《Pawns of God》29½. Summary of the recent events


Chapter 29½: Summary of the recent events

Author here! In case the last episode’s content was too much, you will find here a small summary of what Mark did. If you read chapter 29, then there’s nothing new for you!

The king better not find Mark again! With his blood boiling, his conflicted spirit triggered something inside him.

[Invoke Spirit has evolved into Dominate Soul]

You can now claim a soul in addition to controlling a spirit. Souls claimed can be bound to a body and directed at will. Shall you grant it, souls can acquire their own agency and free will. A soul will not vanish until you command it to.

Spirits: 0/1

Souls: 0/1

His threats were real; he will imprison its soul and make it pay for everything it did today! This sudden evolution also opened some new paths for him.

[You have met the requirements for a Class Evolution]

Following a series of traumatizing events, Mark gets automatically logged out of the game. His mental stability was compromised, and the system considered he was not fit to play for another 4 hours.

Just before being disconnected, however, Mark sees one last message.

[You have unlocked the Madness stat]

It seems during Madness he loses control of himself? Who knows!

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