《You're a God, go.》A party and a friend


Chapter 17

Jason sped through the streets, glad to be on the move again. It was nice hanging out with the kids but he thought it was time to do something cool without having to worry about things like responsibility.

What should he do when he gets to this so called royal family? Well he still hasn’t fucked someone, and his balls were slowly turning blue, impressing some hot princesses would be fun, then turning them all into his personal harem would be even better.

A commotion up ahead caused Jason to slow down, the empty streets were being slowly filled up by more and more people until he got to a nearly impassable ‘wall’ of tightly packed flesh, and they were all cheering. Which was odd, Jason never thought that the general public would support the people who ruled over them so much.

When Jason got close enough he couldn’t see anything over the crowd so opted to fly instead, he floated up and over the first few rows, got past the buildings that were covering his view and dropped his jaw.

He was at the edge of a square so big, that the entire population of the city fit snugly inside. It was kind of like the Vatican plaza except there weren’t as many silly statues in the way.

But the people! My god the people! There were an insurmountable number of them. Pressed together so tightly Jason was surprised they haven’t set each other on fire. Air spirits whooshed through the air above them, Ents and Giants were solitary mounds among the sea of bodies, like boulders in a field of grass, and little craters with single figures in them that no one wanted to approach, usually because they were either on fire or the oozed green or purple goop.

Jason flew over them all and his amazement only grew, weirder and weirder things started appearing, a Tauren family there, with a child grasping his dad’s horns and exclaiming giddily. A group of mages flying in a V formation in spectacularly coloured robes trailed rainbow coloured smoke behind them with the smoke staying there and actually changing colours long after they’ve been dispersed into the air. And even a Unicorn, a motherfucking rainbow shitting Unicorn was prancing just above the heads of the crowd. It was beautiful.

The castle was there as well, if you were to compare it with the height of Death’s tower of Magic’n’Shit it’d be like comparing an elephant to a bird. A behemoth of stone, it was like a mountain and pyramid’s love child, first there was a wall with towers and bastions on it, then another wall, with more bastions and towers but the second wall was higher, then there was another wall that was even higher, then another, then another until you get to this small pinprick of a castle at the very top.

Jason immediately zoomed several thousand meters up in the air to check just how much space the entire thing took up, yep, quite a lot. So there was the city, sprawling around him, and the castle right in the centre, like a pupil of an eye, except the eye was made up of mud, stone and shit while the pupil was a spike protruding out of it, as if someone stabbed the thing right in the middle from the inside out. There was also a river behind the castle which Jason suspected was where his house was, huh, it must have been pretty damn dark if he didn’t notice just a giant castle splat bam right there in front of his nose.


Coming back down he looked around once more, he was pretty sure being in the air was kinda illegal since he could kill the life of the party. Jason sniggered, life right? ‘Cause if he killed the royal family then the party would end! Where were they anyway? Jason frowned as he couldn’t spot the family, shrugging his shoulders he just flew over to a mage setting off fireworks with a wand.

“Hey man, where’s the party girl?” Jason said as he swaggered up to the mage.

The wizard frowned, he was quite busy trying to not kill himself by prematurely exploding the fireworks too close to him while not too far as to not be seen clearly by the crowd.

“Look, I don’t know who you are and I don’t care, but there’s to be no unauthorized personnel in the air while the celebration is ongoing.”

Jason rolled his eyes “Yeah, yeah I figured but still, where are they?”

The fireworks conjurer thought for a minute before shrugging his shoulders and pointing to the castle. “See the outer wall? There’s a kind of balcony there set up so the entire family could sit and be admired by the people. They used to go around in a carriage until one of them got assassinated way back when, now they just sit behind the keep’s wards.”

“Cool, see you around.” Jason waved as he sped off towards the place the guy indicated.

As he got closer to the place Jason noticed that it was in fact, quite a bit bigger then he imagined, the so called royal family was spread all over the battlements, which was about as wide as the width of a soccer stadium. Weird couches were put on thick rugs under a big red tent to provide the occupants with comfort from the heat of the afternoon sun. A buffet table occupied with delicious fruit and other bite sized delicacies sat in the corner to be indulged upon by the occasional blue blood.

The people themselves were all fancily dressed in robes of all kinds of magnanimous. From tropical yellow to royal purple, it was quite a sight. The style of the clothes were also very diverse, with some in pure white nightgowns, others in silk shirts and tight pants, and one woman was in really nothing more than lingerie.

