《Thundering Dragon》Chapter 15: Awakening, first dark pulse
Thundering Dragon
Chapter 15 Awakening, first dark pulse
The Qi, forcefully smashed through amazingly 13 points of
Meridians, what Leiming wasn’t planning for was the first dark pulse was at the
14th Meridian. The moment the Qi reached the Dark Pulse, a vibrating
feeling emerged from Wenrou’s Dantian, which immediately, intensely transformed into...
“Gravity?” Leiming was both confused and shocked, he hadn’t anticipated the first dark pulse. It could be said, he completely forgot about the dark pulses, he was completely concentrated on protecting Wenrou’s body.
“His first dark pulse has an innate ability? Such a powerful gravitational pull at that as well!”
Now that Leiming was prepared for the gravity, his body relaxed once again, adjusting to the force pushing on his body.
A vibrating feel continued to grow within Wenrou’s body! With the Qi, continuously flowing through the first dark pulse, the pulse continued to rotate rapidly.
Wenrou’s body was no longer latched onto the small vortex. The vortex slowly expanded, encompassing his ethereal body within his Dantian.
There was still water in this room, but the feeling of floating had fled Wenrou, once the vortex encompassed him. He was now just lying at the bottom of the dark water, his eyes shut tightly.
“This isn’t typical gravity. Actually, I don’t think this is gravity at all!” A moment of enlightenment struck Leiming. Before his realization could be understood it was too late, he tried to remove his palms from Wenrou’s stomach located above the Dantian, when the rotation of the Dark Pulse exploded!
Lightning began to crack along Leiming’s chest area, the moment it began to seep out, it was completely raging! It was being drawn out! Just like an animal in deep slumber, it was disturbed in its cave!
Leiming’s eyes bulged, his Palm was completely attached to Wenrou’s abdomen, pressing deeper into his abdomen! The muscles alongside his upper chest, his shoulders and triceps and biceps and forearm completely contracted! Tightening around his bone, he was trying to contest the yanking feeling on his lightning element!
His forehead profusely began to sweat. His eyes bloodshot, the feeling of having the lighting forcefully dragged out was akin to having somebody, put their hand down his throat, and grip his heart!
Clouds in the sky also feeling this lightning coming out into the environment began to converge. After a single breath, the sky blackened entirely covering the complete lower half, and most of the upper half of the planet!
“Damnit! This isn’t gravity! This is planetary pull! A planetary pull so strong, it is able to drag this divine lighting within my Dantian out!”
The lighting dancing around Leiming’s body caught him completely off guard. He was at a loss of words, unable to predict such an ability in such a weak body.
It must be understood. The abilities pertaining to Gravity, was a technique to amplify the gravity of the planets core within an area to place a force on the opposing enemies body, or area depending on the controller. Not just that though, with gravity techniques the planets natural laws would only be amplified. The direction of the pull would be just down.
However, Planetary Pull, was the cultivators own Dantian (core) acting as the planet. The Planetary pull could be controlled to push, pull and change the ripples of the pull according to the wishes of the master of the Dantian!
Such a rare ability, within such a weak body! For it to be found within Wenrou’s body was what was the scariest of all!
“Leiming! Retract the lightning quickly!” Chihong’s voice was extremely concerned. The situation didn’t look right at all! What was going on; how did it end up like this?! Wasn’t this boy supposed to be a cultivator with a weak body! How is he able to exude such a pull!
“Chihong. This boy’s origins is deeper than I initially thought! His body has the innate ability; Planetary Pull! Don’t come any closer to us! I’m not able to control my element! Take to the skies and fight the lightning before it strikes down and burns the surface of this planet!” His voice filled with severe pain!
“For me having to fight your lightning will be something fun, at least that is the only thing fun about you!” Chihong sounding as if she had forgotten all about Wenrou’s situation, looked straight at the dark clouds with Lightning brewing within! From the bottom the lighting was one giant serpent. Occasionally a scaled body would drift out of the clouds, next the tail of the lighting would slither out!
The lighting completely wrapped around the clouds, its body as giant as half the planet completely domineering in the sky!
