《CY》Entry no. 53


The next morning, I woke up to the clamor of soldiers... just another day in my life. I didn't take off DK last night and just went to sleep as is.

"Zeno, you up?" I heard Gram call out from outside

"Yeah, tell me how many enemies we got?" I asked

"No, we don't have any enemies" Gram replied with a chuckle

"What? then what is that loud clamor for?" I asked

"The first prince has come to visit us"

"The first prince?"

Cynthia may have forgiven the royal family but she will not forget, neither will I. The royal family is a very complicated family... The King has three wives, each has wife has produced a son but only the first wife, the queen, has given birth to a female.

According to Cynthia, the son of the second wife was the one who committed the mistake of selling her off as a slave.

"Oh... is there any need of me being present?" I asked, I'd like to stay away from these kinds of people as much as possible.

"Yes, you are the leading warrior aren't you?"

I looked at the other bed and saw Cynthia deep in her sleep

"Is Brunhilde free?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Could I ask her to watch over Cynthia? Cynthia and the royal family is kinda a bad mix"

"Alright, go to the southern gate" Gram left

I wrote a little note and left it on the table, I left the tent and headed for the southern gate

Gram was already waiting along with Julius, there is at least 20 here who are in a parallel line, they were all holding up a pole with the Kingdom's flag.

"You're here" Gram welcomed me

"Yeah, Julius, you don't seem happy about this visit" I noticed that Julius has a very dissatisfied expression

"Yeah, I apologize but the point of this visit is to show that the first prince "Cares" he's just here to win the hearts of the people and gain more support" Julius spoke his mind in front of the Kingdom's general


"Way to take the magic away" Gram laughed and continued "Be that as it may, we still need to welcome him right?"

"Yeah" Julius loosened up

The door opened and soon five knights riding a fully armored horse first came in, then a carriage, lastly, another five knights on horseback. The carriage stopped in front of us three, the door opened and out came the prince

The prince had short blonde hair, has a normal body build. He's wearing a golden armor and was caped in velvet red

"General Gram, City Lord Julius, and... who are you?" He asked me with arrogance

'I've detected a specter stone on him' Lilith alerted me

"I am known as the Blade Knight" I'm trying to keep cool here but a specter stone here? what the hell

'Where is it? calculate the possibility of specter stones being located on this planet'

Specter stone can only be found on a planet that has aged for almost 10 Billion years, they were called specter stones because they were the result of a vengeful spirit combining with a diamond that has aged for 4 billion years... most of the vengeful spirits were the wives of the fallen soldiers, they fused with their wedding ring and started to wreak havoc be it the bugs or the humans. We dispersed them with electromagnetic blasters, they all left behind a dark black stone that turns to diamond once the sun shines on it but turns to a transparent stone when exposed to the moonlight.

Thanks to a human's positive thinking, rumors started to spread that if you give the person you love a specter stone, it means love eternal even after death. Of course, Alissa and her team already discovered that this was the result of the bugs experimenting with the 'Soul' of a human.

'There is zero possibility of a specter stone appearing here, even if mana and ghost-like monsters exist in this world'

'I see'

'The specter stone is around his chest, most likely a necklace'

"So you're the rumored black knight, I expected you to be a bit more dashing" He chuckled


"Haha, is that so? I'm sorry to disappoint you, I have one question though, is the prince perchance wearing a necklace?"

"Yes, It is the gift of the church to me before they got split in half, a pity"

The prince pulled out his necklace and it was revealed to me, a small specter stone... memories came rushing back, I remember this necklace, it's the same as Vicereines! what the hell?!

'Zeno, your emotions!' Lilith tried to remind but

How? Why? why is Vicereine's necklace here?!

'Zeno calm down, I've detected a huge swarm of blood bee's coming here!'

'Ah... yes... I'm sorry Lilith' I monotonously replied

"Hey, Blade Knight? don't you know it's rude to not answer when being asked?" The prince stood in front of me and kept kicking my foot

"If I were you, I'd get out of here" I stated lifelessly

"Ha? are you a fucking moron? are you making a prince leave? how dare you! guards! seize him!" The prince shouted out

"Wait, my prince, this must be some kind of misunderstanding" Gram tried to protect me

"Misunderstanding? are you kidding me? his statement was loud and clear!" The prince replied in a tone full of anger

The ten knights surrounded me and had their lance only inches away from my neck

"Julius, Gram, they're coming, it's best to make the prince leave" I stated

"What?! men, to your battle stations!" Julius trusted me and ordered his men

"Are you sure Zeno?" Gram asked


"Prince, you must leave, we cannot guarantee your safety if you stay here" Gram requested

"Fine, but he's coming with me, he already warned you of an attack, his job's done" The Prince mischievously smiled

One knight dismounted and had produced a metal choker connected to a chain

I pulled out Azazel and swiftly destroyed all the lances pointed at me

"You see here, you are not my prince, treat me rudely again and I'll make sure that you won't be receiving help from me ever again" I stated furiously

I don't see myself as a very strong person because there are multiple times that I've been helpless... the bomb and Vicereine, Johny and the teleportation device... Mordred and Abel

But they do need my expertise if they wish to have a chance of beating these "Invaders"

"Ha? you think you're so important? Arrest him!" He roared out

The knight with a chain stepped forward but was then impaled by a stinger...

"A-Augh" He coughed blood before he was taken away screaming

The blood bee's strike fast, I warned them but the Knights were too concentrated on me to even notice an attack

"What the hell is that?!" The prince started panicking

"These are our enemies, now please leave!" Gram pleaded before pulling out his sword

The prince quickly entered his carriage they quickly left but not without sustaining damage, out of the 10 knights, only four survived, the carriage was also badly damaged

"You could've saved the other six knights," Gram asked

"No, the blood bee's saved 4 knights and a prince from me" I replied

"...I know that the prince was rude but what set you off?" He asked

"Forget about that, they need our help back at the city hall"

Gram and I ran and found the city hall under heavy siege from almost 400 blood bees, they were barely surviving

"HAHA! YOU CYBORG! I never thought that I'd be able to avenge the previous king this early!" The Blood Bee King I saw before landed right in front of me and Gram

"A friend of yours?" Gram asked

"Nope, never seen him" I replied

"What a joke, I remember you!" The Bee King pointed at me

What he said was true, if the Queens inherit the throne, the Kings inherit the previous King's memories. I was the one who killed the last bee King so he knows who I am

"Go ahead Gram, I'll take care of this mime" I needed to take out my anger anyway

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