《CY》Entry no. 51


I trekked the hill and with the help of Lilith's scanners, I was able to trace the Hive. The mountain was split cleanly in half, according to info I previously gathered, a strange blue light called "God's sword" split the mountain in half. In one side of the mountain is a large hole, this hole is the entrance to the Blood bee hive but I found something else

In the depths of the split is a wreckage of the SC. Mirigai, a spaceship almost as large as Warden. Mirigai is mainly responsible for weapons manufacturing... so the Blue light is probably Mirigai's superweapon called 'CEOB or Concentrated energy blast'. I can go and check it out or scout the hive before scavenging the Mirigai...

In the end, I decided with scavenging Mirigai firstcannibalism I'm lucky, I could find a transport ship, update the map and set it on autopilot towards our camp outside Blaz city with all the stuff I found.

Jumping down would be stupid, the mountain is at least 285 meters high and I'm at the peak. Look's like it's another long and grueling way walking down, Lilith lowered my temperature so that I won't be detected by the blood bees so my journey down was peaceful. I didn't encounter any animals, looks like the forest has been cleaned by the blood bees. The journey going up and down took me an entire day, I was a bit tired even if my joints are mechanical. I was now in the split, the ground was burned black, time passed but plants are yet to grow in this burned ground.

I looked up and detected a few bees scouting around, I stuck close to the walls and made my way towards the ship. Unlike Warden, Mirigai seems to be in a much better condition but when I went in, the insides were full of rotting organs but the bodies from where they originated are nowhere to be found. I walked forwards, not minding the fact that I stepped on something molding and rotting, the experience? well, it was like stepping on marshmallows only they aren't that spongy and would squirt a few blood and maggots.


The outer passageways were lit by the moon, light found it's way through the glass and cracked ceilings of the ship. The doors were all opened, I'm actually thankful that it is because the energy inside the ship is totally dried out. The automatic doors won't open. I entered the inner area where Mirigai's crewmen live, I tried to look around but all I found were pictures of the crewmen and various people which I think are their family members.

I found nothing useful and left the inner area, I headed back to the outer passageways and headed for the hangar but the door was shut tight, there even signs of it being forced open by a crowbar. I switched to strength and pried it open with the crowbar I found lying near the door, the door was now opened.

I was bombarded with the sight of rotting corpses, even with DK filtering the air I breathe, the memory of the smell of thousands of corpses all came back... I checked out their bodies, some were killed by blunt weapons such as a fire hydrant or a hammer while others died from a stab wound from a kitchen knife. On further inspection of the room, all of the escape pods were gone and all the food supplies were out which meant that the people inside turned to cannibalism in order to survive...

There was not even a single ship inside so I left, Lilith guided me to the control room where I found a few plasma grenades, these plasma grenades will stick to anything before it explodes. I found a military bag and carefully placed the three plasma grenades inside, I left the control room and proceeded to the weapons development area in the centermost part of the ship

I thought I could find weapons here but all I found were defective guns, every weapon crate I opened either contained a defective weapon or was just plain empty. I almost gave up when I saw a door that had signs of being forcefully opened, I entered the small room and found a single weapon. The energy lock of the create was still on so I removed my helmet and allowed it to scan my eyes.


This box is called the Weapon crate Vr. 5 it has it's own independent energy source, and has multiple safelocks and can is programmable to choose those who can open it.

"Officer Zeno, you are not authorized to use this weapon" Is all it said

"Command Override, We are at a state of emergency, Mirigai is currently under attack" I stated

"Connecting to ship's network to verify claim, unable to connect, Mirigai has lost power and all of its abilities to conduct proper defensive measures, initiating manual scan... scanning, please wait"

Whatever is inside must be good for them to install so much security measures

"Scanning complete, multiple corpses detected. Access Granted. Following Silver edge program, in the event of Mirigai's fall, Silver edge's ownership will be transferred to the first human to find it"

The box opened and revealed a long katana covered in silvery glow and intricate dragon etchings

"Officer Zeno Abaddon, you are now the owner of Silver Edge, Silver edge was created from the fangs of the Mercurian Predator, a species of dinosaurs that are rarely found in planets close to the sun"

The Silver edge's sheath floated and attached itself on my belt, I took the sword and it is light, I swung it and tried to cut the door open, the door was cut through like a hot knife through butter.

'The Silver edge seems to have an ability called 'Break'' Lilith informed me

'Tell me it's effects'

'Just as Azazel, it will drain energy from the user in order to produce said ability. Silver edge will be coated in electricity that will interfere with any living being's nervous system causing them to be unable to move or have impaired movements'

'That's a nice ability' I smiled

There was nothing else for me to take here so I left the Military bag I found and left it inside before looking leaving Mirigai, I will take it later once scavenge the ship for its parts later. I can already hear Alissa saying that she will make a ship out the stuff we get

I started climbing up, the wall since the hive's entrance is in between the bottom and the peak of the mountain... it took me a good 1 hour to climb it before finally reaching the hole, I carefully went in because I'll be as good as dead once I'm detected. Lilith still activated DK's cooling capabilities, I carefully roamed the hive while Lilith mapped the place out.

I soon came across a large room with so many rotting human shells, we call them human shells because after the Worker Blood bees are done with them, they're all literally just skin and bones.

The difference between a Blood Bee soldier and a Worker blood bee is that the former has red and black stripes while the latter is purely red in color.

Some people were alive as their insides were sucked out of them through their stomach's, they all screamed in pain and terror, they all wished to be saved but no one is coming for them. I can't save them, all I can do is end their misery but doing so will give me away. I'm sorry but you'll have to endure this.

I left because Lilith informed of some strange activities at the Hive's entrance

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