《Thundering Dragon》Chapter 10: Senior Laohu


Thundering Dragon

Chapter 10: Senior Laohu

The mysterious man holding Ra’win, just gave a cold “humph” at the end, continued arrogantly “looking at how ugly you are, your mother is probably no better off.”

After saying that, he just let go. Ra’win fell to the ground like a deflated ball. His people, scared to offend ths mysterious expert the three of them continued to quietly hover in the background trying to conceal their figures as much as possible. The man just looked at them and nodded, signalling them to come pick him up and leave.

The three lads moved in a weary fashion, they clearly saw how much Ra’wins face had changed. How would Ra’win explain to his parents how his face came to be? Three additional melons had spontaneously grew on his face. The sight shocked them to the core, they couldn’t look this mysterious figure directly in the eyes, and right now he looked like a devil to them!

An awkward air began to linger, as Ra’wins deflated body was being carried off. Nobody could really say anything, or do anything not even the mysterious man. It was like a Mexican stand of, Wenrou on the ground, Ri and Baohu on the cart exchanging gaze for gaze with the mysterious man. However, as much as Ri wanted to look him the eye, she was unable to as some sort of pain would seep into her eyes every time she tried, her eyes felt a slight strain accumulate the longer she stared at this man’s eyes, eventually she gave up. Unable to penetrate through this technique, she could only give up.

The man was eyeing Ri with dissatisfaction. He was thinking in his head, whilst heaving a sigh “Already a young lady, 16 years of age and potential almost limited. I don’t see great growth in her legs, and upper chest. Her facial features just barely pass. Not good enough for the Harem!”

He said it like, “the Harem” was the only Harem viable to be officially classed as a Harem. The man gave a snort, when he thought about this planet and all the low quality females.

Ri felt unpleasant with his action, and had a crumpled face while looking at him. Baohu could only think how unruly Ri is.

This was her character, which would make him also admire her in his heart.

Mysterious expert looked a little annoyed and dejected, as he was about to walk away when his body in motion came to a halt. He wasn’t concentrating particularly on Wenrou, but he noticed the boy had moved to his knees and had his eyes glued on him.

He looked over, with it moved a fierce gaze able to carry a gale wind, penetrating deep into Wenrous mind sending him reeling. But to his shock, he regained his balance and continued to look directly at this mysterious man’s eyes!


He looked a little surprised and amused. “His willpower is astonishing...”

He looked like a hidden expert underneath the bamboo hat, couple with his black robes. Wenrou could only have respect in his heart. “This man he is special!” is all Wenrou could think, unwilling to waste a second! He would imprint this man in his heart.

Somebody strong enough to protect the weak, this to Wenrou was already the most amazing person.

The longer Wenrou looked at him, the more strain was accumulating and very quickly his vision became blurry and darkened slightly. However, he was unwilling to remove this man from his gaze.

Suddenly his vision went blank, an abyss of darkness followed by the feeling of a palm covering his eyes.

He could feel somebody blocking his vision, knowing it wasn’t Baohu’s wrinkly old man hands, or Ri’s young soft skinned hands, the more he thought the more his heart began to race, he knew… it could only be the mysterious man!

His heart was pounding so loud it was about to fly out of his chest! His breathing became extremely ragged almost in sync with his heart beats, his mouth dry as desert. He was scared to swallow the saliva building in his mouth.

Ri looked unsightly thinking quietly in her head “is he going to hurt Wenrou?” clenching her firsts as she thought of the possibilities of what the man of such calibre could do to somebody like Wenrou.

Her Qi was circulating from her abdomen, silently moving towards her legs, passing through her blood stream and seeping in to her feet’s sole and bones, preparing to rush to Wenrous aid if the situation turned grim.

Baohu, of to the side had a sensitive aura. Ri being in the beginner stages wasn’t able to contain her Qi and some lingered around her which startling him awake. He could only laugh, this young lady didn’t think things through. He just tapped Ri on the back and quietly said “If he wanted to hurt Wenrou, from that distance even if, I myself moved Wenrou would be dead. Don’t worry Ri, This man is no threat. If Wenrou continued to look at him, his eyes would eventually darken and he would be forever blind in grimacing pain as the technique this man is utilising is Bu Zhide.