Everyone was relaxing on a couch and eating while a few would occasionally go to the edge and wave down at the crowd. Funny though it may be, it was quite depressing to see how little these people actually cared about the common folk.

On a whim, Jason decided to look at himself in a mirror, he still had the beard but he should enforce his age a bit, after that he gave himself a more pronounced six pack and a twelve inch circumcised dick just in case he got lucky, which he planned to. He also changed his clothes and shaved his beard, now he looked like a male gigolo, actually, if he was going for the boy toy look he should look younger, so once again he changed his age. Now though, whew, Jason was surprised he wasn’t getting a hard-on from just looking at himself. He smirked, time to answer a booty call.


So he descended from the skies and quickly blended into the crowd, fortunately no one seemed to notice him, Jason frowned at that, shouldn’t there be some sort of guard for just this very reason? Oh well, now that he was here he was going to enjoy himself, looking around he spied a couple of girls but they were all standing around in groups, gossiping about something so Jason prowled about, looking for prey that has been disengaged from the pack. And then he noticed just a swish of green out of the corner of his eyes, he immediately zoned in on the target only to stop in shock.

“Holy shit!” Jason muttered.

It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, perfect in every way, the cloth was struggling to cover the curves but failed miserably as it poked out. A lacy piece of underwear protected the air the cloth couldn’t but it hided nothing from the imagination. The spread between the thighs was clearly noticeable but the slip of fabric was just thick enough to hide the outline of the lips that were trying to burst free and reveal their magnificence.

Jason drooled as he looked upwards from the wonderful buttocks, his eyes trailed the silver shift which split open to reveal the fairest back he ever saw, so pristine and soft. Luscious green hair flowed past her shoulders, so thick and fluffy, hiding her face but revealing just the tips of her elven ears. Jason smacked his lips, oh goody!

Jason didn’t need further encouragement, with a few confident strides he got to the green haired beauty.

“Hello, I haven’t believed we’ve- Oh!”

Standing in front of him was the very same elf that he groped last time, her hair must have been hidden in her helmet for him not to recognise her at first, in fact he hadn’t really seen her face before clearly either. Thin wispy green eyebrows arched themselves in surprise, rosy cheeks accentuated her high cheekbones while her delicate lips formed a little ‘o’ of surprise, but her eyes was what caught Jason, her deep green eyes. He peered down them, losing himself in a forest of green, captured by the myriad of shades that were hidden layer under layer of those pupils of hers.


Jason caught himself, he felt a slight tingle in his cheek, ever so slowly he reached his hand up to feel the stinging sensation and the red of his blood, something has happened, but what? He looked back at the woman in front of him to see her glaring angrily at him with her hands raised as if she just slapped someone, she was also saying something but Jason couldn’t hear because of a slight ringing in his ears.


Jason immediately got down on one knee and bowed his head in front of her, “My Lady, I apologize for my conduct on our previous meeting, please accept this gift as my most humble apology.” He said, before reaching his hand out and making a crystal rose.

The gift had no colour, beside the shifting spectrum that filled it when the light hit the rose. It floated in Jason’s hand, slowly rotating as the crystals seemingly shifted within the shape of the glass ornament. It looked wicked sharp as every part of the flower tapered off to a paper thin edge, from the spikes at the stem to the crown of petals at the top, it was a truly magnificent gift.

Everyone else seemed to think so too since the entire pavilion was silent, sneaking a peek off to the side, Jason noticed that quite a large crowd have gathered around them, all gazing in wonderment at the flower, some with greed while others with jealousy, and only a single girl in honest awe, too innocent yet to do anything besides admire the rose.

The elf however merely sneered. “You might think that precious gifts will get you everything but material wealth is nothing to our people, scum like you who think money is everything should just die.”

With a huff she marched away, the crowd hurrying to part before her anger lest they suffer her rage.

With a sigh Jason stood up and crushed the gem in his hands, the shards disappearing in a shower of light and colour, looking soft and gentle, not at all the sharp, like you would imagine it to be.

“Aww no fair! I wanted it.” Someone behind Jason whined, the voice sounded childish and female.

When Jason turned around his eyes, once again, widened in shock.

“Fuck me you’re ugly.”

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