《Afterlife Quest: Theodore Saga》Book 3: Chapter 12 - A Mutiny


I asked Hubert to help me look at maps for a while in my captain's quarters to try and figure out where he needed to go and also where Sharkfin Island may be. I grabbed him off of Shelldon and set him on the large wooden desk where I had a large map that had all of the islands that I knew about on it. Shelldon decided to run around outside instead of being confined in the not overly large room.

"I know you said that you don't know which island is Sharkfin but maybe you could tell me what you remember of these other islands. That way we can at least skip a few based on the process of elimination," I said as I sat down at the desk.

"I don't know if that will work as I haven't sailed these waters for hundreds if not thousands of years. They could all be completely different and some may be settled that were completely deserted," said the chattering skull.

I focused on the chattering as he spoke and realized how annoying it was getting. I felt myself getting angrier as he spoke.

"How is that helpful at all? Why are you even here if you can't help?" I asked in aggravation.

"Listen, meatbag. You chose to bring me here. It isn't like I walked aboard. You're the one that said you'd put me to rest and I don't see that being high on your priority list! It seems to me that I'm the one getting the short stick in this arrangement. You're using me not the other way around," he responded exasperatedly.

"Just let me look at these maps, bonehead. If an actual helpful thought comes to mind you can clack them out at me," I said indignantly. Deep down I knew there was truth in what he said. Was I using him? I haven't even asked him where I needed to drop him. I felt bad but was too stubborn to change course.

I fell asleep knowing I was wrong but being too upset to do anything about it.

"Mwah ha ha ha ha!" Hubert guffawed in an overly evil way.

My head shot up from the desk with a small piece of map paper still clinging on. I quickly grabbed it off of my forehead and saw two shadowy figures just inside the door.

At my sudden movement, they jolted toward me with cutlasses drawn. Once my eyes adjusted from waking up I could see clearly that they had murder in mind.

I pulled a cutlass from my inventory into each of my now outstretched hands and was able to deflect both of the incoming blades.

I lept over the desk and slashed at both men as I landed between them. One of my blades cut through the air while the other found its mark. I used the momentum that was already in the blade that missed and continued the arc into the man that was hit.

The slash was enough to put him down. I spun to the other man who was already readying another swing and popped my swords into my inventory replacing them with the ogre club. In one swift motion the club, which had greater reach than his cutlass, made solid contact with the unfortunate man's midsection.


My brawn was doubled with the magical ogre club and was currently at a whopping thirty points. The human torpedo went flying and the only thud that was louder than the sound of the club hitting the would-be assassin was the thud that reverberated through the ship as he hit the wall.

Level up! You are now level 15.

He was dead. Had I intentionally not put the sleepytime sleeve on? It would've been smarter to put him to sleep, tie him up, and interrogate him, but that was no longer an option.

I looked over at the skull that was still sitting on the desk where I had sat him.

"Thank you. You saved my life," I said feeling the shame of the previous night's foolishness. My head drooped as I remembered what I had said to him.

"Where am I going to find another idiot to put my bones to rest?" He asked.

"I'm sorry," I said still thinking about how I'd used him and was rude to him and he had still chosen to save my life. "You are my next priority. I'm sorry I didn't do it sooner."

"If you had done it sooner then you'd be dead right now," he responded. I hadn't thought about it that way. I guess everything does happen for a reason.

"That's true. Maybe I should just keep you around to watch my back when I sleep," I said obviously joking.

"If you don't think I wouldn't wait until after the next ones killed you to laugh evilly then you have a thicker skull than I do," he said truthfully. I had no doubt in my mind he was telling the truth.

"Wait. Next ones? You think there are more people on board who would want to kill me?" I asked.

"Maybe," he responded unhelpfully.

I heard a knock on the door and before I could answer a concerned Barry stepped in.

"You okay?" He asked as he saw the two bodies in the room with me. "What happened?"

"These two snuck in here with the intention of killing me and Hubert woke me up before they could," I said as I pointed at the two assailants. "I want to know if there are any more people thinking about trying something."

Barry nodded and grew more serious.

"I'll gather the crew," said Barry.

We walked out onto the main deck and Barry gathered everyone aboard. They stood looking at me and most appeared to be confused as to why we were gathering in the early hours of the morning.

"Wait a minute," I said as I turned to walk back into the captain's quarters. I continued speaking as I walked in. "I don't think everyone is present."

A moment later the two bodies of the men who had tried to kill me flew out of the doorway one after the other. They landed awkwardly in the midst of the crew. I looted them when I picked them up but didn't find anything incriminating.