Chihong’s body slowly glowing with a blood-soaked glow. Her body, adorned by the bloody glow, her hair pulsating with a crimson glow. She looked directly up, eyeing the giant serpent in the clouds, there wasn’t a sliver of fear, only joy!
She stood still, looking back down at Leiming and the boy once more, her gaze returned to the serpent! Her body exploded with immense pressure! The air buffeted, the surrounding atmosphere changing immediately within five miles radius!
A formless fiery cape emerged out of nowhere, the cape was astonishing though! It had ball shapes that resembled miniature suns from her shoulder to the ground giving her an air of supreme might and destruction!
The moment the formless cape was completed, the surrounding trees, the ground looked notably dehydrated. The cracking sounds of dry earth splitting and churning, the trees cracking as the bark dried up extremely fast!
The air turning hot, and heavy. It was akin to a mini sun pulsating on the surface of the earth.
Chihong’s body dropped slightly into a kneeling position, her hands curled into fists as it pointed towards the ground. Two flame blades appeared on the end of her fists, immediately began to enlarge! Her body launched of the ground with such velocity, the soles of her feet had hell fire erupting as well! Instantly blowing the ground away, the ground left ablaze the trees singed black, began to melt from the immense heat!
From the ground, all that could be seen was a glowing red sea envelope the ground, and then transform into a scorching meteor as it exploded into the clouds above!
“Damnit! I can’t stop the lightning at all! It won’t listen to me!” Leiming was in dire straits, the day he completely integrated with this Lightning was the day it became one with him, nothing felt like it could separate him and his lightning! However, today this lighting was being drawn out of him, inch by inch!
The lightning forked, and even though at first it was unwilling to part with Leiming! It grew closer to Wenrou, the closer it got the greater the force expanded. Soon it wanted to be pulled into his Dantian!
Wenrou woke up slightly. Looking around, only to notice the area was still slightly dark, but above him a faint blue light flickered constantly. Unsure about what was going on, he could only look around. He noticed an illuminating glow was around his area allowing him to see a fraction into the abyss.
Helplessly looking around he couldn’t see where it was coming from, the light illuminating the surrounding area didn’t have a source. He looked down at his own hands, both his arms in front of him.
“I’m on fire!?” To his shock, his body was completely enveloped in this white flame, wisps of flame fled his body from his back as the flame burned from the front of his chest. However, it wasn’t dark like his Dantian but pure white.
“Wenrouuuuuuuu~, wenrouwenrouwenrouwenrou~...” a sinister voice came out from within the abyss.
“That is burning Qi, hehehe how dumb must you be to not know that, that of all things!” the voice continued.
“Whose there?” Wenrou replied unceremoniously.
“You. Who else. This is your Dantian you idiot. Other than you who else could be here?” The voice exuded a sinister aura with each word.
“Ah. Somebody else will soon arrive though, hehehehe. A new toy for me, after sleeping for so long, I’m going to get such a nice toy... hehehe I like toysss~ toytoytoytoytoy! Such a bright toy as well! ~”
“Do you like toys as well Wenrou~?????” The voice maintaining its anonymity, lurking in the abyss.
“If this is my Dantian, why are you here?” Wenrou’s thoughts where in a confused state right now. Unable to process everything, he was burning Qi? His body didn’t have Qi, yet alone to burn Qi! How did he end up in his Dantian? Actually what is a Dantian!?
Thoughts kept flooding Wenrou’s mind, the more he thought the more questions he had to ask!
“O’ boy... such dull questions, why are you so dull Wenrou~? You are so naïve, stupid and dull! Dulldulldulldull! ~”
“This is my Dantian as well! My house! My world! My planet! My cave! My place of entertainment! ~” The voice sounded depraved and excited towards the end, a mouthful of saliva could be heard as he reached the end!
“Enough of the games. Show yourself” Wenrou angered by the continuous action and way of speaking the other person kept displaying, a tinge of discontent in his voice could be picked up.
“ooo, we have such a rock hard boy now that he has Qi, he thinks he can boss people about? Okay, Mr Boss as you wish!”
