《You're a God, go.》Creating a playground


Chap 2

“Ahh, all of the above, I like it. Where do you start?” said Death.

“First let’s create some space.” Jason replied.

The floor fell away and Jason and Death floated in space on their chairs.

“This should be good.” Death commented. His chair formed into a recliner and his tobacco into popcorn. His scythe turning to ash and disappearing.

“Next, let’s have some light.” Jason said. A miniature sun appeared in his hand, he let it gently float away a few feet from him.

“We’ll need to zoom in a bit for the next part.” Jason said. The sun suddenly expanded enormously until the thing filled up the space entirely on Jason’s right.

“Before you continue.” Death interrupted. “Could you make a few suns in the distance? You know, so that it gives off that lost in space effect?”

“Sure thing.” Jason smiled. A beautiful arrangement of suns in the distance appeared. So far away that the looked like tiny little points, like stars.

“Next. We’ll create a planet.” Jason said. A mass of dirt appeared, cracked through molten lava. It was about as big as the first sun was.

“You should move the sun to our left here a bit further away, or baby earth there won’t cool down.” Death nodded.

The Sun suddenly shrank a quarter of its’ size. “This won’t be Earth by the way.” Jacob said.


“No, it will be much, much bigger than Earth.”

“How big?”

“Well I’m thinking about Jupiter size, I want the whole world exploration to last longer.”

Water appeared on the surface of the planet.

“I’m also planning to have much more land, and we won’t have the traditional ice caps hanging around the north and south poles, we’ll have it dotted around. We’ll have deserts, mountains, oceans with mountains in them, jungles, you name it, it’s all in there.”

“Impressive, it will make scientists scratch their heads for millennia”

“Oh there’s a reason for it.”

“Really and what’s that?”


As Jason said that a glob appeared in his hand, like a floating sphere of jelly which he passed onto the little planet. Once done so the little ball turned vibrant as the land lost its black contour and color appeared, green, yellow, white and even black.

“What’s this?” Death leaned forward in his chair “Is that? Oh my. Life?”

“Yep.” Jason grinned happily.

“They will turn into magical beasts more and more powerful until they become gods and titans.”

Ripples in the little cloud around the planet started appearing, swirls of energies convulsed and strained while the harmonious colors of green and blue slowly turned into purple and red.


“Right about now there should be a war on between the beasts of nature and those who found my little pockets of dark energy I hid underground.”

The colors slowly broke up into smaller and smaller sections with greater variety until every part of the rainbow could be seen. But the overall scheme was bright and vibrant, like an enthusiastic child’s drawing.

“Great, it seems they’ve all settled in. But before we go on, can I trust you Death?”

Death took his eyes of the planet to look up at Jason.

“Huh, you figured it out?”

“Yeah, while we we’re talking I matured my brain a few years.”

“Well, I mean there’s really no reason to do anything against you, kid. I mean you have given me the gift that is yours as well and if I was pissed at you and didn’t like you, I could just move to a different reality and do my own thing there.”

Jason nodded. “But just in case I made something that will remake me in case I should die or something.”

“See? Problem solved.”

“Okay, now let’s change my appearance.”

Jason suddenly became taller, his shoulders wider, his belly became a six pack while his jawline became more pronounced. His facial features became better too, his nose smaller, his eyes bluer, no pimples or mono brow, his hair brown and short.

“What do you think?”

Death grinned “You look like you just popped out of a fashion magazine. But what about your clothes?”

“I don’t know what they developed but I’m hoping for some good fantasy sword and scroll armor.”

And suddenly Jason was in a simple tunic and garb, everything about him looked peasant.

“That’s not very impressive.”

“It’s a fashion statement.”

“Well whatever floats your boat.”

“Are you changing?”

“Na, I wanna be silent and intimidating.”

“Alright then, let’s go.”

And with that the scenery changed around them.


Death and Jason stood a good 1000 meters above the ground. A thick jungle was everywhere and a bunch of wooden huts squatted in a small clearing.

“Let’s speed the world up a bit.”

