《Soul Anomaly》Vol 01 Ch08: Training In The Underworld


Chapter 08: Training In The Underworld

"Ah! Shit!" I shout whilst dodging for my life.

Right now I'm in a place called 'Blueberry woods'. As the name might suggest, it's a huge forest area. I am currently running and dodging attacks like my life depends on it.

My mind flashes back to my conversation with Father.

"Yuichi-kun, I am sorry, but as you will become part of the Pandemonium family, I am afraid you will need training," Father explains, "As part of our family, great responsibilities shall be placed onto your shoulders, and you must become a role model example for the residents in the Underworld."

"I understand, Father. I shall do as you say, and meet your great expectations." I reply fearlessly.

"I know you will my boy." Father says with a smile.

Back to the present. I am training to increase my powers. I've been running around endlessly whilst avoiding attacks from Kuro-san, the man who is my instructor. Kuro-san is a servant of the Pandemonium family and an expert in 'Reaper Spells'. He has a huge body filled with scars, each scar I'm sure has its own story.

Wolfy wanted to come with me. However, I left him behind because I know I need to become stronger. I appreciate his concern, but this is something I have to do.

Alicia, Wolfy, when I come back, I shall be an even greater Yuichi Shiro. Well, that's if my greatness can increase even more than its already godly level. Well, I know it can, but the human eye cannot see greatness above a certain level, so I doubt the increase will be noticeable to my friends.

"Here's another one, Yuichi-sama!" Kuro-san announces as a huge ball of ice expands in front of his open palm. Shit! Attacking whilst I'm in self thought is dirty.

The ice ball shoots towards me like a bullet. I dive to my right to dodge the attack. I reflexively use my hands to break my fall and push off the ground to land on my feet.

After safely landing, I hold out my left palm and point it towards Kuro-san. Ice forms in front of my hand. This is the same technique Kuro-san just used against me. My ice ball shoots towards him with perfect accuracy. The size of my ice ball isn't as big as Kuro-san's, but it is faster.

Kuro-san was truly surprised by how quickly I picked it up. well I am a genius, so what can I say?

Kuro-san's explanation of 'Reaper Spells' was also very easy to understand. Use your mind to envision your skill, and your soul will follow through. Apparently, my soul isn't too different to that of a Reapers because it evolved in Purgatory. That's why I'm capable of using Reaper Spells. I was also told about special techniques that are unique to Human Anomalies. However, these cannot be taught, I have to learn them myself.


The only spell I have learned thus far is this single ice spell. This spell uses my soul as a catalyst and power source to freeze the moisture in the atmosphere and shoots it as a projectile.

Kuro-san, who has my ice ball approaching him, materialises his scythe and deflects it.

"Not bad, Yuichi-sama. Time for a change of tactics!" Kuro-san compliments proudly as he spins his scythe around in a circle.

Kuro-san stomps his feet hard across the ground. Wielding his scythe in one hand he charges towards me. I draw the sword Father lent to me. We have moved away from spell casting and into a close quarter fight.

Ching! Ching! - My sword clashes loudly with Kuro-san's scythe. If that thing hits me, my beautiful body will be damaged, that is the one thing I refuse to let happen. But seriously, he's moving something as big as that, so quickly.

However, I am no slouch either, the reflexes of the great Yuichi Shiro is second to none. When I was a child I used to do play sword fights with my friends, back then I never once lost. I never thought that such childish games of the long past could become vital experience in such a place.

Ching! Ching! - Even though I'm keeping up with him, I'm on the complete defensive.

Time to try a little experiment.

I begin to release my soul's aura outside of my body and move it behind Kuro-san. I learned how to release my soul aura and control it earlier. Kuro-san complimented my exceedingly great control of it.

Ching! Ching! - Our weapons continue to collide as I continue to release my aura. Like this his movements are sealed. I begin to make my soul freeze the moisture in the atmosphere. However, differently from before, using my expert control of my soul aura I freeze it into a different shape than a ball, a spike.

Kuro-san opens his eyes wide. He must have realised my plan.

"Well done, Yuichi-sama. To think you could do this in such a short amount of time. Give it a few months and I would be no match for you." Kuro-san compliments with a wide smile. You understand my greatness already? You're a wise man, Kuro-san.