“What the hell are you?” Wenrou, now able to see this form emerge from the abyssal darkness, couldn’t hold his confusion in!
A male that looked exactly like Wenrou stepped out of the abyssal waters, adorned in a black flame as it wisped and fled his body just like Wenrou. However, this Wenrou was pointing up as he walked out. His stance relaxed, and comfortable his gaze didn’t even look at Wenrou but rather up!
Wenrou, out of curiosity looked up, as he did the top of the black waters had a crack inside it, and what seemed like a raging bright dragon was smashing into it continuously!
First ram.
Second ram.
Third ram.
Fourth ram, accompanied by a colossal smashing as if planets are exploding the seemingly invisible barrier broke, in came a blindingly bright light which immediately compressed flying towards the Dark Wenrou!
Sucking in the lightning into his mouth with a single gulp. Dark Wenrou, looked back up, which a black serpent coiled around his body with his head sitting on his right shoulder.
“You see our new toy? Isn’t he cute? What do you think? Oh, never mind of course you like it! You are me and I am you, we like the same things! I almost became you a moment ago, asking stupid questions just like you heheheeheeHAHAHAHAHA!”
Wenrou, looking at the lighting fork around his body, it was similar to the one on the Dark Wenrou. Although they looked similar, they had different colors. Wenrou’s looked like a black serpent, with a black outline and silvery blue inside.
“wenrouuuu~ why are you distracted! You silly boy!” When the sinister ended, his body distorted, and he appeared before Wenrou, both flames clashed in the water, trying to burn each other out.
However, Wenrou was unexpected, and he wasn’t prepared nor did he have the training to fight this fiend!
With the unexpected maneuver, Dark Wenrou’s palm flew out grabbing Wenrou by the neck! Grasping tightly he whispered “Don’t worry. The outside world is borrrriiiinnnggg~. All I want is to watch that lady in red, and meet your new daddy! Stop trying to hog all the time outside! A suave guy like me needs to take a trip now and then, instead of staying cooped in here! Right baby black right? Letmeplayletmeplayletmeplay as well~ hihihihihihiihihi” A joyous laughter rang out, as the serpent on Dark Wenrou’s shoulders mouth slowly opened, enlarging, then directly launched at Wenrou! Eating him in one whole!
“The lighting hasn’t all left!” Leiming still unable to release from the pull, he could only think of releasing the full force of the Divine Serpent locked within his body! Although, he felt like this he didn’t have enough time as a dark liquid came bubbling out of Wenrou’s pores around his abdomen, and igniting into a black flame!
The lightning within Leiming’s body uncontrollably erupted, a pillar of lightning white erupted within a brief moment rising from his body to the heavens, breaking through the atmosphere of the planet!
“Fuck this flame! How can it be so domineering?” Leiming jumped back out, the pull had come to an abrupt end, just as he was thinking about releasing the full force of the divine serpent he released a sigh of relief as he didn’t have to.
With the release, and the kick of distancing himself from a danger zone around Wenrou, dust was kicked up as the black flame immediately began to burn the surrounding environment, burnt pieces of ground and bark added to the dust cloud transformed it into a black mist, which slowly enveloped the area.
“ack” as the black invaded Lieming’s body he felt a quenching pain, move from his palms to his torso! He involuntarily shot a mouthful of blood, as he fell to his knees.
“tsk, tsk”
“You can’t fully control this baby serpent?” A sinister voice, accompanied by a dark silhouette within the dust cloud sounded out.
Leiming still injured, alongside the sudden eruption of the lightning from his body caused a humongous backlash! Took all of his might to reply “Whose there? Is that you Wenrou!?”
