《Afterlife Quest: Theodore Saga》Book 2: Chapter 25 - That Talk


Jen was already heading over as I turned to check on Barry. I ran over to him and used some more healing magic on him. He was still knocked out but I guess that is what a sneak attack lightning bolt can do. I couldn't wake him so I just let him rest. When Jen came over we picked him up and placed him on a mattress to double his natural healing abilities.

Jen and I then worked our way down to the basement of the center building where we thought her parents should be. Her mom was there in the same cell as before and not looking like she was in good shape so I used some healing magic on her as well. She was strong enough to get up and recognized Jen.

"Jen!" she said with tears rolling down her cheeks. "What are you doing in this wretched place?"

"We're here to rescue you and dad. We're going to get you back home," Jen said holding her mother's hand through the bars.

I used my unfastening spell until the door opened. Mother and daughter embraced as both cried and smiled more.

"Where's Roderic?" I asked the woman hoping that she would know.

"Here I am." The words came from behind us. It was the same deep and authoritative voice and was easily recognizable.

I was so excited that I could finally finish all of my open quests.

"Roderic, after you catch up with your daughter I have some very important things to discuss with you about Bettyford," I said to the man who was already hugging Jen and his wife by the time I had finished my sentence. "I'll go check on Barry, do some light corpse-looting, and then come back here."

Quest completed!

Return Jen to her parents unharmed.

Reward: 2,500 XP, gift from her parents

I could've sworn I heard Roderic whisper to Jen, "Your friend is strange." I wasn't sure so I just left to check on Barry. I felt good about the completed quest and just moved on.

I came out of the front door and saw him sitting up on the mattress looking confused. He turned after seeing movement in his peripheral vision and saw me standing there.

"What happened?" He asked as he shakily got to his feet.

I grabbed the mattress off the ground and explained, "You got hit with a sneak attack Lightning Bolt spell. Jen and I moved you onto the mattress so you would recover faster. We won, buddy. Edrus is dead."

He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug. "Wait, where's Jen? Is she okay?"


"Jen is great. She is downstairs in that center building with her mom and dad. She is safe and sound," I said instinctively pointing over to the building I had referenced. "Want to help me look for loot?"

We spent the next fifteen or so minutes loading up on loot. Barry carried all of the bodies to one spot in the garden area including Edrus's while I went through all three buildings putting literally everything I could pick up into my dimensional space. Beds, dressers, desks, tables, chairs, and anything else I could get my grubby little paws on. Besides furniture, I was able to find a non-literal ton of the gold coins, some HP potions, some spare clothing, armor, and weapons.

I came outside and started looting the bodies of the small army of men that the rats had decimated. I chose not to count them but it had to be nearly three dozen bodies. I felt a little bad but figured that these were all people that made a choice to hurt people on Edrus's orders and I was therefore justified in my actions. That explanation held up as long as I didn't think about it too much.

By the end of the lootapalooza I had dozens of clubs, bows, bundles of arrows, and sets of mostly leather armor from everyone except for Edrus and his two main bodyguards. All of those items were common quality and I had a lot of arrows to fiddle around with modifying.

I saved the best for last and searched the two bodyguards next. They each had a fancy-looking knife that was unlike any other that I had picked up before.

Dazzling Throwing Knife (Rare) x2

This knife was designed with throwing in mind. It has superficial decorations adorning it that serve no practical purpose.

They also each had two Greater Healing potions and two Scrolls of Greater Healing. It made sense for his bodyguards to be able to provide him a lot of healing in a pinch, but it didn't do him any good in this particular fight. Being able to quickly heal fifty HP made me feel a little bit better about my future battles.

Finally, I searched Edrus and learned the secret to his success. The only item he had on him was an amulet. I read its description before equipping it myself. I didn't think it would be a bad thing as long as the person wearing it had good intentions.

Amulet of the Silver Tongue

The wearer of this amulet is more likely to be believed while in conversation with others.

It is okay to be extra believable if you are telling the truth in the first place, right? I didn't spend too much time thinking about it. I knew that I wouldn't be taking over any cities any time soon.


"Ready to go find Jen and her parents?" I asked Barry who quickly nodded his head in the affirmative. I think he was ready to get out of this place either because he had been knocked out or because it was recently flooded with rats. We went back to find Jen and her parents coming out of the basement.

"I'm ready for that talk," Roderic said motioning me over. I didn't want to hang around too long what with all the bodies so I suggested we get to the inn where we would be safe to rest until we headed back to Bettyford. Everyone was agreeable to the idea so we headed out.

Once we got to the inn Roderic and I went up to the room and everyone else stayed in the main eating area and had some late morning breakfast stew.

"First, I have two things to give you," I said as I handed him the letter from Shamus and the mayoral ring. "Bettyford needs you and I believe that you could also help Roseglen and Wolfhill in the process."

He nodded and started to read the letter from Shamus. His face was serious as he took in the details. I hadn't read the letter, but based on what Shamus had told me, it was a plea for help. Roseglen needed people and supplies.

"I will become the leader of Bettyford. Before we head back, I need to talk with the leaders of Wolfhill and I'd like you to come with me." He placed the mayoral ring on his finger and I had multiple completed quest notifications.

Quest completed!

Deliver Shamus' letter to the leader of Bettyford.

Reward: 1,000 XP

Quest completed!

Either defeat the crooked town leaders or bring back Jen's father, Roderick. The mayoral ring must be given to the new town leader to complete the quest

Reward: 2,500 XP

Quest completed!

Convince Roderic to be Bettyford's new mayor and give him the mayoral ring.

Reward: 5,000 XP

For whatever reason each of the quests completed when Roderic put on the ring. I guess when I had it on it didn't really count because it was an accident. I wasn't too worried about it. That was a good chunk of XP toward level fifteen.

"Is the plan to talk to town leaders in the morning?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me," he said. "Let's go spend some time with everyone and get some stew."

I agreed and we headed to join the rest of our party. The rest of the evening was spent retelling the story of the dragon attack, our Bettyford odyssey, and the assault on Edrus amongst other things. Jen's parents were amazed that we had been through so much in such a short period of time.

As we retired for the evening I set out mattresses for everyone and the last thing Jen's parents did before we all went to sleep was give me a hug and thank me for returning their little girl to them. It felt pretty good to have successfully completed those quests but the reuniting of a family was an even better feeling.

I woke up to Mae slapping me awake.

"Everyone is already eating breakfast," said Mae as she fluttered by my face.

"Who cares? I'm already at full health so I don't even feel hungry right now." I rubbed my eyes and sat up in bed. The morning sun was streaming into the room and I was the only person left.

"Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise," she said in response and seeming very proud of her borrowed wisdom. "I believe Ben Franklin said that."

"Does that still apply to dead people?" I said with some morning sass.

"Not currently," she said giving the sass right back. "Go join the others before you disappoint your ancestors." I walked out and sat with the rest of my group without any further prodding.

"Are you ready to head out to speak with Wolfhill's leaders? They all know me as I was their main contact for Edrus. They'll be glad that he is gone," Roderic said looking again like he was deep in thought. He was a very analytical man and I could see why he was such a great leader.

"I'm ready," I said standing up from my brief sit.

As we got up to leave, Barry looked at me checking to see if I wanted him to come along. I shook my head and waved him to stay. We stepped outside the door of the inn and into a beautiful, sunny day. All seemed right in this world and I started walking alongside the regal-looking man. He was a very intimidating man but it was oddly balanced through his wisdom and kindness. I looked forward to trying to glean wisdom from him.

The first words out of his mouth were so unexpected that I stopped walking for a second while my brain rebooted.

"What exactly is your relationship with my daughter?"

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