《CY》Entry no. 60


"Well... this is surprising..." I looked at Gram and Brunhilde who was done preparing their stuff, it was all stuffed inside their carriage

"About time, we're leaving for the main city now, you should come with us" Gram beckoned me

"I'm sorry but due to circumstances I can't say, I need to stay in this city for a bit" I reasoned

"Oh... okay then, we'll wait with you" Brunhilde followed up

"Pardon?" I asked

"Yeah, we've already delayed our trip for 3 days, waiting any longer won't make a difference" Gram smiled

"I see, then, thank you" They can go first to be honest but if they want to stay, then why not

"Why is your armor different" Gram asked

"It broke during the last fight but don't worry, Cynthia took it to get it repaired," I thought of a good excuse for Cynthia's absence

"Is that so? is that why you want to stay and wait?" Brunhilde asked


"Then we won't ask any further, come, let's have tea inside" Gram pulled me into their tent

2 days passed and it was so boring, all I did was roam around and watch the soldiers clear away the debris of the City wall or the houses that were destroyed during the attacks

I was lying in bed early in the morning checking my core energy when I got a call.

'Zeno, done... we' Alissa sounded lifeless

'Thanks... you okay?' I asked

It was always like this, Alissa was the type to rush something when building it then celebrate while being so tired that she falls asleep midway

'Come ASAP, we have to celebrate' She requested

'Sure, wait for me'

I should ask Lilith for some good chicken soup recipes so that I can cook something for Alissa

I left the city unnoticed and kept running until I reached Mirigai... which was buried underneath the soil, how did they even pull this off?


I looked to the side and saw Guardian 1 using the Behemoth battle robot, it was now fully repaired and was equipped with a large make-shift shovel

I entered the 'Mini-Warden' ship and headed straight to Alissa's computer

"Lilith" I spoke out

"Zeno, welcome back" She replied

"Listen, could you give me a good chicken soup recipe, something that uses whatever ingredient we have"

"Hmmm, found multiple results, picking 1 based on reviews and ratings... I narrowed it down to one, please follow my instructions"


I headed to the kitchen and started cooking the said soup, after 30 minutes, the chicken soup was done. I took a bowl, filled it with the soup, placed it on a tray along with a spoon before heading to our room

The door automatically opened and there, Alissa was peacefully... snoring loudly while in her lab coat with her belly button exposed

"Alissa, wake up, I made you chicken soup" I nudged her awake

Alissa sat down slowly, she squinted her eyes before seeing the food in front of her and without any hesitation, immediately took the spoon and started gorging on the food

"Slow down, it's hot" I didn't react fast enough

She put the spoon in her mouth and looked at me emotionlessly, seconds later, her eyes got teary as she spat the spoon out and cried. I can only chuckle and place the tray on the table beside the rectangular waterbed

"Ift hurfts" She stuck her tongue out

I didn't know what to do an can only blow on her tongue

The door to our room automatically opened and there I saw Cynthia, sweating with a modern gym outfit

"I-I-I-I didn't mean to disturb you!" She tried to run away but

"Stoffffp!" Alissa shouted... my heart melted

"Comf twy thwis shoup" She beckoned Cynthia

I wanted to say that there was more in the kitchen but these two girls seem to enjoy each other's company, oh well, I can just get more later if they empty the bowl


Cynthia took the spoon from the floor and entered the comfort room inside our room, she rinsed it before coming out and tasting the soup for herself

"...ish ghood" She hid her face as she complimented me

So wait, Alissa isn't talking like that because her tongue got burnt?

"Zeno, your brand new DK-enhanced custom armor is downstairs...Lilith will show you... as for me, good night" Alissa took the comforter and buried herself on the bed...

Cynthia looked at me and smiled before running off

"I'm a bit sweaty, I'll take a shower before I join you"

So our new place also has a gym huh...

I walked downstairs and back to Alissa's computer

"Lilith, show me the new DK"

"On the room to the right, just inside the newly made, weapons room" She instructed

I entered the said room and in the corner of the room was a large capsule with a keyboard on it... this is clearly an escape pod made to fit only one person, they probably got this inside Mirigai

'Input identity' it was written on its small monitor

'Soldier Number 0001556, Zeno Abbadon of project CY'

'Identity confirmed'

The capsule opened and DK was revealed to me, I already removed the Nexus armor before cooking the soup so all I need now is to wear it but... I stink, I haven't taken a bath for... I forgot

I left the room and headed for the public bathroom nearby, I took a quick shower before drying myself and wearing new clothes. I returned to the weapons room and equipped DK

'DK, start up' DK was still turned off so I had to turn it on via voice command

The dark monitor lit up followed by system checks, everything was in working order and soon afterward, I started moving. I headed back to Alissa's pc in order to retake the AI that helps me

'Lilith, display all upgrades'


The new DK seems to have mini jet thrusters located on the sole of the feet, elbows, and shoulders. Also, the energy shield which wraps around DK has been enhanced, DK can also discharge a mini gamma ray from the palms of each arm but there's one line that piqued my interest

'During the event of the user suffering a heavy blow which leads to certain death, the user has a choice to go into a cryostasis mode'

So in the end, I need someone to bail me out if ever I go into a cryostasis mode in the middle of a war.

That was all the upgrades there was for DK, it may not be much but I'm happy, at least my survival rate has gone up

Cynthia entered the room, wearing her usual mage robe

"Gram and Brunhilde asked us to go with them back to the central city" I asked

"I'm okay with it"

"Alright, let's go then, I think I've made them wait for so long already" I chuckled before pressing the record button on Alissa's computer

"Time, 1300 hours, date, 8th of September, year, unknown. Alissa, we're moving out and heading for the central city, I will try to make good relationships with the King there so we can combat the bugs with the full support of the Kingdom. See ya later, love you" I pressed the stop button before heading out with Cynthia

"You wearing the armor?" I asked

"Yes, the helmet is hidden in my satchel" She pointed at the bag on her hip

We both left the ship and headed straight back to meet up with Gram and Brunhilde, of course I have the briefcase with me, it contained two rapiers and one longsword

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