"These two tried to kill me just now. Unluckily for them, I have magical awareness of my surroundings even when I sleep," I said as I walked back out and hoped they would buy that bologna. I absolutely wasn't going to tell them that I got lucky and the evil skull decided to warn me.


As I thought about it I smiled because I had a realization that most likely Hubert only warned me because then he could see two humans die instead of just one. I'd have to ask him later to see if my theory was correct.

"Is anyone else planning a mutiny?" I asked looking around. I saw quite a few bewildered faces until my eyes met Barry's. He looked like he was mouthing something. Then, I realized what he was trying to get across. I repeated the main points of what I had said but used a pirate accent this time and slaughtered grammar as I became hostile.

I grabbed a random unfortunate sailor and lifted him over my head with both hands. I play-acted as if I would be tossing him overboard but had no intention to follow through.

"Do ye be wanting to kill yer cap'n?" I asked the obviously frightened man.

"No cap'n. I wants t' see the pirate lords dance the hempen jig jus' like ye do," he said. He was stiff as a board and probably scared half to death of me accidentally dropping him. I set him down and realized who I had picked up. It was a sailor named Charles who had always been kind to me even before I had become captain. I tried to calm myself a little and straightened out his clothes where my grip had ruffled them.

"Sorry, Charles. I didn' realize 'twas ye," I tried to look as apologetic as I felt terrible. When I looked at his face again his normal, kind visage was replaced with one of terror. At this rate, the ones that don't want me dead might change their minds.

"Ye be all dismissed but look at these scallywags 'n remember wha' happens t' traitors," I shouted as I pointed at the dead men. I went back to my quarters motioning for Barry to join me. He walked in after me and shut the door.

"What was that all about? Charles is the nicest person on this ship and is a friend to all," Barry said with a bit of heat tinging the words.

"It was an accident. I was just so upset about those men attacking me and I didn't even realize who I had picked up until it was too late," I said glumly.

"I've noticed you have had similar outbursts and it seems like it isn't getting much better even as your plan to gather more sailors to fight with you has been fairly successful. Most of the time they aren't even directed at the person responsible for the situation. Why not focus your feelings on the person responsible?" Asked Barry. His expression had quickly gone from disappointed dad to concerned friend.

"I don't even know where it is all coming from, Barry. I always feel bad right after I go ballistic, but that does nothing to stop it from happening again," I responded.

"Well, I would figure it out if you don't want to end up just like the power-hungry, self-centered pirate leaders that we are trying to defeat." Barry paused for a moment but I didn't respond right away. I knew he was right. I didn't want to let the rage win. I needed to slow down and figure this out. I'd been taking all my anger out on scapegoats. Then I thought about what I had done to Mae.

I still hadn't spoken and I think Barry just figured I was thinking things through so he left the room closing the door behind him. Almost immediately after the door closed I heard a voice behind me that startled me. I turned and saw the skull on the table laughing at the scare.

"Mwah ha ha ha ha ha," laughed Hubert evilly. "Yes, come to the dim side. Let the dislike flow through you."

"Saying the 'dim' side makes it sound like you are on the unintelligent side. Where do I need to drop you off?" I asked. It only took a moment for him to help me mark the coordinates on the map. I picked up the skull and walked him to the door. As I opened it and called for Shelldon, the unnaturally fast turtle was standing in front of me before the door had opened fully. I reattached Hubert and sent him on his way.

Next, I called all of the rats on board and they gathered before me over the next couple of minutes.

"I need you to be my eyes and ears. Please let me know if you hear any of the people on board talk about a mutiny or killing me. If you bring me a tip and I can verify it I will give you extra food," I said to the gathered pack of rats. As I finished speaking I threw out some food for them. I had no idea if they understood what I was asking but it made me feel mildly better. "Also, do any of you want to come to sleep in my quarters and take shifts on guard duty?"

I waved another piece of hardtack and a half dozen of them stepped forward.

"Wake me up if someone enters my room while I am sleeping," I said to the rat guards.

Returning to my quarters and sitting on my bed the six rats dutifully followed me and took up a position where they could see the door.

That seemingly in order, I knew what I had to do next. It may not be the most comfortable conversation, but I knew it had to happen now. I needed my little flying alarm clock back and I had some questions that needed to be answered. Hopefully, she will forgive me and guide me through this anger issue.

"Mae?" I called out her name somewhat quietly at first. Nothing. I said it a few more times getting as loud as I dared on the ship full of sleeping pirates that I had already woken up once. I lay down and said it a few more times with no response. I fell asleep fearing that I'd screwed up irrevocably.

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