《CY》Entry no. 56


Astarotia was patiently waiting on the sofa and sipping tea

"Oh Zeno, glad to see your still fine" Astarotia smiled sweetly at me, Julius and Gram noticed something imaginary and left

"Well, come and sit beside me, we've got some catching up to do... you just suddenly left without even telling me" Astarotia walked stood up and pulled me

"Please no" it was all I can say

"Oh you, you make it sound like I'm forcing you" She chuckled and her grip became stronger

I was forced to sit on the sofa with her but I was suddenly alarmed by Lilith

'Zeno, there's something wrong, my heartbeat scanner shows almost 30 life forms entered the city after two heartbeats vanished, I presume those two heartbeats are the guards' Lilith notified me

"I'm sorry Astarotia but something came up" I stood up and left

I heard something break behind me as I left so I hurried, I left the tent and headed for the northern gate. When I got there it was quiet, the guard towers were empty and clean except for that one drop of blood that Lilith pointed out.

'Lilith, where are they?' I asked

I only investigated the guard house to make sure if the scanner is properly working

'They've surrounded you, once you leave the guard tower you'll come face to face with one of them'

'Got it, thanks'

I was angry, the guardhouse was too clean for it to be the work of a bug so it might be humans. We're at war, we should be helping each other.

Now who is their target... me? is it the prince who sent them? or is it Julius, he seems pretty righteous and free-spoken, maybe he's offended people in the past? Gram? well a team of 30 assassins can kill a single general... Astarotia? she did recently come here....

Only one way to find out, I went out. What I expected to be a human turned out to be a demon

"Blade-Knight, I've heard rumors of you" The demon wore light clothes, I can see two small daggers on each of his hand, each dagger had this purple liquid flowing down from it

"Who sent you?" I asked


"Our Lord has sent us, now DIE!" He shouted out before throwing both daggers

Lilith predicted the trajectory and I was able to evade it, I pulled out my pistol from the holster just tied on my left leg and shot the demon in his head

Another demon appeared behind me and swung a cutlass, aiming for my neck. I pinched the sword with my right arm and broke it before kicking the attacker's ribcage, I broke his entire ribcage before sending him off

Three more appeared but they all looked fully armored with each warrior holding a long-sword and a shield, they slowly approached me with their shields raised, they were prepared for what I was going to throw but little did they know that my weapons were not from their timeline. I shot through their shields with my pistol and the three of them collapsed on the ground.

'Zeno, arrows at 10 o'clock' Lilith warned me

I did a front roll before aiming my pistol at the roof of one of the houses, I spotted an archer and shot him down.

'Zeno, more arrows coming from your six, five more archers at the roof of each house behind you'

I turned around and slashed all of the arrows with Azazel, I pulled out my M4 that was on my back and shot them all down. I noticed three more red dots coming from behind me, I re-equipped Azazel before facing those three men. They all jumped with weapons ready to be swung down

"[Crescent slash]" I used my skill and sliced them all in half

'Zeno behind you, unknown mana activity! be careful!'

I looked behind me and saw a spell was being conjured, the mage fired a dark spear. I moved to the side and evaded it but the dark spear did a 360 turn before heading towards me again... I want to try something out

The spear was getting near me by the second and when it was close enough, I slashed it in half with Azazel. I faced the wizard who was surprised, he started conjuring another spell but I pulled out my pistol and shot him dead.

Half of the demons that infiltrated the city are now dead


'Lilith, where are the others?'

'They're still around you'

"Well? come on out, I already know you bastards are out there" I shouted out

"Arrogant cunt" from out of the shadows came out a demon with a flaming sword, he seems to be their leader

"Well? come to actually give me a battle worthwhile?" I arrogantly asked

"If it's a battle you want, it's a battle you get!" He held his sword with both hands and ran towards me

Three more warriors appeared behind him, six archers appeared on top rooftops, two mages started casting a spell while behind the warriors and finally, three assassins are charging from behind.

Their leader was first to arrive, he swung his sword down but I held I held his right hand with my left before hitting his face with the hilt of my sword, I kneed his stomach before tossing him behind me.

"[Crescent slash]" I sent another crescent clash towards the three charging men in front they all jumped

I turned around and faced the assassins, they tossed their poison-coated daggers but I moved to the side, evading the daggers and arrows. Two dark spears came from above but I only needed to move my body a bit in order to dodge the attack, the spears impaled the ground and vanished

The three assassins caught up with me and engaged in close quarters combat only to get their heads chopped off, the warriors came just as the last assassin lost his life. They surrounded me in a triangular formation and tried to stab me with their swords all at once, I dodged it by ducking before sweeping my leg and causing them all to fall down. Two of them tried to stand back up only to meet Azazel and having a small hole in their head, the last one rolled and stood back up but was shot down by my M4

Arrows rained down, I quickly switched to speed and moved away before shooting down all the archers and the mages

Their leader didn't give up and tried to stab me behind my back but a lightning bolt hit him and rendered him unconscious, I looked behind and saw Cynthia

"You alright?" She asked

"I'm fine, thanks. How did you know I was fighting?" I replied before asking

"I asked Astarotia, she said you suddenly left, so I looked around and noticed two dark spears fly above the sky before falling down in the northern gate"

"Thanks for the back up" I patted her head

She just snuggles next to me like a small kitten which I find very cute

"We saw a lightning bolt, did something happen?" Gram suddenly came running and asked, with him was Julius and Astarotia

"Detain that demon and interrogate him, we need to know who sent him" I pointed at the demon with the flaming sword

"Good lord, you really made a mess" Julius looked around and saw the corpses of demons scattered all over the ground

"I'm really sorry after you had the men cleaned up the place" I apologized

"It's okay, just remind me never to fight you okay?" He chuckled

"Ahhh, Zeno so strong, besting these lowly beasts" Astarotia came in-between me and Cynthia

Astarotia hugged me while Cynthia was fuming with anger, Cynthia raised her staff and tried to whack Astarotia but Astarotia quickly moved away

"Don't you think it's bad manners to come in-between lovers?" Astarotia asked Cynthia

'Lilith, strength'


I flicked Astarotia's forehead, she was now on the ground holding her forehead that was emitting smoke

I walked away, heading back to the ship. I need some coffee...

I walk past the city square where all of the corpses were burned, I saw skeletons and exoskeletons in the pile of ashes... I suddenly had an idea

I dug through the pile and took found the body of the King, his body was burned but most of his parts were still intact

'Lilith, strength'


I yanked out the stingers from both his hands, these materials are hard to break. The people of this time won't be able to melt it but we can

I ran back to the ship with the stingers in hand, I'll ask Alissa to make some weapons out of them

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