《Soul Anomaly》Vol 01 Ch09: Underworld Party
Chapter 09A: Underworld Party - En route
After I had finished my basic training and cleaned myself up, I was told the reason Father wanted me back on time.
"We are all going to a formal party, I want you to come with us, Yuichi-kun." Father stated.
I had no reason to refuse, so I agreed. It will be my first time at a high class party. I bet all the women will surround me like a swarm of bees. My beauty is coming out in full force in this tuxedo.
We're all currently heading towards the venue of the party in a huge limo. For someone of my greatness, anything less than a limo, would be an insult. Alicia, Lilicia-chan and Mother are all dressed in top of the range dresses and Father is looking as dandy as usual. In addition to the five of us, Sebastian and Kuro-san are also accompanying us as escorts. You can never be too careful, it seems the Underworld has its own troubles.
"Yuichi, this party is being hosted by another one of the top three families, don't make a spectacle of yourself." Alicia warns.
"I can't promise that. Just by being there, I will shine brightly. So how can I not become a spectacle?" I ask.
"By toning down your narcissism for starters." She replies.
"Onee-sama, Yuichi-niisama is an honest person. It's not narcissism," Lilicia-chan explains, "He's only telling the truth."
Thank you, Lilicia-chan, you're a good girl, I pat her cute head and she snuggles up to me like a cat.
"ANYWAY! Just don't embarrass me." Alicia is fuming in anger. What's with you?
"There's nothing about me to be embarrassed about. I'm beautiful, smart, cool, and beautiful, and super beautiful." I highlight my good points with pride.
"How many times did you say the word beautiful?" Alicia asks.
I'll say it as many times as I need to for you to remember. But you shouldn't need me to remind you.
"Anyway, another of the top three families? Who are they?" I ask as I turn towards Father, intending to change the subject.
"The host is the Cerberus family. Hades-sama will also be at the party. So it is getting a lot of attention." Father replies.
Hades? The leader of the Underworld? Is he going to be a robed moving skeleton I wonder? That would be frightening.
"Wait, Cerberus? Are they a family of three headed dogs?" I ask.
"No, that is just a myth from the living world. The Cerberus family is the family that governs the river Styx and prevents souls from escaping. They are a family that has one of the most highest responsibilities given to them by Hades-sama." Father explains.
I see. So they keep souls from escaping into the living world. Well, if souls of the Underworld did escape into the living world, it would probably become a Soul Anomaly. Can't have those things running amok.
"So the top three families are Pandemonium, Cerberus and?" I ask.
"Thanatos." Alicia answers "The Thanatos family is considered the best among the top three families. They are the immediate second most influential after Hades-sama."
Alicia puts on a complicated expression as she talks about the Thanatos family. Did something happen?
"Anyway, enough with the serious talk." Father declares before looking me in the eye. "Yuichi-kun, Alicia told me that you are a virgin back when you entered Purgatory. I also heard how mortified you were about it."
Alicia, just what have you been saying about me to Father!? I turn my head away in embarrassment.
"Don't worry, I'm not making fun of you, I just have a suggestion. Why don't you have Annetta take your virginity? I can vouch for her skilful technique." Father states. He just nonchalantly suggest that I have sex with his wife. Father, your greatness is shining so much tears are flowing out of my eyes.
"I'll be in your care, Mother." I say bowing my head as tears flow out of my eyes.
"Oh my, oh my. I won't let you regret it." Mother replies with a mischievous smile on her face.
SMACK! - A high momentum fist collides with my handsome face.
"Ow! Alicia, that was uncalled for!" I shout whilst holding where I was hit.
"Yuichi, be quiet for a minute!" Alicia orders.
"Yes, Ma'am." I reply timidly. When she's like this, disobeying her isn't an option.
"Father, what are you trying to do making an offer like that!?" Alicia asks in anger.
"No...um...you know the feeling right? When you do something fun and exciting, you want to share the feeling with your friends." Father explains as sweat rolls down his face.
Father, sharing your wife shouldn't be included in that. I truly am grateful for the thought though, thank you.
"Then make sure you do it with him soon, or I might steal him from you, Alicia." Mother announces.
Seriously!? I best not let my guard down. No, having an older woman is good as well. I'm not the discriminating type.
"Mother, would you please stop saying such things!?" Alicia screams with a beet red face that looks ready to explode.
"Don't steal Nii-sama, Mother." Lilicia-chan says whilst holding onto my arm.
"You truly are popular, Yuichi-kun." Mother states.
You're right, but it can sometimes be a disadvantage. I don't want girls killing each other over my beauty.
