《Legend Land: Tale of the Nameless God》Chapter 11.2: The Brig


There were a few close calls on our way to the interrogation room, but somehow, we weren't discovered. For what seems like the tenth time in as many minutes, I rotate my shoulder. I think after this, I'll need a deep massage, and a break. No more interrogations for a while.

While I stay crouched, Esilea stands on the other side of the door, satchel open and ready. She did a good job on my shoulder, I'll say that. Hopefully, she can do just as good a job helping me defeat Arboran. I swing the sword she pulled out for me loosely, getting a feel for the thin handle. Out of all the weapons she's encountered and stuffed in that magic bag, a kusarigama wasn't one of them. Apparently she didn't find it effective. Bitch, it's about style.

She holds up one hand and slowly counts down with her fingers. Three. Alright, we cleared the plan. This should be easy as long as we stick to the plan. Two. Let her take care of Arboran and I'll free Xian. One. Then, all three of us kick his purple ass. Go.

Esilea kicks the door down as she rolls a couple smoke bombs in. I dive over them as the smoke comes up, tossing Arboran across the room. I hear Esilea rush in, but I turn my attention to the still restrained pirate.

Loud battle noises erupt from behind me, the warrior and mage each fighting fiercely for their lives. Twenty seconds before the smoke dissipates and I become susceptible to his magic again. I think he needs to see his opponents. Work quick here, Namonai.

I take the lock-picks that Esilea gave me and get to work on Xian's handcuffs. She opens her mouth, but I shush her with a look. One wrist snaps free—fifteen seconds.


"Damn you!" Arboran screeches. A whirlwind of sparks and energy begin to build, the indigo mage the epicenter of their power. A second later, Esilea crashes into a wall behind me. I hang onto Xian to keep the both of us from being blown away by the outburst. As soon as it dissipates, I'm back to work, the next shackle popping free. Nine seconds.

I can faintly see Esilea through the dissipating smoke. She lets out a fierce battle cry as she charges toward Arboran at full speed. Xian's left ankle pops free, but the smoke's beginning to clear faster than I anticipated. Esilea is blasted against the wall once more and rolls out of the way to avoid the next attack. Sweat drenches my palms, the lock-picks fidgeting in the last shackle. Three seconds.

"Namonai, look out!" I turn in time to see Arboran pressing his hands out against me. Xian's right ankle pops free, and she leaps over the attack. I go flat on the ground, the blast of concussive energy passing between us. The lithe pirate unsheathes a dagger from her boot and swipes at the captain. Arboran looks at the three of us and waves both of his hands, muttering under his breath. Oh no you don't!

As my vision goes black, I take a running leap at the chubby mage. I collide with his bulk and am blasted back by a field of energy, but it's enough. Esilea smacks him with a shield and rolls out of the way while I stand. She pulls a bow out of her satchel, sending an arrow through his ankle. He collapses onto one knee, grunting in pain. Chains rattle and wrap around his neck, the tall warrior yanking him back. Xian lets out a loud scream, leaping atop him mid-air, slicing at his arms while he covers his face. When Arboran finally hits the ground, he's covered in dozens of small cuts, gaping up at us like a fish out of water.


Xian bares her teeth at him in a savage smile, dagger pressed at his throat. "You lose, you indigo bastard." The veins in Arboran's face pop, but he can do nothing to correct her. She turns to me and rushes in my direction, wrapping me in a hug. Ouch! Ribs! I pry her off of me, wincing.

"I'm not the one who saved your ass," I say, nodding at Esilea. She's sheathing her weapons in her satchel when the little pirate latches onto her with a hug, nearly knocking her over. Esilea raises an eyebrow at me, looking down questionably at the pirate turned koala on her chest. I shrug, and after a moment, the warrior hesitantly returns the hug. Esilea gently sets the little woman down on the ground and looks at the large mage, still immobile on the ground.

"What about him?" She cracks her knuckles ominously.

"He won't be a problem. I incapacitated him with the poison on my knife, courtesy of my employer. She used it to take down a Godkiller once. This buffoon," she kicks him in the side, "should be no problem. It's a watered down version with an antidote, but it should hold for some time." Esilea inches closer, looking closely at the blade.

"Is there anywhere I can get some of that?"

Xian's face lights up. "Sure! And it comes in lots of different colors too!"


"Uh huh. I like it with a bit of yellow, gives the blade a nice shiny edge to it. Like a dragon fang."

"Does it come in green?"

I clear my throat, and they spin to me, startled. "If you're quite done," I say. Xian blushes and Esilea just grins, winking at the pirate.

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