Baohu continued, taking this as an opportunity to teach Ri “the longer one maintained visual contact with the other party, Qi would eventually seep into your eyes. This Qi would then solidify into small drops of substance that has sharp properties similar to that of brittle metal that would sit inside your eyes for an eternity. Even though this technique is made to inflict damage upon the enemy nobody would be able to endure that acute pain in their eyes The man is protecting Wenrou, not harming him.”


Ri felt a little satisfied, and now looked curiously at this expert. Now that Wenrou is not in any danger she wanted to know more.

She looked at her grandpa with a sweet girl attitude and asked extremely politely, “How does one counter this technique? Even I am unable to look that man for more than a few mere breaths.. so how is Wenrou able to look for so long?”

Her question changed to another question, as she thought about how long Wenrou was able to keep staring at this expert in the eyes. Baohu knew the only way to ever calm Ri was to show her a new technique, or to tell her about fascinating Qi battles between man and beast. She was just like a child in this regard, making him remember somebody which put a giant smile on his face.

The more Baohu smiles the higher up his prickly mustache would rise giving, making his smile seem extremely malicious if one never knew this man they would be quick to judge him as a villain.

He just continued by slapping below Ris bum, making her legs collapse and her bum landing on the cart. She didn’t even care about her grandpa’s actions, but was just too damn curious about the technique! “The only way to counter a technique as such, is to setup a Domain, or to protect your eyes with Qi. His technique is an old technique, passed down from emperor to emperor. From sect master to sect master. It is a technique that wastes Qi and was used by royalty to stop the masses of common folk looking them directly in the eyes. As for Wenrou, that boy has willpower to continue looking him directly in the eyes”

Baohu just looked over, seeing Ri listening so intently gave him an aura of profundity he could teach kids about Qi Techniques all day long. Talking about the subject would fill him with great pleasure, and then he would feed them his delicious cooking. To him this was a dream, if he could make Ri listen so well, he could make anybody listen! He would heckle and slap his knee when he thought like this, it was truly too amusing to him!

However, he would easily scare the children to death before they could learn about Qi every time he smiled.

As soon as both granddaughter and grandfather started to talk about Qi and Abilities it was like they entered their own little world. They forgot that nearly mere moments ago Wenrou almost became blind.


The man covering Wenrous eyes looked slightly annoyed to have helped him. “Who are you?” he asked.

To which Wenrou replied quietly “Wenrou greets senior” while he cupped his hands. He knew to be respectful towards this man, he had stopped Ra’win from beating him up.

“Why didn’t you fight back? Why did you resign yourself to defeat so early?” His question was not about humiliating Wenrou, but Wenrou couldn’t help feel angry at the question.

Wenrou just worded out emotionlessly “I have no Qi to fight back. My body is a degenerate’s body, if I had the power…”

Wenrous palm had moved next to his knees, his palms flat on the ground with each word his palm got tighter till his hand was in a fist that dug into the soil.

“If I had the power. I would never shirk away, I would never resign myself to a dogs beating. I would instead stand up for myself!” His voice growing louder and louder, more assure of himself!

The man couldn’t see past his palm to look at Wenrous eyes, but he could tell this kid had been through a lot. This was the first time he sore somebody without the ability to draw in Qi, nor manipulate the essence of the world.

Wenrou couldn’t help taking the initiative, even if it meant to be rude! He asked before too long had passed “What is seniors name if I may ask?”

“Laohu”… “Leiming Laohu” he replied softly. Leiming closed his eyes for a moment, as he began to open his eyes, he also removed his palm from covering Wenrous vision. However, unlike before Wenrou didn’t feel any pain looking at this man’s eyes.

Staring into his eyes, his eyes were cold and detached and gave the feeling of immense power. Wenrou had only envy in his heart. If only he could be given the chance to be like him he would take it!

Leiming had been crouched in front of Wenrou for far too long. He now swiftly got up, positioning his bamboo hat to cover more than half his features again, he prepared to set off. However, before he began to walk, Wenrou jumped up and shot past him!

Leiming looked slightly annoyed again, looking at Wenrou kneeling in front of him. This is what happens when he saves retarded kids, they wish to follow him and praise him, and flatter him and ask him, to go and save their beloved family or mother from their wicked father. Sometimes it would be bring their mothers who ran away back home.

He just snorted, and began to move away from Wenrou. Again! Wenrou moved again this time kneeling even more, his head digging into the ground trying to show this man utmost respect. He shouted “Senior Laohu!”

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