《Soul Anomaly》Vol 01 Ch14: Return To Peace


Chapter 14A: Return To Peace

A few days have passed since Vincent's assault. We are now adjusting back to our regular lives.

The building that Ren destroyed in an attempt to kill Vincent has been completely rebuilt within a day by a bunch of Reapers Alicia called in. I have to say that I'm thoroughly impressed at their work. The clean up was done so well, that there's no sign that the battle ever occurred.

Alicia and I escorted Lilicia back to the Underworld. Father, upon seeing me, started rubbing his cheek against me with tears in his eyes, I must have really worried him. It took a lot of effort on Alicia's part to persuade him to give up on his vengeance plan, I still have no idea what he was planning on doing.

Elizabeth has also transferred into our class. It was really amusing hearing the class cheer upon seeing her, only to boo Ren when it was announced they were engaged. You must increase your handsomeness level my friend, that way people would be more accepting of you dating such a cute girl, strive to be like me.

Our usual group of people, plus Elizabeth, who know my, and now Ren's secret are sitting on the rooftop in a circle. It's lunch time.

"I can't believe you all." Demon Mizuno is looking at us with an angry glare. "Why didn't you tell me that happened!?"

"I didn't want to needlessly worry you." Alicia answers with an apologetic look. Your decision to not tell Demon Mizuno was the correct one. She's one of the few people who doesn't understand my beauty and grace. I wouldn't put it past her to try and kill me while I was in a weakened state.

"All's well that ends well. I learned how to create silver, it's a really useful ability," I announce, trying to change the subject to help my fiancé.

"Your Soul ID's ability, the ability to create silver at will." Alicia summarises.

"What, Soul ID ability? He has only just become a Human Anomaly, yet he's already learned it." Elizabeth looks shocked.


"What is this Soul ID ability?" Yuna asks, but I think everyone wishes to know the answer.

"A 'Soul ID ability' or 'Soul Technique' as it's better known, is a power that is unique for every Human Anomaly. They are activated when the Human Anomaly acknowledges and states the nature of their being. The ability granted is always different, in Yuichi's case, it's the ability to create silver." Alicia explains.

"Ren-sama, don't lose to Alicia's Human Anomaly. Make sure to hurry up and awaken your Soul ID's ability. I cannot allow you to be lower than Alicia's man, oh ho ho ho." Elizabeth says in a competitive manner.

"Yeah, yeah," and Ren just shrugs it off.

"You're amazing, Sempai." Sakura chimes in. Tell me something I don't know.

"Yeah, my greatness is only inferior to my beauty." I declare confidently. If I start the Yuichi Shiro cult, I get the feeling I could unite the world under one religion.

"And your beauty is inferior to your arrogance." Demon Mizuno states coldly. This girl is beyond saving. I give her a look of disdain, she simply turns her head away from me. What an unredeemable bitch.

"But creating silver truly must come in handy." Ren says in awe.

"Don't admire him, Ren-sama, I'm positive your ability will be better." Elizabeth is still being competitive, what a child, I'll just ignore her.

"It makes me a pretty penny as well," I announce.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Alicia asks.

"Silver is a very valuable metal, by weighing it in, I made quite a lot of money." I explain. Yes, by creating an endless amount of silver, I never have to worry about how to earn some spending money.

Everyone is looking at me with shocked faces. This is the level of the genius of the one and only Yuichi Shiro, ha ha ha, shiver in fear commoners.

"Um, Yuichi. I don't think that's something you should do with your new power." Ren explains.

"Well that is the difference between you and me then, Ren." I reply in a cool voice.


"Onii-chan, will you stop acting all high and mighty? It is partly your fault that Ren-sempai became a Human Anomaly." Yuna angrily states. Yes, I do feel somewhat responsible for that. Ren will not return to being a regular human, he will have to go through the same changes I did.

"What's with the glum expression, Yuichi?" Ren asks in an almost bored tone, "I'm not someone so pathetic that I'll blame you for my own screw up. Besides, I think I'm going to enjoy my new life." Ren, you really are a great guy worthy of being the great Yuichi Shiro's best friend.

"Onii-chan, will you stop using every opportunity to boast about yourself!" Yuna, your ability to read me. Could it be that you too have ceased to be human?

"I'm a regular human!" Yuna retorts to my inner monologue.

"Anyway, I think that we're forgetting the main reason for our gathering today," Ren says.


"So to our new friend and my fiancé, cheers," Ren toasts to everyone present.

"""CHEERS!""" We all shout together as we clang our glasses together.

I have finally returned to my peaceful days.

Chapter 14B: Return To Peace (Perspective: Currently Unknown)

"It's been a long time since I've come back here. Nothings changed." I say to myself as I admire the scenery that I haven't seen for a while. "I wish that I could have come here on a more casual note though."

The Muramasa-Masamune's whereabouts are currently unknown. I, along with one other person, have been ordered to find it. My partner is currently scoping out the town, but I doubt she'll find anything. She has zero sensing skills after all.

Even though I'm here on official business, at the very least, I'm going to see that person. The boy who has invaded my dreams on a nightly basis. I've been wanting to see him ever since I left. The boy who helped me get out of my depression, when I was at my lowest.

I raise my staff that has several parchments of paper attached to it into the sky, I do have work to do after all. This staff is my Soul Slayer, Voynich-Caduceus. As I activate it the attached papers begin to shine.

As soon as the brightness fades, I continue to reminiscence my thoughts back to the boy I wish to meet again.

"I'm looking forward to our reunion, Yuichi-kun," I say to myself in anticipation.

Omake 3: Yuichi In Character Poll

"How are you feeling Yuichi?" Ren asks. He has already finished his audition.

Today is the character polls for the series Soul Anomaly, written by the wannabe author with low self esteem, cud-b-better. I am the main character of the series, hence the most popular. This contests winner has basically been decided already.

"I'm over flowing with confidence, the first place spot has my name on it. I wish you the best with second place Ren." I replied.

"Don't get too cocky Yuichi, or you will be in for a rude awakening." Alicia stated.

"Don't worry honey, I'm going to pull out all the stops." I declared. Even though my victory is guaranteed, it doesn't hurt to be careful.

I spread my arms out wide, and begin to chant my secret weapon with a eerie voice.

"Ancient spirits of narcissism, transform this glorious form. Into Yuichi, the forever, BEAUTIFUL!"

"Yuichi, other than you making a fool of yourself, nothing happened." Alicia said frankly.

"I guess it is because my beauty is already off the charts. The ancient spirits of narcissism were unable to increase my beauty parameters." I replied, in a one hundred percent self confident voice. "Then I'm going." I said as I walked towards the curtain.

Official Soul Anomaly Character Poll Ranking.

1. Ren Kirei.

2. Alicia Pandemonium

3. Yuna Shiro

4. Sakura Kirei

5. Constipated Camel

6. Yuichi Shiro

"How could I lose to a camel that only made a cameo in a single omake?" I can't hold back my tears due to the shock and humiliation.

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