《Afterlife Quest: Theodore Saga》Book 2: Chapter 18 - A Plan


I cautiously popped my head out of a sewer grate after we had walked quite a ways in what I thought would be the direction of the Inn. It was like a slo-mo Whack-a-Mole game but luckily no one was there to whack. I had guessed more or less correctly and told Mina it was safe to exit.

We found ourselves standing on one of the main streets which I didn't recognize. I opened my map which showed us as being just North of the inn. It was better than I expected and we easily made it back to our room with no surprises.

As soon as I opened the door Mina pushed past me to get to Jen. They hugged and cried for an amount of time that would make anyone look at their watch without being judged. Barry and I didn't interrupt the weepy reunion and waited patiently for the ladies to talk to us.

Jen just thanked me for getting her mother out and asked for a quick recap. She was very gracious about me not being able to bring her father as well since he was the one that pushed us into the office and told us what to do.

Mina started explaining what had gotten them trapped in that place.

"Roderic had received a letter sealed from one of the leaders of Wolfhill that was an old friend of ours asking for help with a major issue in the city. He wrote that a man was consolidating power through blackmail, death threats, and bribes. This man named Edrus would soon have enough power behind him to run the city from the shadows or possibly full-on take the city over.

Your father had retired from the city guard and had mostly retired from assisting Bettyford's town mayor so he believed he could help. He also thought that if he didn't help no one would rise to the occasion. Since we had no other responsibilities in town, we answered the call.

When we arrived in town, it was already too late. Edrus had enough people on the take that he could get away with murder. Your father wouldn't back down and was insistent on an audience with the scum. Hearing your father's passion and obvious leadership capabilities, Edrus offered him a job. When your father refused, Edrus's goons took me hostage and threatened to kill me if your father didn't do everything he asked.


That's how it was until Theodore here found us in that dungeon. I can tell you right now that I will not leave this town without my husband. Edrus will pay for what he has done. We need a plan."

Jen stopped her mom from getting too fired up about the rescue mission. "Mother, there is no way you are going back to that compound. We will save father, but I must insist that you stay here."

Mina Laughed. "If you think I'm going to sit around while you go and risk your life, you're crazy. I am going and that is final. I will not leave my spouse behind!" She enunciated every word to let us hear how serious she was. Her last sentence stung as that was exactly what I was feeling I had done to Paige.

Jen and I glanced at each other as if looking for an argument that would work against the righteously angry woman. I couldn't think of any reason that would convince her so I did the only thing I could do. I shrugged.

Jen was in an equally untenable position and relented. "Okay, we need a plan."

"They are probably going to be expecting another night raid so maybe we should go super early in the morning in hopes to catch that rat off guard," said Mina. She seemed to have a lot of cute nicknames for Edrus, but it did spark an idea.

"I have a different plan," I said. I smiled as I thought through the details in my mind. I hadn't tried anything quite like this with my special ability, but the more I thought about it the more I like it and especially our chances of getting out of there alive. I explained the idea and they agreed it was worth a shot. We needed backup and I figured we could fight rats, with a greater number of rats.

They agreed to give me the day to gather the troops. I had already seen a few in the sewer service tunnels that we had been in and figured that if I started at first light there wouldn't be any of Edrus's men looking for us. I hoped that they would spend the evening chasing their tails and then my work would be starting when they were off to sleep. It was a risk, but the reward was greater.


The plan was to attack after sunset so I had time to sleep and then about fourteen hours to walk the city access tunnels, back alleys, and anywhere else I could find my furry friends. 'Operation: Rat Swarm' is a go. I just had to find the rats first.

We went to sleep. Mae woke me up early as I requested and got way too much enjoyment out of it. I spent all of the hours of daylight tracking down every rat I could find. I gave them each a chunk of bread that I had purchased in a bakery that we had passed the previous evening. I had bought all of their bread that was leftover from the previous day early this morning using the ten gold coins I had gotten in trading with the innkeeper. I told the rats to all attack the big building at the South end of town after the sun went down. They were asked to only attack anyone armed with clubs in that area with a reward promised of more bread. By the end of the day, I was unsure of how many rats I had asked to come to the fight and how many would actually show up. I could only hope it was enough to turn the odds in our favor.

Barry, Jen, Mina, and I met in the ruined buildings that surrounded the Southern estate and spoke as sunset approached.

"Remember, under no circumstances are any of you to use a club as a weapon," I said for the second or third time. I didn't want any misunderstandings that ended with one of my team members being eaten by rats.

"It is almost time, isn't it?" Barry said watching the waning light on the buildings around us.

"Yeah, buddy. Our animal friends should be on their way." I patted him on the shoulder to reassure him, but I wasn't sure it worked. We were going up against an unknown larger force and would need a lot of help and more than a little luck to be successful.

The light from the sunset faded completely and we continued to wait for our secret weapon.

After about fifteen minutes or so we began to hear a rumbling noise. It increased in volume and we even began to feel it. Suddenly thousands of rats came running through the ruined buildings toward the perimeter fence. As they passed by us harmlessly I learned something new about Barry. He was absolutely terrified of rats. He scrambled up to the second story of the ruined building we were in faster than I had ever seen him move.

"I'm sorry, boss," he said to me staring in absolute terror at the waves of brown and black-furred rats running by us.

"I'm not your boss, I'm your friend, and you can stay up there and be our lookout until the rats are gone. Don't worry about it. Plus if you are distracted by them you are more likely to get hurt and I don't want that." I gave him a thumbs up and a smile.

He smiled back then continued with his status quo of staring in horror at the rodents who may have been one of the best ideas I had ever had.

"We'll be fine," I said to the ladies that were still standing next to me on the ground level. "They must've brought friends cause there is no way I got to that many."

"This is amazing, Theodore," said Mina as the rats met the perimeter wall. They started building up in a massive undulating assembly of teeth, claws, and tails. As they amassed they inched closer to the top of the fence. Pretty soon they would be over it completely. I sent a Spell of Unfastening at the main gate and between the spell and the rats the gate fell inward toward the courtyard with a loud crash.

"Well, if they didn't hear the rats, they definitely heard that," Jen said unable to contain her joy in the moment. I couldn't blame her. I think we all felt that a swift victory was right around the corner.

"I hope Roderic doesn't try to use a club," said Mina with a sudden shift of mood.

"Me too," said Jen.

I couldn't speak because it was now all I could think about. Roderic, covered in biting rats, and wondering what the heck was going on.

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