《CY》Entry no. 52


'Hurry' Lilith urged me

'I'm almost there' I made my way towards the entrance, making sure that I don't arouse the suspicion

In the next right turn, that's the entrance. I slowed down and stuck my body close to the wall.

'Lilith, use "Worm"' I requested

'Deploying Worm'

The area around DK's leg opened up and allowed a tiny mechanical worm to come out, on one side is the camera, the other is a transmitter.

'Lilith, control it'


The worm crawled and peeked on whatever is on the other side, Lilith streamed the video to me. There were... almost 30 men? no, they had horns on their heads. They look like humans except for the horn, pale white skin, and hollow looking eyes.

'Lilith... what are they?' This is my first time seeing such creatures

'I've checked my database, this is what they call a "Demon" as Cynthia has stated, they're one of the species that try to fight off or eradicate the human population'

'But why are they here... and why aren't the blood bees attacking them?'

'I don't know, lacking data'

'We'll just have to watch'

The demons were patiently waiting, after a few minutes, I heard a slight buzz, it soon turned into a loud one. Out of nowhere, something huge landed on the ground, the dust caused me to be unable to identify the creature. The dust settled and I now have a full view of something that I really hate, a King

Each hive will follow a Queen but the Queen will always have a King, a King is the Hive's second most powerful warrior. The King I'm currently seeing is 7 feet tall, has the build of a human body, covered in exoskeleton shell, is equipped with two large stingers on both hands and a scorpion-like tail.

Too bad I can't hear what they're saying but... they shook hands... did they come to an agreement? do the demons have an alliance with the bugs? if so then this could spell trouble.


"Whos there?!" The King swiftly looked at our direction

Lilith managed to burrow the worm in a small hole

The King stared for a couple more seconds before turning his head, the demons left and the King flew away. I want to leave the worm here to monitor the activity within the hive but its transmitter is able to reach a few meters.

When I was sure it was clear, I quickly ran outside and climbed up. I need to talk to Gram, this is the worst case scenario not because the Bugs and Demons are cooperating but because the Bugs will only gain more powerful pawns, they never ally themselves with anyone or anything, they will just backstab the demons and let the Formars transform them into their mindless slaves, once done, the Bugs will have an army of mutated demons that know no fear or pain.

I kept running until my feet were tired. If I keep going, I should be there by midnight. I sat down on a nearby tree, my journey back to the city will be delayed by a few minutes because I need a break.

A King, there's also a high chance that the Queen will send her King to invade the city... If that happens...

I stood up and started running again, I need to be back in the city, I need to be there for when the next wave comes.

It was midnight when I returned, thankfully, the city was still safe. The gate opened and I was allowed to enter, I quickly went to Gram's tent.

"Gram, you awake?" I spoke as soon as I reached his tent

"Yeah, come on in" A reply soon came

I entered and saw Gram sitting on his bed wearing his sleepwear

"How'd the scouting job work out?" He asked

"Bad, terribly bad"

"As they say, no news is good news"

"I saw the demons... I think they might be cooperating with the invaders"

"... Tell me, do you think these invaders will backstab the demons?" Gram asked



"Then we might still be alright, the demons are also going to backstab the invaders. They might be friendly towards each other but underneath, they're bot cautious of the other party. This is a weakness we can exploit"

"But to make sure, I think we need to find ourselves an ally" I trust Gram but I think he's underestimating this matter

"Yes, I do think so too but the only ones we can ally ourselves with is the Protectors of the forest" Gram sighed

"Is there a problem?" I asked

"They despise humans"

"I see... We need to discuss this at another time because there's something else"

"What is it?" Gram asked with a grim face

"I found a King, their strongest warrior, there might be a chance that the King will be leading the next attack"

"This is bad, we already lack forces and the next wave will be led by their strongest warrior..."

"Then evacuate, we can't let the men die here for no reason"

"I can't" Gram replied

"Why? is it the pride of a general?"

"*sigh* no, If we retreat now, the villages at the back will also evacuate but they won't make it in time, this city is the last wall that protects the entire country, if this last wall is conquered then... it will be only a matter of time till the Kingdom falls"

"I'm sorry, I just don't want any pointless deaths"

"Don't worry, I understand, for the sake of the people, some sacrifices have to be made..."

I really hate these kinds of choices, choices that will force you to lose something... I don't know the people of the Kingdom but I sometimes ask myself if they outweigh the good men here, I mean, not every citizen is good right?

"Zeno, could you please leave? I don't want to be rude but I need to prepare for the next attack"

"I see, good night then"

"Good night"

I left the room and returned to my tent, I saw Cynthia quietly sitting on her bed

"Can't sleep?" I asked

"Yes" Cynthia replied with a nod

I placed down Azazel and Silver edge beside the bed before lying down

"Something bothering you?" Cynthia asked

"What makes you say that?" I asked

"You just seem a bit off today"

"I'm probably just tired from scouting"

"Please Zeno, we're partners, you can rely on me"

"I'm sorry... even though I said it, It seems I'm the one with the trust issues..." I really am ashamed

"I know, you can't open up to me because of the fear of losing me one day right?" Cynthia sat on my bed and took off my helm

"Don't worry, no matter what happens... I'll always be with you"

She hugged me, it felt nice... but I pushed her back

"Cynthia... I already love Alissa, I'm really sorry" Her feelings reached me but... I can't accept it

"No, it doesn't matter, as long as you're okay with me being beside you" She shook her head

"Of course I'm okay with it" I pat her head

"Then... is there a chance that you'll fall for me?" She asked with as her eyes started to moisten... It really took her a lot of courage to do this

I looked at Cynthia and thought hard, a human is very fickle, being with Cynthia was fun the entire time... though she might be a bit overprotective at times


Tears rolled down Cynthia's cheek, she tried hard to smile but that smile turned upside down as she hid her face and muffled all of her cries

It was my turn to hug her

"Not now but maybe someday"

Cynthia looked at me with moist eyes, still bewildered by the words I spoke, it took some time for her to process it but in the end, she smiled.

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