About an hour later and we arrive at our destination.
Chapter 09B: Underworld Party – Grand Entrance
"Wow, it's huge," I state as I look on the huge venue
"The Cerberus family like to do things thoroughly," Father states before turning to Kuro-san and Sebastian, "Good work, you can both just take it easy at the party."
"But Master, what about your guards?" Kuro-san asks in objection.
"We don't need them. The two of you deserve to relax every so often." Father doesn't allow any objections. He is also kind to his servants and subordinates.
Kuro-san and Sebastian simply bow and walk off.
"Now then, shall we go?" Father asks with a smile. He must be looking forward to this party. Socialising with others at these kinds of events is probably a favourite pass time for the higher class.
"Yuichi, I'm going to ask you again. Please don't do anything foolish." Alicia reminds, how many times is that now? She is such a worry wart.
"Don't worry, Honey, this Yuichi Shiro is a true gentleman." I reassure in a dignified voice and pose. My beauty is radiating strongly, come Alicia, let my beauty heal you of your anxiety.
"Hah," She simply sighs. Oh well, a great person such as myself isn't one to let trivial things bother him.
Father, Mother and Lilicia-chan just look at us with their smiles.
We walk through into the spacious room that the party is taking place in. There is well over a hundred people in here. They're a mixed bag, young, old, man, woman.
"Ah, Lord Pandemonium!" One of the guests calls out as we enter. All the other guests look on in our direction.
Clap clap clap!
"Ladies and gentleman, the Pandemonium family has entered." A man shouts into his microphone from the stage.
Clap clap clap!
Ah, this much attention is embarrassing. Father and Mother are both dignified as they wave to the crowd with their respective free hands. They have their other arms locked together. I believe this is called escorting the lady.
Lilicia-chan latches herself onto one of my arms. Does she want to imitate her parents? Well, I don't mind. Alicia latches onto my other arm.
"Don't get full of yourself, Yuichi, this is just for appearance." She whispers in my ear. However, I can see right through your words, Alicia. I'm not your fiancé for nothing.
Alicia and Lilicia-chan begin to wave to the clapping crowd like Father and Mother.
"Ah! Lady Alicia looks dashing as usual!" The crowd begin shouting out their praise in the middle of the standing ovation we're receiving. Alicia always looks dashing in my eyes though.
"Lady Lilicia, please marry me!" Both Father and I glare at the prick who just proposed to Lilicia-chan whilst letting out a scary aura. The man quickly shrivels up. Father then returns to his great normal self, waving to the crowd.
"Ah, who is that young man? He's so handsome!" A young lady spots me from the crowd. You have brilliant eyes, I take my hat off to you.
Wait a second. I can't just be standing here looking pretty. All these people are giving me such a warm welcome. I'm not a man if I don't reply to it.
I'm suddenly hit with a nasty dilemma. I am escorting both Alicia and Lilicia-chan. I don't have a free arm to wave to the crowd. NO HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN!? Waving to the onlooking fans is a must for a man of my greatness. But I can't move either of my arms, how can I get out of this bind?
Then it hits me. I don't need to necessarily wave, I just need to acknowledge the crowd. I turn to a random lady in the crowd and then suddenly. I close one of my eye lids whilst wearing a huge smile on my face.
The lady is suddenly taken aback by my illuminating greatness. She must be feeling what is known as love at first sight. Don't feel bad, no woman can take this technique without falling for me. My beauty is my greatest weapon. To come up with such a technique during such a dilemma, my genius has manifested itself again. Like all good techniques and skills it needs a grand name worthy of it's almighty greatness. Therefore, I, as of today, as of this moment, dub my new skill. I feel like there is suddenly a drum role playing inside my head. 'Prince Wink' I declare to myself.
I continue to use Prince Wink on the ladies in the crowd. They all have similar reactions. To make this many people fall for me, I'm such a sinner. I snigger inwardly.
"Yuichi, you best tell me that you have a fly in your eye!" Alicia whispers into my ear. She must be jealous that I'm making so many people fall for me. You're the only one for me Alicia, so relax.
"I have a fly in my eye." I lie. Men are always at the mercy of their girls.
"Oh, I see." Alicia replies. I suddenly feel the grip on my arm tighten so much that it hurts. Oh shit! Alicia is really pissed.
Chapter 09C: Underworld Party – Main Event (Perspective Alicia)
At long last the applause died down and we all began mingling with the other high classes at the party. I can't believe it. I was holding Yuichi's arm because I realised he would start trying to draw attention to himself. Even though I took precautions to prevent him from doing it. He still managed to find a loophole for himself to use. Words cannot describe my embarrassment.
