《Afterlife Quest: Theodore Saga》Book 2: Chapter 17 - This Offer


I waited in the shop for about ten minutes then I checked out the front door. I didn't see anyone so I quickly went back over to the inn.

I walked into our room and sat on my bed not sure how to tell them what just happened. It was the scariest and weirdest job offer I had ever gotten.

"Is everything okay?" Jen asked noticing that something was off with me.

"I just met up with a couple of those mob guys. They said their boss wanted to offer me a job and then left when I said told them no," I said laying in my bed at this point and staring at the ceiling.

"You said no!" Jen said. "That was like a free pass into that compound."

I hadn't thought about it like that and was now second-guessing my decision. "More like a free pass to my death. There's no way he wasn't planning on killing me after I beat up his men."

"I guess we'll have to stick with the plan then," she said dismissively. "Wait they don't know we are here, right?"

"I don't think so. I was really careful on the way back," I said.

We rested until nightfall while discussing strategy some more. Without knowing the layout of the estate we could only try to figure out some situational strategies that were a bit more cut and paste. Barry suggested that we think about using the holding on to the flying axe move again and I politely told him that I never wanted to do that again if possible.

We quietly exited the inn and made our way along the inside edge of the town until we were close to the wall that separated Edrus's compound from the rest of town. Barry was able to lift us to the top of the wall one at a time. We then both helped him up to the top using the rope which I knew was a good item to have. You always need a rope for something.

The place was surprisingly quiet. Maybe this guy was so sure of his hold of the city that he didn't think he needed any guards. We waited for a while and watched just in case.

After about a half-hour of seeing nothing, we decided it was time to move. There were stairs leading down off of the wall on the inside edge which made it easier to descend than it was to ascend. There was a courtyard sprawling out in front of us and three buildings up against the back wall of the city. We saw the tops of the buildings before, but being able to see the whole picture with the beautiful courtyard was amazing. This guy had it made.

We walked over to the first building and peaked in a window. It was dark inside but based on what I could see with my special ability told me that this was a barracks of sorts for some of his men.


The second building was definitely where he slept based on the much nicer materials and design. This building was sandwiched between two identical buildings where his goons lived. I'd probably feel pretty safe in this place too.

I was sure which building Jen's parents might be in so I figured we would try to gain access and quietly explore the buildings. We thought that we'd start with the nice one in the middle since it didn't have all of the sleeping thugs in it. Hopefully, her parents would be inside.

I had the Spell of Unfastening which should work on locks but I wanted Jen and Barry to hang back a bit until I cleared the front and seemingly only point of entry. They stood back hidden behind the corner of the first building while I quite literally worked my magic. I stepped onto the nice wrap-around porch and approached the door.

I cast the Spell of Unfastening on the door lock and heard a click. I tried turning the handle but it was still locked. I cast the spell again and heard another click this one was followed by another click a little way down the door frame. I tried the knob and it still didn't open. I was a little frustrated but figured I would try again. At some point it had to work, right? I took a step back and cast the spell again. This time the click was followed by a few more clicks this time directly below me.

Before I could react, the porch floor opened beneath me and I fell down. I landed after a few seconds of falling and realized I was in a cell of some sort. I had been about to slow my descent enough to prevent damage but as I looked up for a way to exit I realized that the trap door had closed back up behind me.

Theodore: I'm fine. Fell into a cell. Sneak back to the inn. I will escape and meet you there and we will make a new plan.

Jen: There are guards looking around the porch area. I don't think they realized what happened. The trap door was closed up again by the time they arrived. Are you sure you don't want us to come for you?

Theodore: I'm the one with the unlocking magic. Trust me. I'll get out of here. I'll send you an update in a little while.

Jen: Okay, we better see you at the inn and don't take too long.

I scanned the room and saw a few other cells, although I couldn't see if they were occupied or not. A man poked his head out from around the corner right next to my cell door.

I jumped from the unexpected movement.

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you, but you have to be quiet," said the mystery man. His voice had strength behind it, but also a soothing calmness.

"Who are you?" I whispered.