- In Serial9 Chapters
Grey Worlds
A mysterious incident occurred on a otherwise normal science centered world where all of the children from the age range of eight to sixteen suddenly vanished. “Where have their kids gone and will they ever return?” The now childless parents never got to really ask that question, because a strange new element replaced their lost children. This element slowly mutated the various animals that they once ruled over with their technology to the point that they were immune to their modern weaponry. The barren land of savages on a continent far away from theirs also had their children taken, but they easily mutated just like the beasts and only grew stronger thanks to the incident. A revolution of animals eventually took place after the mutations started to cause the animals to understand just how badly the humans ruined their lives and planet. Humans were the slowest to figure out how to use this strange new element to evolve, while their opponents were evolving and growing stronger by the day they couldn’t even surpass their modern technology. When humanity was on the brink of extinction a long forgotten event finally ended and their children finally started to return from the various worlds they were summoned to! It turns out that the mysterious new element that they didn’t know what to call was mana and that it’s everywhere in some fantasy planets. The children brought back a increase in technology and techniques to grow stronger with, which caused the humans to finally be able to build safe havens for their race. They grew stronger and started to finally adapt to their brand new environment. This is the story of a orphan who was taken away from his world, before he could gain a sense of attachment to the world. Who only has his older sister to care about and how he ends up adapting to the new world in front of him.------------------Dog notes by doggo First 'five' chapters aren't what the story is really about and is more of a prologue. The reason why some are separated into parts is because Doggo originally posted them as a entire chapter. The main setting is Ghost's actual world and not any foreign world. So this story was already posted once to another site or this site three years ago… and Dog is finally ending that three year hiatus! The explanation on why Dog was on a three year hiatus would of been written in the review section, but rrl doesn't allow self reviews. I'd have to create a alt just to self review which they obviously don't want even tho I'd not give myself any stars so its going to be here instead. The update schedule is a chapter a week till Dog get a editor and then two chapters a week till Dog gets enough money to pay for Dog’s bills. The final goal is to release a chapter every other day. Dog writes 4k word chapters so they are about twice as long as some of the other authors so every other day is actually more like once a day. ------------------- The part that was supposed to be the 'review' which Dog wont bother editing out repeat infomation since it wasn't supposed to go here in the first place. The first thing Dog will go over is what changed for the first 5 chapters, so that anyone who still remembers Dog's little novel and wants to continue from where Dog originally left off can decide whether or not to reread it. Also Dog is moving over to qidan simply because dog like the app they have. Dog won't go premium even if Qidan tells dog to and will simply move back to royalroad or create a blog.The things that changed over the years are mainly two important things. The first is that Dog changed the first person point of view to a third person, because Dog read a really bad first person novel and it reminded dog of dogs own novel. Dog also changed the thoughts of the character to be - - instead of italics. Finally dog changed chapter 3 completely to make the mc not seem like a homicidal maniac and introduced a important character in chapter 3.What happened to do in the three years that dog was away? Was dog at college and now needs money to eat? Was dog off in space after successfully becoming a astronaut and has now returned home with a completed novel or two? The answer is actually quite plain dog graduated from highschool and was supposed to only spend a year at dogs owners house to choose what major dog wanted to go to college for.Dog didn't do that and is still stuck with dogs owners and is sick of being a neet. Dog wants to move and buy doggy food, but dog is antisocial and doesn't want to work a simple 9 to 5 job for the rest of dogs life. Dog is a reader before dog is a author and the reason why dog got into writing was because dog wanted to write a novel without all the things dog finds annoying. Dog spent the first year reading various novels and dropping various novels. Dog is all caught up and has to much free time on dogs paws. The first year that Dog took off was the very same year that qidan came out so dog was naturally overloaded with free chapters. But now that pemium exists dog naturally has to limit the amount dog can read. Dog is addicted to reading like my very own readers and can understand your frustrations for dog disappearing for 3 years.Dog decided that dog will go back to writing 2 years ago. Dog wanted a decent stockpile incase dog has any other emergency so dog didn't post for a year but then dog decided to change the point of view which took another year.Dog has a patreon page https://www.patreon.com/mclaindog but there isn't any tiers there or goals till dog gets a editor. My final goal is to release a chapter every other day, but as long as Dog gets a editor Dog will do two free chapters a week.Dog will probably also make a kofi for anyone who just wants to send dog a tip and can't afford to donate money monthly while maybe having bonus chapters if the tip jar gets filled.
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