《Legend Land: Tale of the Nameless God》Chapter 7.3: Mercy


Wikolia yanks me in her direction to avoid having me crushed under the fury of Kamapua'a's fists. I push her behind me, turning to the boar god.

"Stop!" I hold up my hand, the diamond ring flashing in the light. Out of the corner of my eye, Wikolia searches her pockets incredulously. I'm a thief, remember? Amazingly, Kamapua'a stops, beady black eyes narrowing.

"Where did you get that?" he rumbles. Have you ever seen words come out of a pig's mouth? I'd recommend not trying it. It's a disturbing sight.

"We recovered it," I reply, sweat dripping down my body. Please don't just kill us and take the ring. "I think it belongs to you." His eyes roam over the two of us in the corner, and after a tense moment, his body slumps. He reaches forward, taking the small ring in his large hand. Before our eyes he shrinks back to normal size. Well, normal for him.

"Thank you," He whispers. His voice sounds like the earth itself is moving. This was the type of man to move islands for love. "I haven't seen this in..." He lets out a loud breath, "In a long time." He takes a seat on the floor, leaning back against the wall. "Why are you here, young ones?"

"We were sent by Marinette," Wikolia says, stepping up beside me. Kamapua'a's face hardens, his hand closing around the ring.

"I see," He looks down, face covered in shadow. "In that case—"

"How long have you been like this?" I interrupt. We just stopped fighting, let's not do that again. Mostly because we'd lose.

"Been like what?"

"This," I say, gesturing to his unkempt state. All he wears is a pair of ripped shorts. Food and dirt stains cover his body; they nearly obscure as his tattoos. "How long have you felt broken inside?"


"How did you—"

"She rejected you," I say softly, taking a step forward. "She found someone she thought was better, and she left you here, to be forgotten. But you don't hate her, do you?" I crouch before him. His eyes search my face. I know what he wants. "You can't hate her, because you belong to her. You always will. When will you let yourself rest?" Kamapua'a takes a breath, chest shuddering. Small dots of moisture run down his ruddy cheeks. I hold up a hand subtly behind me when Wikolia starts to move. I've got this.

"It's been so long," He chokes out, tears hitting the ring in his hand. On his left, a gold band gleams. I shake my head; this isn't love.

"Let me make it end," I say, putting one hand on his knee. "Rest, and let go. You deserve that much." To be so rejected, spurned, and still hopelessly in love...it's not something he should be put through. It's not something Pele deserves. His commitment and devotion are binding him; they'll choke him if I don't give him peace. If he can't have love, he should have that, at least.

"Please," He whispers. I nod, standing, gripping my kusarigama tightly.

"This service isn't free," I reply, setting my jaw.

"Namonai!" Wikolia hisses, taking a step forward, but I hold up my hand. I've got this. Kamapua'a nods his head, taking another deep breath.

"Upstairs is a large drill bit made of enchanted diamond. We..." His lips tremble and he sniffs. "We made it together. It's what Marinette is after."

"Thank you," I say softly. Before he can speak, I've stepped forward and jammed the tip of my kusarigama into his eye socket. He jerks but I hold his head to me until his body stills.


"How could you?" Wikolia hisses. I drop Kamapua'a's head and his large body slumps to the ground. "He gave us what we wanted!" I wipe my weapon on the boar god's shorts. His body slowly begins to dissolve into black earth. I hook my kusarigama back on my belt while the Wyvern steps closer. "You didn't need to kill him! He was broken!"

"Go get the drill bit," I reply coolly.


"Get the drill bit," I repeat, turning to her. "Now." The Wyvern's face hardens; she'll give in. Marinette hired her, and she has honor. She'll complete the job. After a moment, she turns her back on me in disgust, mounting the stairs. I look at the pile of black earth, closing my eyes. Marinette and I are going to have a talk.

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