《Legend Land: Tale of the Nameless God》Chapter 6.2: Rise and Shine


The coach rattles on the rough dirt road, rocking the Wyvern and I around in the worn, padded interior. We decided to sit on opposite sides of the carriage; it was best for both of us. She's sat completely still for the ride so far: back ramrod straight, legs curved at nearly a ninety degree angle, hands placed in her lap. She hasn't turned her head in my direction once. Not that I'm complaining. I sigh, leaning my head against the aged wood; Midas made us get our own ride, even though he could afford to have us driven in a fleet of carriages. I just don't get rich people.

"So," I tap my fingers on the wood absentmindedly, "This boar god, huh?" The assassin remains stoically silent. Surprise, surprise. "What's the deal with those whips?" Still, nothing. "How does one go about being called 'the Wyvern' anyway?" Most people would've answered just to shut me up by now; she's impressive. "Why—"

"Will you stop that?" She hisses. I drum my fingers on the wood faster, grinning.

"Sure I will. If," I begin tapping my foot quickly. "You tell me what the deal is with this boar god." Wikolia's fingers twitch in her lap. Is she really going to be able to deal with this the whole ride?

"Fine!" She slowly turns head in my direction. "Just...just stop."

"As you wish," I reply with a smile, holding still for the moment. Wikolia takes a deep breath, relaxing her hands in her lap.

"This ring," She says, holding up the wedding band, "Was created by the love of Kamapua'a, the boar god, and Pele, the volcano goddess. Kamapua'a found the coal and gold, and Pele helped form it into something beautiful."


"So how did it come to be inside that totem?" I ask, leaning forward.

"I'm not quite sure," She says, turning it over in her hand. "Kamapua'a and Pele were a volatile couple. He chased her for centuries; they went together like fire and gunpowder. She was indignant and stubborn; he was carefree and reckless. For a time, everything was fine. But they had a..." She pauses for a moment, "a falling out. Kamapua'a hasn't been seen since." I lean back, crossing my arms across my chest.

"That sounds like a one-sided love," I retort. Just the thought of the story leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. Love is so precious, and to be wasted on such a pair...the universe is a bitch.

"Some would say it's romantic," Wikolia defends, gingerly placing the ring back in her pocket.

"Some would be wrong," I say. Wikolia's nostrils flair slightly, but I get no other reaction.

"You wouldn't understand." She retorts sharply.

"So, where's Pele now?"

"Last I heard she was in Aevus' court." I uncross my arms, raising an eyebrow. Aevus' court? Pele is on Father Time's council? Well, now I've heard everything.

"And how would you know all of this, hm?" The Wyvern turns her head away from me, putting her hands back in her lap and straightening her back. "So is that it? You're done talking to me?"

"I have a question for you," She whispers, still not looking at me. Well, I actually don't know where she's looking because of the blindfold. I'm starting to understand why people don't like my mask.

"Shoot," I say with a smile, spreading my arms. "I'm an open book."

"Why do you continue to slave away for Midas and Marinette, when you clearly hate it?" I bring my arms back in front of my chest with a huff. I said I was an open book, not an info whore.

"My reasons are my own," I snap.

"I see," Is all I get. But out of the corner of my eye, I see the Wyvern smirk. She just had to ruin the banter, didn't she? Well, fine. A coach drive in silence it is.

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