《Pawns of God》44. Blood of peace


Chapter 44: Blood of peace

Since our expedition in the mines, I have been wondering what happens with corpses. In most games, they just automatically disappear after a set amount of time. Today, the answer lies bare in front of me; and it’s not a pretty one.

The sun has been timidly showing itself for the past few minutes, which has given way to a clear view of the fields just outside the city. It feels like days have passed since the battle started, yet it is clear that it’s only been a few hours.

All remains of green are long gone, eclipsed by a dark and brownish substance—dried blood. Everything is covered by it; everywhere the eye reaches, tarnished by this merlot-red substance, a mixture of bright red human blood and those rat’s yellowish ichor.

There are no human corpses to be seen, as all soldiers and adventurers are under Jonas’ protection. But still, the view is gruesome. Rats with bodies rip open, their insides overflowing and spilled all over the place: severed members, organs, everything you would expect from a war without mercy.

The battle is still ongoing, albeit on a much smaller scale than before. Their King is gone, captured alive to be questioned. Without leadership, the rats are no longer trying to climb the walls nor enter through the gates. Most of them are making an escape, running frantically for their lives. And, of course, our soldiers don’t give a shit about it and are in full persecution mode.

Over the last few hours, I have been healing soldiers and adventurers all over the place, using every little ounce of mana as soon as I had it available. There hasn’t been much commanding to do, as the battle naturally converged to the current chase.

Our party got together again as soon as they could respawn. And we have been fighting our way starting from the gate. We have defended the city! Not only us, every single adventurer and soldier that has joined efforts today.

And, still, I can’t help but be filled with remorse. We won today, but Draka was exterminated two days ago. War is war; there are no winners. Fuck… it seems like it was so far ago.


I turn around, witnessing everybody’s exhausted faces. Bags on their eyes, visible strains on their body posture, dried blood all over their skin, and I’m sure we all stink; it’s just that my own flair masks the others’.

“Come see me, the main square.” Isha’s voice reaches me from somewhere. Still as neutral as ever, yet different from that Hunter’s.

“What do you say we wrap this up?” I say out loud, speaking to my party. I’m sure they are relieved to hear it. “I have to go see Isha, but you go on and log off.”

As some of them emit a lowly spoken ‘see you’ or ‘bye’, I head off towards my destination. I have way too many questions to ask her. Why could Lea also speak with the mind? I’m sure she could even read it. Is that something everyone can do? Are there requisites?

There’s also the matter with the King’s words. Someone is orchestrating the war, that much we knew. Still, it clearly said it was a woman with a personal vendetta against Jonas. If Isha can also read minds… I must make sure to keep my thoughts concealed.

My mind wanders off to the battle with the King, the speed and level displayed. To my inability to heal fatal wounds. To…

“Come.” I quickly open my eyes wide as I unexpectedly hear Isha’s voice. Huh? I’m already there?

“I know you have questions,” I freeze as she says that, mentally struggling to focus on the Hunter’s ability to read minds. “I will answer them. That, I promise.” She’s back to her usual self, straight to the point and hiding information. “Tomorrow, exactly 8 hours from now, you must be here.”

“Wha- wait, why? You summoned me here just for this? Couldn’t you tell me telepath-”

“No,” she cuts me off before I can say anything else, “I need to make sure you understand. Tomorrow, 8 hours from now. The governor wants to see you by that time, and I must take you to him.”

Still perplexed at having had to walk all the way here for this, I find it difficult to process what she is saying. “Eight hours. Eig- the Governor?” I can’t help but wonder why it is so important. Maybe he wants to go over the battle?


“Eight hours. Be here, don’t be late. Now go and rest; your mind is not up to par.”

Huh. Whatever. “Yes, yes. I’ll be here.”

With that, I immediately exit the game. Before taking the headset off, however, I send a message to my friends. Just to tell them this last piece of news.

Going back to my life, to my day job, should have been my next move. It’s not like I have nothing to work on, quite the contrary. But, honestly, it feels wrong. After being immersed in a day-long war, my job seems vain, empty. I know it’s a video game. But dude, it’s just so fucking amazing!

Oh, wait! I should post an update on the forums! Not wanting to do any work, my mind quickly finds an excuse to put it off. A good excuse, of course, as I have to thank everybody who came to aid us, but an excuse after all.

The Independent city of Kvabar has fallen Fire and blood at La’are Dominion stands! Palanthir surges victorious Wirathia won’t see another day

What the actual? The posts over the forums confirm how large the scale of the war actually was, even beyond what Isha and the Governor had estimated. It seems that they attacked most, if not all, of the Independent Cities.

[Kvabar was assaulted by a large army of unidentified humanoid creatures and reduced to a bunch of boulders in a matter of a few hours.

It’s church was targeted and destroyed first, making resurrections in-situ impossible.]

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Isha said that some cities refused to believe that they were being targeted. But… fuck!

[La’are has been seized by a group of 100 giant-sized demons. Their fire breath obliterated all life and building by equal. La’are is now under their control and [...]]

Demons? Only 100 of them?

[Wirathia is no longer. The city has been converted into a desert devoid of life. All players are migrating to the nearest cities.]

This is bad, truly bad. They are more coordinated than any of us adventured to think. We are facing a global menace well beyond the scope of what we can manage. What if it weren’t Kobolds and Mice that attacked us? Tomorrow I must discuss it with Isha.

[Thank you to everyone who came to fight for Palanthir. It was a close battle, some parts of the city will require complete reconstruction, but at least we could keep the number of casualties low.]

At least not everything is bad news. It seems that those cities that did some preparations have managed to stay afloat. Maybe not as untouched as ours, but still.

My time, then. Crestfallen, auguring a dark future, I go back to my own post to write an appropriate note. I don’t want to be overly optimistic; it was a war, after all. But I think we deserve some recognition.

Irisgarth fences off the enemies!

Fellow adventurers, today we have shown them what Irisgarth is capable of. United, we are strong; they can’t subdue us! I’m proud of you!

Today shall be remembered as our first victory, but let’s not forget all the sacrifices we had to make to achieve it.

We must get stronger. Next time not a single life will have to be given.


Short and nice. Let the people know we did it. Let them know who we are! Damn, I never thought I’d get so involved. I feel as if Irisgarth is my hometown, and its townspeople are my own neighbors.

I take a few breaths while trying to calm down and fetch myself a nice cup of coffee. Okay, then, no more delaying the inevitable; back to my tedious job.

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