them, and see that they both have black to silver wavy Ombré hair, and storm grey eyes.

(A/N : Their hair looks like this- https://i2.wp.com/therighthairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/4-long-silver-ombre-with-stretched-black-roots.jpg?w=500&ssl=1 | Their eyes look like this- https://s11.favim.com/orig/7/717/7171/71714/photography-amazing-beautiful-Favim.com-7171472.jpg)


I stand at five foot ten now, Treyni stands at five foot seven, and I'd say that Lydia would stand about two foot four.


Right now I'm wearing a Ronin ballistic mask, a hooded jacket, a plain black T-shirt, and below the knee black cargo shorts.


After we got to the hotel, I got a large room, and booked it for six days.




Getting to the new room, I see two queen sized beds, a TV, and a couple other hotel room things.


As soon as we walk into the room, Lydia goes and jumps on the bed closest to the window. Treyni tries to stop her, but I put a hand before her and say while looking at Lydia.


"Let her have some fun for now, you don't have to be so protective and stern with her anymore."


I turn to her and say.


"I'm here for you both, and I 'll protect the two of you. Remember what I said when I told you how you may address me, I said you can think of me as family."


An elated smile forms on her face, as I walk over to Lydia and pat her on the head.


"Papa Wraith, this bed is so soft!"


Lydia happily says, and hugs my torso.


"Haha, glad you like it kiddo."


I said in a gruff voice as I take off my jacket and T-shirt in tandem, while leaving my mask and cargo shorts on.


Treyni gasps at my strong body, and I say to her.


"I'm a little exhausted so I'll be resting now, you should sleep too."


I gesture at the bed that Lydia's on, as I lay down on the other bed and almost instantly fall asleep.




Treyni and Lydia look at the sleeping body of the man who calls himself Wraith, as Lydia says something unexpected.


"Mama, can I lay with Papa Wraith?"


Treyni looks at her daughter in wonder before saying something even more unexpected.


"Yes, let us both lay with our new father."


Just like that, the sleeping half-clothed 'Wraith', now has a little girl on his chest, and a young mother on his left.


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