《Legend Land: Tale of the Nameless God》Chapter 2.2: Getting Paid, Dodging Rent, And Drinking


I pick up the pouch of gold, tossing it and catching it, slipping it into one of my many pockets, smiling. I’d say that was a…success? Yeah, let’s go with that.

The door to the Burnt Rice Tavern creaks open, the roar of drunken patrons and slurred insults slamming into me. I wrinkle my nose, pushing my way into the hot, sweaty, crowd; ah, the familiar eye-sore that is home. Over the din of intoxicated men and women, one voice rings out sharp and clear.


“Shit.” I push my way faster through the crowd. Come on, almost there, just a few more feet and I’ll be in my room. Come on!

“Namonai!” I’m nearly tackled by a tall woman as she cuts me off.

“Um, hey, Naiomi.” I scratch the back of my head while she straightens up, folding her arms. Her furry black ears twitch, a reminder of her Kitsune blood.

“I want my money, Namonai.” Her dark tail twitches behind her, curling in on itself. It only does that when she’s mad. And you do not want to make Naiomi mad.

“So, did you, uh, get the shower fixed?”

She stalks closer, poking me in the chest.

“Money. Now.”

“Well, you see, the thing is…” Her eyes narrow in the dim candlelight.

“Hey!” A woman lumbers over to us, words thick and unsteady, much like her steps. “Where’s my drink, barkeep?” In one motion Naiomi turns, cracking her across the jaw, the rowdy crowd swallowing the protester back up.

“Damn bitch,” She mutters, popping her knuckles. “Now, where were we?”

“I don’t have the money,” I hold my hands, and the bag of gold jingles in my pocket. I cringe; shit.

“Then what is that in your pocket?” Her hand reaches out to me.


“You really want to know what’s poking out of my pocket?” I ask with a grin, opening my arms. “Please, be my guest. It’s been a long day, let’s see what you find.” She pulls back quickly and I chuckle.

“Namonai,” She pinches her nose, growling low in her throat. A long sigh escapes her lips, and for a moment, her shoulders slump. No, don’t give in, don’t give in you hopeless bastard. Keep your money, stay strong, stay selfish! You can do it Namonai, just don’t say anything. “I really need that rent money.” She looks at me from underneath her thin eyebrows. “You understand?” I nod my head quickly, nearly shaking my brains out. The tall Kitsune steps aside and I blur past her, slamming my door shut. The loud bar patrons grow dimmer, and I fall onto my bed. Oh thank the gods, home.

I groan, sitting up; I will be back, my sweet. Carefully, I turn the second half of the map over in my hands. Why does Midas want this so badly? He was awfully desperate. If I can just use that to my advantage, somehow, I may finally get a leg up on this damned city.

“Hey Namonai,” Naiomi opens the door suddenly and I jump.


“You get privacy when you pay your rent,” She retorts, leaning closer. “I just came in to tell you the shower was fixed.” Oh thank gods! A shower! Finally, some good news. “What’s that?”

“Nunya business.” I snap, but Naiomi is too quick, and has the map between her slender fingers before I can blink.

“It’s a map,” She turns it over, sniffing it. She traces over the circled destination with a short fingernail. “This is Daedalus’ workshop here. But that shut down years ago when he died. Why is it on a map?” I can see the gears turning in her mind, then something clicks. That’s never good. Her eyes narrow as she looks up. “What have you gotten yourself into this time?” In a flash, I cross the room and snatch the map from her grasp.


“It’s just something I found,” I turn her around, ushering her out the door. “Thanks for the shower, Naiomi!” I push her out of my room and slam it closed before she can respond, sliding the lock in place. My body slumps against the door, drooping to the dusty ground, holding the delicate parchment. Daedalus’ workshop huh? I wonder what could be there? Well, there’s only one way to find out.

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