《You're a God, go.》The Thief King


Chapter 7

Jason and Peyton approached the land locked shipwreck, the possible guards that were stationed outside glanced up from their card game but didn’t bother speaking until the duo were within hailing distance. Only then did one of the three bandits start talking.

“What’cha want Peyt? The Boss is busy.”

The speaker looked as disgusting as Jason, covered in leather with a short sword at his side. He also had a soggy red bandana covering his head complete with a gold earring. It seemed the man had a twisted sort of fashion sense.

“I have the money.” Peyton answered.

The caused all three of them to look up from their game of cards,

“Well why didn’t you say? Head right in.” Red bandana answered.

Jason and Peyton continued into the ship without further interruption. The inside of the vessel was seemingly deserted, with moldy crates and boxes strewn about everywhere. Weeds grew between the planks below the feet and vines drooped down from the ceiling, if Jason didn’t know any better, he could have sworn the place hasn’t been touched since it ran ashore.

“This way”

Peyton led Jason through the seeming maze of boxes to the back of the ship where a solitary wooden door gazed back forlornly from its place. With a slight struggle, Peyton managed to wrestle the door open, contrary to what Jason believed, it didn’t creak.

Wordlessly Peyton walked down a set of steps (which did creak) into a dim room. It seemed to be an office of sort, with books lining shelves on both sides and a large oak desk in the middle taking up half the room. The place was surprisingly well maintained considering the conditions of the ship above it.

Behind the desk sat an elderly man, he looked almost scholarly, complete with little half-moon spectacles, were it not for the fact that a massive tattoo dominated the entire dome of his head. He looked up from a ledger he was writing in and addressed Peyton.

“Ahh, Peyton. What brings you here?”

The Thief King’s voice was as crackly as the parchment around him. He stood up to reveal a massive frame of a man, only slightly smaller than the bull back at The Olde Oyster but nonetheless a mountain.

“Hello sir, I have the money.” Peyton answered respectfully

At this the King gave a surprised smile.

“Well done! I knew you’d be able to do it.”

Peyton put the sack onto the table and took out a handful of gold coins which glinted in the candlelight.

“Hmm.” The King gazed at the coins before picking one up and scrutinizing it “These are quite well made.” He bit into the coin “Pure as well! Coins that bend this easily can only be found in a Lord’s treasury.” He grinned at Peyton.

“And you even lived to tell the tale. I’m impressed! Tell me, who did you steal it from?”

“Well sir… I didn’t steal it.” Peyton fidgeted awkwardly.

“Oh? Do share.” The King was analyzing everything Peyton did.

“Well you see sir, I was given this gold.” Peyton was really nervous at the sudden scrutiny of his employer.


“Given? By whom might I ask?” By now The King lost his entire playful demeanor and focused entirely on Jason, like a snake hypnotizing a mouse with its eyes.

“By me” Jason stepped in.

The King shifted his eyes onto Jason for the first time “Well, well. The plot thickens.” He sat back down and steepled his fingers.

“You see sir” Peyton gabbled. “I won a competition at The Olde Oyster and that was the prize money.”

“The Olde Oyster?” The King frowned. “And I assume our benefactor here was the sponsor of this competition?”

Peyton nodded fervently.

“My good man,” The King addressed Jason directly. “Might I ask the nature of this competition that my employee partook in?”

Jason smiled. “I challenged everyone in The Olde Oyster, anyone who could hit me got a bag of gold.”

The King raised his eyebrows “And Peyton managed?”

Jason nodded “It was a magnificent performance.”

“Well I’m impressed Peyton” The King said turning to Peyton “The debt is cleared and you’re free to leave my services. You may go right now and never look back.”

Peyton was elated, “Thank you sir!” he gave a quick bow before running up the stairs.

“Now then, I have no doubt that a man like you wouldn’t come to the Thief King just to see a little boy step into a better life.” The King said, once again shifting his attention back onto Jason.

“That’s right, I have a proposal for you. But before we get to that, let’s start again. My name is Jason.” said Jason

The King grinned “Well then Jason, call me Ecluse,”

“Very well Ecluse here is my proposition. I want to gather a team of influential individuals with a primary objective in mind.” Jason said.

“And what would this objective be?” Ecluse asked.

“I’d like to start a revolution.” Jason said.

If Ecluse was surprised he didn’t show it. “And how exactly would we do that?”

“Simple, we turn all major powerhouses of the human race on our side. And when we have everything under our control we attempt a coup.” Jason said matter of factly.

Ecluse simply stared at Jason for a second before reaching down into a drawer and bringing out a bottle with two glasses. He filled both, took one of them and drank. “Assuming we can get the Church, Mage’s Guild, Alchemist’s Guild, the Army, all the big league Noble houses, influential merchants and other major parties on our side. Assuming we have enough money to buy the country, not to mention that some people cannot be brought and assuming we could assassinate, blackmail, intimidate, torture or persuade those people before we could even get this project of the ground, not to mention doing that without the Empire finding out about us. How are you planning on still keeping the relationships with the surrounding races to not let them invade when we’re in a moment of weakness?”