"I'm Roderic," the man said coming fully into view. Although my vision wasn't perfect in the dark, I could tell that he had to be in his late forties or close to that based on the lines on his face. Based on the wrinkles he was a man that furrowed his brow often, but there was also a history of smiles there.


"Just the man I've been looking for," I said. "I brought your daughter to Wolfhill looking to reunite you.

"There are complications," he said as he started fiddling with the lock. "I can't get out of here to meet her just yet. We need to find a way to get you out of there first."

As he spoke I used the same spell that had kind of worked on the front porch. It had unlocked the trap door after all. I aimed it at the lock and the mechanism clicked.

He pulled at the door and it opened unhindered. He had to move it slowly and carefully to avoid the hinges making noise.

"How did you do that?" He said as he stared at the inside part of the locking mechanism for a few seconds. "I've been trying to learn to pick those locks for months."

"I know a spell for that," I answered nonchalantly. "Wait, why have you been trying to learn that?"

He waved me over to one of the other cells where a woman lay inside on the floor sleeping.

"They have my wife and have threatened to kill her if I don't do everything Edrus tells me to. We still have time tonight to make our escape." He turned and started explaining his plan doing a kind of focused pacing. "I figured out that there is an escape hatch upstairs in the main office. Once we are safely inside, we can lock it and escape through the service tunnels under the city. I don't know if she is well enough to travel so we may need to find a way to carry or heal Mina. The first step is you using your unlocking magic on that lock."

As he finished explaining the plan he turned to see me starting to carefully and quietly swing open the door to Mina's cell. I had already used my healing magic on her and magically released the door latch. He really was intelligent and thorough and I could see why Edrus and the residents of Bettyford would desire his talents.

Speechless he strode over to her and pulled her into his arms. It seemed like this was the first hug they had been able to share in a long time.

They turned to me and thanked me and then the three of us knew it was time to get out of here. I followed Mina, who was following Roderic, up and out of the dungeon area.

We made it to the door of the office and as we turned the knob and opened the door, light from a fire sparked to life.

We froze and turned our heads slowly toward the source of the light. We saw a man in a fancy robe sitting in an expensive chair. One of the two well-armored bodyguards had lit the kindling in the fireplace and the other stared us down.

Roderic kept the door to the office ajar and stepped in front of Mina and me.

"Edrus, something came up and we have to go see our daughter," said Roderic firmly.

"You will go nowhere until I inform you that your work is finished. Until then I suggest you escort Mina back to her living quarters," said Edrus with his very punchable face. I had never met the man, but somehow he was already worse than I had imagined.

"I refuse." Roderic stood up even taller somehow to assert his dominance. It didn't appear to phase Edrus and he ignored his response.

"Ah, you brought my new recruit. This young man has a great many desirable skills especially when you add home invasion and lockpicking into the mix. I will pay you whatever you like, but you must come work for me," he said still calmly sitting in his comfy chair.

"Never," I said. "I couldn't work for someone that doesn't care who he hurts to get what he wants." I could tell by his face that he hated being told no and it gave me a strange satisfaction to disappoint him.

"I won't ask again." He shifted in his chair. He seemed to be trying to control the rage that was building.

"Good. It is getting tiring, all this offer refusing."

He silently nodded his head at his lackeys and they started approaching us.

Roderic pushed us into the office and closed the door.

"Block the door! Quickly!" I could hear the sound of a struggle from the other side of the door. "Get Mina out of here! Now!" I was already starting to push a piece of heavy wood furniture over to block the door. I heard Edrus's voice outside the office door with more anger in it now.

"You're making a big mistake. Take my offer and get the woman back to her cell. This is your last chance," he said clearly enunciating like he was trying to push the words out with more power than before.

"No thank you," I shouted back. We headed down into the service tunnels and locked the hatch from our side. It wouldn't be easy to get open from the top.

"We need to get you back to the inn. Jen is waiting there and we can figure out our next steps." I pulled the woman behind me as I was the only one who could see down here as far as I knew.

"I will get my husband back and Edrus will pay for what he has done," said Mina. She had something in her voice that told me not to stand in her way.

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