The world abruptly transformed, a day and night cycle changed continuously, like someone switching an on/off switch constantly, the forest was cleared and the huts popped up. A quarry appeared along with a stream. The village grew as more and more people whizzed by at the speed of sound. A wall was erected around the perimeter one time but the huts quickly out grew it, fires appeared and extinguished, drizzles of rain flashed by and the town still grew, a little fort appeared which grew into a castle. Roads slowly formed from the trodden feet and yet the town still grew. The houses turned to stone two or three stories high. The thatch roofs were replaced by tiles one by one. There were brief moments when the entire village burned and the little colors of the flags on the castle would change, yet the city grew. The stream turned muddy and was swallowed by the city until all that could be seen was the city all around.


“I think that’s enough don’t you?” Jason said.

“Yep, let’s go Bruh.”

Jason raised an eyebrow. “Bruh?”

“I made myself younger. I’m now mentally twenty”

“Well, whatever floats your boat.”

“Whatever, let’s go,”

And the two floated down onto a street. It was a bustling avenue full of bystanders. Men in straw hats upon wagons. Women selling flowers to travelers, but humans weren’t the only race here, dwarfs with strange machinations about them, with their flowing red beards. Elves, pretty and graceful stepped lightly through the street. The smell of perfume and sweat was thick in the air.

“Well this is nice.” Death said

Jason looked over to see Death in similar clothes as him, equally handsome but a tad taller and his features starker.

“Well, let’s get walking”

They ambled through the street looking at people, buildings and stores.

“Hmmm, I wish they invented donuts,” Jason said.

They turned a corner and a baker shop appeared in front of them, the shelves through the glass were filled row upon row with delicious looking pastry.

“Well would you look at that.” Jason grinned.

They walked into the shop and the noise of the city was left at the door to the silence of baking bread. A fat man stood behind a counter counting little copper pennies in his hand. His apron was greased and his sleeves were rolled up. He looked up and scowled at Death and Jason. Jason calmly walked up to him, placed a pouch of coins attached to his belt on it and smiled.

“Two of your most finest and deliciously glazed chocolate donuts sir.”

At the jingle of the coins the man’s scowl immediately changed into a smile as sugary as his wares around him.

“But of course!”

He quickly swiped the coins away from his two customers. Got out a brown paper bag, placed two donuts in it with exaggerated care and, still smiling, handed them the two delicacies. Jason graciously accepted the package and left with Death on his heels.

“Wow, didn’t even check the coins or anything.” He commented. “Well, people like him can probably tell by the weight and the jingle.”

“What did you fill it up with anyway?”

“Oh, the same coins I saw him fingering before he saw us.”

“Strange how he treated us don’t you think?”

“Oh that was just the money speaking. I probably gave him about twenty donuts worth.”

The donuts by now were out of their packages and Jason and Death gobbled them down with quiet cheerfulness. Their hands full of grease, which at a brief scowl disappeared from their hands. A street later they found less noise, they looked about to see all the citizens looking with silent solemnity further up.

“What’s all this then?” Jason questioned loudly.

A few citizens gave him an irritated scowl but otherwise no one talked to him. They kept walking until they saw four fully armored elves. Two male, two female walking around another female elf. They passed silently and the people nearest to them bowed their heads. They walked onward without acknowledging them.

“Damn that’s a mighty fine ass!” Jason cried.

People around him froze and openly stared at him in horror. Death next to him merely grinned.

The elves heard it too and stared at him with intense focus. The elf nearest to Jason (a male) drew his sword and approached Jason at an alarming rate. Jason merely took a step and in that step he was gone, only a puff of wind marked his absence.

“It would be a real shame if someone didn’t grab it!”

The voice came from behind the head elf, her face was plastered with shock and horror. Jason was behind her, happily kneading he backside with both hands. It only lasted for a second or two before anyone came to their senses and then a series of things happened. The elf whose ass was being grabbed swiped her hand behind herself, her nails trailing green light where they were a second ago. Jason magically stepped in front of the elf and gave her a big kiss then disappeared again before the she-elf could even react only to reappear next to Death whom no one was paying attention to. He grinned as all about him the people reeling in confusion looked about wildly, trying to see what he will do next. Jason smirked at Death before shouting at the top of his lungs.


And with that he took off.

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