Jason smiled and took the other glass “With ingenuity, creativity and my good looks.”


Ecluse burst out laughing, and it wasn’t a fake laugh but a full on gut wrenching monster of a laugh.

“You’re crazy but tell me, how are you expecting me to agree to something that will most definitely get us killed?”

Jason just put the drink down and started walking away. “You don’t need to do a single thing, just make sure that when the time comes, you do what you need to without any questions.”

Ecluse chuckled before calling out “And what about the collateral?”

But Jason simply walked up the stairs without replying.

Still chuckling Ecluse turned back to his desk only to have his jaw dropped. On the desk was a massive amount of gold in neat stacks, it covered every inch of the desk’s surface, there were even piles balanced on top of his quill.

Jason walked up to see Peyton waiting for him while sitting on one of the crates that was in the damaged boat.

Jason “Why are you still here?”

Peyton shrugged “Oh I don’t know, maybe it’s because you turned my ENTIRE FRICKIN’ LIFE AROUND!”

Peyton was positively jumping up and down with joy as he skipped around the crates “I’m gonna eat roast turkey then I’m gonna get a fancy carriage and drive by really fast so that I’ll look really important and I’m gonna buy a massive dog and teach it-”

“Woah calm down!” Jason said. “Let’s go back to your home and then you can plan it out with your family.” But Peyton was too giddy with excitement as he jumped around Jason blabbering on and on. As they walked out the hull of the wreckage the three guards looked up at the commotion, thinking it was strange that Peyton was in such a good mood.

“My debt is cleared losers!” Peyton cried as he ran past them, dancing along the marsh as he sped towards the first building.

The guards turned their curious gazes towards Jason who grinned “You heard him!”

All three of them now were smiling as well, they honestly didn’t expect a young boy like Peyton to manage to pull himself out of the dark goo that was the underbelly of the city.

As Jason and Peyton made their way back into the city, with Jason already transformed back to his previous state, Peyton started talking.

“Why did you do this?”

“Hmm? You mean the money?” Jason asked

“Yes! The money!” Peyton cried as he jumped from a barrel onto the street.

“Well, no reason really, I’m really just quite bored.” Jason said

Peyton abruptly stopped “Are you a god?”

Jason was taken aback by the sudden question but nevertheless laughed it off. “A god? Don’t be silly, I am indeed powerful, but that doesn’t justify me as a god.”

They made their way back to Peyton’s house in a good mood and as they entered the small abode a scent of meat caressed their senses. Upon the dinner table sat a giant chicken, steaming. Around the table, plates and eating utensils were already out, ready to be used.

“They’re here!” Ilios shouted as Jason and Peyton came inside.

The rest of the family rushed out to greet the two.

“Look! Ma just brought this from Uzzie’s kitchen! Isn’t it amazing?” Gwandere shouted.

“Now, now girls. Behave yourselves and let the menfolk talk, so? How did it go?” Ma said

“It was amazing! Oh Ma you should’ve seen it!” Peyton exclaimed. “I just showed him the gold and bam! We’re free!”

Everyone erupted in cheers and whoops as the news was revealed.

“Well done!” Ma said proudly while hugging Peyton. “No let’s eat!”

Everyone rushed over to the kitchen table and sat down.

“You too Jason! After all, you’re the one we owe you for all you’ve given us!”

Jason smiled and joined them, the night was spent well as everyone laughed, argued and had a good time, at one point Ma even brought out some wine and gave a bit to everyone, it was very enjoyable.

“Alright you lot! Go wash yourselves and off to bed. It’s gonna be a big day tomorrow.”

“But Ma! What about Jason?” Peyton said.

“I have to talk to him now go before I give you a beating!” Ma threatened Peyton.

As the children headed out the back to the other portion of the house Ma sighed and turned towards Jason.

“I really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, it’s been so long since they laughed like that.”

“No, it was my pleasure.” Jason replied kindly.

“The truth is, I have a favor to ask you.” Ma continued. “I want you to stay with us.”

Jason was surprised, “Why?”

“Well, Peyton looks up to you, he never had a father figure to look up to and look what sort of crowd he got into on his own.”

Jason silently considered this before replying “I have no problem with the idea but I have only just met everyone. Wouldn’t it rattle the girls?”

Ma scoffed “Pffft. The girls, they’ve been over the moon for you ever since you came in here. Someone as handsome as you comes along and solves all their problems in a matter of seconds? Please. Any woman would fall for you.”

Jason laughed “Very well. I’ll stay, and tomorrow Peyton and I can go find us a nice house to move into.”

Ma nodded “Good, I’m glad that’s settled. But I will come as well, after all I can’t just let you pick out a house that isn’t to my satisfaction. Now off you go! Behind the kitchen are the stairs to the attic, Peyton sleeps there but I’m sure you can figure out something.”

Jason said goodbye before getting up and walking past the kitchen.

“By the way, what’s your name? It would hardly be appropriate for me to keep calling you Ma.” Jason spoke.

Ma laughed “You’re right, my name is Tilda.”

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