"OH HO HO HO!" I hear a voice that I instantly dread. Only one idiot really does that awful annoying laugh.
Like I thought. Dressed in an expensive one piece dress stands the daughter of the Cerberus family, Elizabeth Cerberus. I really hate this stuck up woman. I knew I would run into her at this party. It's being hosted by the Cerberus family after all.
As a family, I have no grudge against the Cerberus, I just despise this one girl.
"Good evening, Elizabeth." I greet as kindly as I can, given who the person is.
"Good evening, Alicia. OH HO HO HO!" She replies haughtily. Does she have to add that laugh in every sentence? "Your escort this evening, that gentleman, was first class, Alicia, OH HO HO HO."
As usual, straight to the point. I knew this was coming.
"Didn't like the idea he stole the spot light from you?" I retort. Elizabeth's smile quickly turns crooked, her pride is unable to accept insults.
"So tell me, Alicia, who was that gentleman?" She asks with a forced smile.
I realise that I won't be able to hide it. Even if I lie, she will find out eventually, and be even more annoying about the subject.
"He is my fiancé." I declare with (fake) pride.
Elizabeth is shocked by my response.
"Ladies and gentleman. Can I please have a few moments of your time." The head of the Cerberus family is standing on top of the stage. I turn away from Elizabeth, and towards the stage. "Our guest of honour, HADES-SAMA!"
CLAP CLAP CLAP! - We all clap loudly upon hearing the announcement.
Hades-sama enters in the middle of the applause, he is dressed very roughly. The tie from his suit found its way onto his head. Wearing shades to hide his eyes. His hair is a mixture of stripes of all the colours in the rainbow. He'll never change.
Hades-sama takes the microphone from the Cerberus head.
"HEY HEY! How's it hanging people. Dr Des is in the house!" Hades-sama screams into the microphone. Once again he has given himself another stupid stage name. I could almost swear he stole it somewhere.
"HADES-SAMA! HADES-SAMA!" The crowd doesn't mind and just screams back to him. So much for a formal party.
"Now, Dr Des is a man of few words, so I'll keep this short. GO WILD!" Hades-sama shouts.
"OHHHHHHHHHH!" The crowd screams back again. I can only shake my head at the scene. Our leader is such a flamboyant man. I get the feeling he and Yuichi would hit it off right from the start.
After the address finishes. Elizabeth continues from where she left off.
"For a lowly man like that, to become your fiancé. No, I guess you are well suited for each other!" Elizabeth insults.
"For a woman like you. Who cannot even get a man, even with your huge financial assets as bait. You have no right to insult me." I don't hide the irritation in my voice. I just dig straight to where it hurts.
"OH HO HO HO!" Her laugh is clearly forced. "There is simply no gentleman whom is my equal."
"If you go searching for a homeless old timer, I'm sure you'll meet your Mr Right, Elizabeth." I add fuel to the fire of Elizabeth's humiliation. Her face is turning red in anger, my heart bleeds for you, not. Let this be a lesson to you, you stuck up bitch. I smile at my victory.
I then suddenly see a figure through the crowd walking towards us. Oh no, please don't come up to me now.
"Girls, girls, there's no reason to fight over me. Yuichi Shiro is so great that there is enough of him to go around." My fiancé states proudly in oblivious bliss.
Damn it, Yuichi! Not now. Not in front of this bitch of all people.
"OH HO HO HO! You are quite the unique gentleman. Yes, you are very, unique!"
Yuichi stands there thinking for a few moments, looking confused at Elizabeth's last comment.
"Oh, I get it." He declares. My instincts tell me that he most definitely didn't. Who knows how his warped mind will translate Elizabeth's insult.
"You're hitting on me, man this is a problem. I'm already engaged and yet so many people have been flirting with me at this party." As I thought, he misunderstood it completely. I'm willing to bet the notion of other people flirting with him is also his own misunderstanding.
The magical ability Yuichi possesses of changing an insult into a compliment within his brain is truly frightening.
"OH HO HO HO! Don't be foolish." Elizabeth is scared, I can tell. This girl has no experience with guys. What a shame you ran into Yuichi of all people.
"Okay, I'm a man, I have to answer your feelings." Yuichi declares. Ah, the misunderstanding deepens.
Yuichi suddenly grabs both of our hands. I have a really bad feeling about what is coming next. He drags us with him and to a man with rainbow coloured hair. Hades-sama.
"Excuse me, Dr Des." Yuichi calls out to Hades-sama nonchalantly.