Ching! Ching! - I shoot the ice spike that I quickly formed into Kuro-san's blind spot. Now what will you do? If you concentrate on me, the spike will hit you. Concentrate on the spike, and my sword will get you. Choose the way to your defeat.

"However, right now, I'm stronger!" Kuro-san shouts confidently. Kuro-san swipes swiftly with his scythe, my blade gets pushed into the ground. In that case my ice spike will get you. Or so I thought. Kuro-san shows me what was in his left hand that was held behind his back. In his hand is the ice spike I just shot. He caught my attack from his blind spot with his bare hand. I can't hide my shock.


"I win!" He proclaims whilst holding his scythe's blade to my neck.

My body relaxes and I drop my sword to the ground.

"I thought I had you then," I say as I sit on the ground.

Kuro-san puts his scythe away and sits down opposite me.

"Your idea was good. I never explained that you could use your soul aura like that, yet you figured it out by yourself." Kuro-san begins explaining, "The only reason you lost, was due to your lack of experience. You were too confident in your plan, and didn't think about what to do if it failed."

Lack of experience huh. Nothing I can say against that, he's right. If I thought about what I would do next if my plan had failed, I could have lasted longer. My self confidence became my downfall.

"Well, considering that your lack of experience is your main weakness. Let's take care of that." Kuro-san says whilst getting to his feet, "Blueberry woods is filled with lots of dangerous monsters, lets go hunting, shall we?"

"Yeah, I will become as strong as hell and raise my already insanely high coolness points." I declare whilst picking up my sword and getting to my feet.

Even more girls will get ensnared in my greatness. Don't be jealous though Alicia, you will always be my first lady. Lilicia-chan or Sakura can be my second. But which one?

For it to be Lilicia-chan, or for it to be Sakura, that is the question.

Whilst ranking the girls in my mind. I run with Kuro-san deep into Blueberry Woods.

A couple of hours later, we left Blueberry Woods and returned to the mansion. Father was really persistent in what time I needed to be back for some reason.

I'm really exhausted and covered in mud. For girls who like guys with a wild like look I would be even more irresistible.

Alicia, Lilicia-chan, Wolfy and Father are waiting for us in the Pandemonium family's huge garden.

"Welcome back, Yuichi-niisama," Lilicia-chan greets, as she latches her arms around me. She truly is an adorable girl.

"Ah, I'm back." I reply while patting her head. Alicia is glaring at me coldly. I think she is trying to send me a telepathic message through her eyes, let's see if I can decode it.

Okay, I think I got it. 'Yuichi, you are so beautiful. Your coolness and intelligence is unrivalled. I know I am not worthy but please make me your bride.' Alicia, your love message has been conveyed to me in full. I must respond to this immediately, or else my name isn't Yuichi Shiro.

"You too, are also beautiful, Alicia my love." I say gently to my fiancé.

Alicia turns her head away, her face beet red. Was I too forward?

"You have a magical way of misunderstanding, don't you, Yuichi-sama?" Kuro-san says with a bitter smile.

What are you talking about?

Wolfy then approaches me whilst looking me over from head to toe. "You look like a real man, Master." He states. What are you saying? You can just look between my legs and see that.

"How many times did you come close to losing your head?" Alicia asks with a sinister smile, having already regained her cool. Are you a sadist, Alicia? Please let go of it if you are. I don't like pain.

"More times than I wish to recall." I reply whilst averting my gaze. If Alicia is a sadist my future is going to be very hard on me. Scarring this beautiful body is a deadly sin.

"How was he, Kuro-kun?" Father asks in interest.

"Exceptional, he learns fast, he has quick reflexes, expert aura control and a sharp intuition." Kuro-san responds to Father. He then turns to face me "Yuichi-sama, before you return to the living world come see me. I'll give you data for other Reaper Spells so you can self study. Your aura control is top class, so your powers won't go out of control, even in the living world."

I give Kuro-san a thumbs up in response. I currently only know one spell, so I'll gladly accept that data. Kuro-san also confirmed the other matter, the matter of me using magic in the living world. Alicia was worried before because I might not have been able to control my powers. That argument is now moot.

Life is getting even more exciting.

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