《CY》Entry no. 54


We were just outside the city hall, Cynthia, Brunhilde, Fives, and the other soldiers were having a hard time fending off the attackers. Gram ran past the King and swiftly aided everyone, now I'm face to face with this Bee King

"You remember how I killed the previous King?" I chuckled

"Heh, trying to taunt me are you? I won't fall for it!"

His wings started to flap as he levitated off the ground, he quickly headed straight towards me at a bullets speed. With both of his stingers on hand, he started to assault me with multiple stabs but I manage to dodge every attack.

"...slippery as always, come servants!" He called out

5 of the attacking bees quickly descended and attacked me all at once but they were all shot down by Cynthia's [Lightning], I gave her a nod before looking at the King, he may not have teeth but I can imagine him grinding them right now

I heard a scream from above and noticed that the soldiers were slowly being overrun

"Throw them down!" The King commanded

One man was thrown down and was stabbed in the chest by the King before being thrown into the ground just outside the entrance of the city hall, the wound wasn't deep but I'm more concerned on the poison

Gram rushed down to save the bleeding man

"GRAM! Don't go anywhere near him!" I shouted out

"N-No! please save me General!" the soldier shouted out

"Don't worry young lad, I'm coming!" Gram once again started running

"Gram, don't get close to him, trust me" I didn't shout but it was loud enough

"General! It hurts!"

Gram was torn between helping the soldier and believing in me, in the end, he chose to step back and threw some bandages over to the soldier

The young soldier's chest begun to bulge as he struggled to remove his chest plate, he managed to succeed in doing so but his shirt was already torn apart due to the chest rapidly expanding


"Au-AAA-AHHH!!" He kept screaming in pain until his chest exploded

His chest exploded, his rib cage clearly torn apart. Gram's expression turned Grim before he ran back up

This was a poison natural to Bee Kings

"Haha, I always have fun watching them explode" The King chuckled

I pointed my M4 at him and started shooting, he nimbly dodged

"Fives, catch!" I threw the M4 and Desert Eagle towards Fives

I can't hit the King with my guns so it's better to let him come close and slash him to pieces besides, the people above seriously needs help

"Well come on King, my sword isn't going to bathe itself" I unsheathed Azazel

"Cocky prick" He charged once again but this time continued to rush forwards after I dodged his attack

He swiftly turned around and launched another charge at me, I used [Crescent Slash] and sent an attack towards him but he ascended a bit, just enough to evade my attack. I expected this and followed up with a [Spatial Rip], I teleported just above him and used another skill, [Illusion strike]. He managed to react and stabbed the illusion with the stinger on his back, this was my chance. I appeared beside him and was just about to cut off his head.

He reacted on instinct and used both his antennae as a whip that clashed with Azazel, I cut off his antennae but he managed to dodge just in time before swiftly retreating. He started to touch his head to feel if his antennae were really sliced off of him, when he confirmed it, he started to get really mad

"You Cyborg! how dare you cut off my antennae?!"

"Didn't seem like you were using it"

"I'll make you pay!" He once again levitated and charged towards me

He attacked using both stingers on his hands but I managed to block it with Azazel, I was pushed a few meters before I stopped his charge. He then used the stinger on his back and tried to attack my head but I only leaned left and right as my sword was blocking his two hands


'Lilith, use Azazel's ability'


Azazel started to glow blood red as powerful energy coated the sword, the King felt danger and swiftly jumped back

"My turn" I arrogantly declared

I sent a [Crescent wave] as a distraction before switching to speed type, he dodged the crescent wave but he fell to my illusion strike. He started attacking empty air and once I was close enough, I slashed his back, the wing managed to survive but his back now has a gaping slice

"ARGH!" He roared out in a frenzy and started attacking me, his sense of reason, gone.

I dodged all of his attacks and found a chance to attack, I swung my sword downward but he blocked it by crossing bot his arms and using the stingers as a shield. He kicked me and I was sent flying inside the city hall, I managed to recover. The city hall was a tight space and it will be hard for the King to fly around inside

The King wasn't thinking straight due to rage and swiftly followed me inside, I managed to block it but I was pushed back, I started running to the sides, the King was hot on my tail. I stabbed Azazel to the ground, I left a deep mark as I slowed down before using [Illusion strike] and jumping back.

The King then appeared above me, he rained down his fists but the one on the receiving end was another illusion from my [Illusion strike]. I jumped above him and stabbed the King on his back

'Lilith, strength!'

'Got it!'

I impaled the Azazel through the King's back, his chest, and firmly locking him down on the ground, it must be the pain but some reasoning went back to him

"If I can't kill you *cough* I will kill your friends!" He forcefully moved to the side, he managed but at the cost of Azazel slicing through half of his chest

The King didn't waste any time and jumped up, breaking the ceiling and heading for the roof. I didn't have time to pull Azazel out and just unsheathed Silver edge before jumping up with the aid of strength mode

I looked up and saw the King aiming his rear stinger towards Cynthia before firing it

'Zeno, Kill the King you won't make it in time to save Cynthia!' Lilith advised

'No! I won't let anyone die!' I fully know well just how strong that poison is and even if I Lilith tells me it's impossible, I will still try

Everything seems to have slowed down but I still kept running... if that stinger reaches Cynthia... I don't even want to imagine what will happen.

Lilith was right, I can already see me not making it but... I will try! No more deaths! I promised myself that!

The stinger was halfway when Fives suddenly came out of nowhere and blocked the Stinger with his energy blade, seconds later, the energy blade ran out of energy, so much energy was expanded just to block that stinger

The stinger went through Five's right shoulder, he managed to buy me a few seconds! I managed to push Cynthia away in the nick of time and blocking the stinger with Silver edge, I was pushed back but in the end, the stinger fell just as the King collapsed on the ground

It was always known that Bee class bugs will die in a few short moments after discharging their rear stinger

'Zeno, left shoulder and left arm has sustained damage, the force of the stinger was too much and caused a few cracks within the left arm'

'How long will the repair take?'

'One day'

'Alright, thanks'

The surviving Blood Bees started fleeing since their leader has died, this will surely cause the queen to get mad

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