"What can I do for you, my man?" Hades-sama replies with a smile. He really is too easy going.
"You're the leader of the Underworld, right? That means you're a great man. Therefore, as a great man, you should be able to recommend a decent love hotel." Yuichi says with determination.
Wait Yuichi, what the hell are you talking about? How the hell did you arrive to that conclusion? How the hell can you ask the leader of the Underworld something like that? Are you trying to get yourself executed!?
"Lo...Love...Ho...tel!" Elizabeth stutters. She isn't even doing her annoying laugh. That's how grave this situation is.
Before I can speak my objections to Yuichi, Hades-sama smiles brightly.
"Indeed I do, young man. However, this is a very delicate matter, you shouldn't be satisfied with the recommendation from just one person. Therefore..." Hades-sama states before running on top of the stage again.
"People, People!" Hades-sama addresses everyone present.
What is he doing?
"My man down there suddenly asked me a very important question. A question that I can't answer by myself." Hades-sama explains. Suddenly a bright spot light appears over Yuichi, Elizabeth, and I. "My man asked me to recommend him to a love hotel!"
OH GOD! Everyone is looking at us. I feel my face turn beet red. Elizabeth is the same, her voice won't even come out. Yuichi is just standing there waving to the crowd. This guy really doesn't have any sense of shame.
"So that these three can have a truly great experience. I call upon you, the crowd, to offer these youngsters your recommendations. Say my man, what's your name?" Hades-sama shouts out through the microphone.
"I'm Yuichi Shiro. I'll be in all of your care. Please direct me to a great place where we can all have a memorable first experience!" Yuichi shouts back.
CLAP CLAP! - Why the hell is the crowd applauding him!? Someone stop him already.
"I recommend going to Pure Heart. The rotating beds there are spectacular." A man from the crowd recommends. Are they seriously going to do this?
"No, Pink Flower is much better." Another man declares.
The formal party has suddenly been turned into a debate of the hierarchy of love hotels.
"Yuichi-kun," my father approaches us, please stop him. "To take the virginity of both my daughter, and the Cerberus' daughter together. I am truly moved to tears. Here take this."
"Stop him, Father, don't hand him condoms!" I scream at my useless old man.
"Thank you, Father," Yuichi says as he grabs both of Father's hands. He then turns to address the crowd, he adopts a grand pose and takes a deep breath. "I promise to all of you present, I will change this girl's 'OH HO HO HO' to 'OH OH OOH-'"
What kind of dirty outrageous claim are you making in front of all these people!?
"GO FOR IT!" Why the hell is the crowd encouraging him? Someone help me.
This is the most danger I have ever faced in my life. Elizabeth is shaking, her voice still stuttering. I think this night is going to leave a huge mental scar on her.
The party soon ended. Yuichi became an overnight celebrity in the Underworld. Thankfully, my chastity is still safe. After Yuichi dragged us out of the hall whilst the crowd showered us in confetti, I knocked him out cold. Elizabeth and I then took sanctuary in a hidden area under the venue. Elizabeth was shaking the whole time, welcome to my world.
Chapter 09D: Underworld Party – Epilogue
After the exciting party concluded it's time to head back to the living world. It's a shame, I was laid out cold for the rest of the party. But it was still fun. Apparently I was even featured on the front page of a national Underworld newspaper. Alicia was mad at me for several hours afterwards though. Was a threesome too embarrassing for her first time? But when it is all said and done, the opinions the upper class men at the party gave me were all very educational.
Hades was also a very interesting guy. You don't have to be Albert Einstein to see why he's the ruler of the Underworld.
I also grabbed the data for some Reaper Spells from Kuro-san earlier. I'm looking forward to learning some more spells.
"It sounds like you had fun, Master." Wolfy says. Unfortunately we had to leave him behind for the party.
"Yeah, it was great. Life here is truly interesting." I reply.
"It was a pure nightmare." Alicia states. Is she holding a grudge against me?
"Come visit us again soon." Father requests.
"I most definitely will." I reply.
"Don't forget about me, Yuichi-niisama. I won't lose to Onee-sama," Lilicia-chan declares.
"I won't." I answer back, although I don't understand what she means. I feel an ill intent gaze on my back. Alicia please, you're scaring me.
"I'm expecting lots of grandchildren." Mother announces.
"Well ahead of you, Mother. I promise to meet your expectations." I declare confidently.
"OWWWW!" Something hit me hard on the back of the head, a swift sharp pain runs through me.
"NO YOU DON'T!" Alicia's angry voice is the last thing I hear before my mind goes blank.
This turn of events is seriously getting old.
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