《CY》Entry no. 47


Panday took us back to her place, it was a small house made out of stone, it was a one-story house. She shoved us in and quickly closed the doors, she lit up some candles and led the way downstairs, her house seems to have an underground area.

"Please sit here!" She pulled out two chairs and made us sit there

It was still dark underground with only her candle to illuminate the room, I can use my night vision but won't that spoil the surprise? I'm actually curious to see what's in here.

She threw the candle in a forge and fire quickly fills the forge, the fire in the forge seems to be the fuse that sparked flames in the torches that were all over the room, the dark basement was suddenly illuminated in a way I've never seen before and honestly, I'm a bit mesmerized.

"Please put your sword here" Panday pulled a stone table with excitement

"Our deal" I replied

She sighed and pulled out a scroll made out of parchment, she placed it on the table and showed its contents to us.

"I don't why you're asking something so basic but listen up cause I'm gonna tell you all I know!" She smiled but her eyes were always on Azazel

She reminds me of a kid whos smiling at their parents just to get some candy when they're at a supermarket

'Lilith, broadcast this to Alissa' I spoke to Lilith

'Yes' She briefly replied

"Okay, let's start with Reppoc, it is the weakest mineral and one of the most common, it's usually used to create cooking utensils.

Next is Revlis, concentrated Revlis will be turned to Silver coins. Revlis can also be used to create Silver weapons and armor.

Then there's Dlog, concentrated Dlog are turned to Gold coins, they're only good for currency because weapons made out of Dlog are weak and brittle.


After that is Nori, Nori is pretty common and are useful in different things, they can be used to make house decorations, kitchen utensils, or armor and weapons.

Next to Nori is Steel, concentrated Nori will turn to Steel, Steel is just like Nori, it has multiple uses.

That's for the common to rare minerals, now we're moving on to rarer minerals!" Panday smiled, again, her eyes are on Azazel

'Alissa, you getting this?' I asked

'Yeah, thanks, this is very useful' Alissa was a bit cheerful

"First off is Diamond! it's very rare and is used as a centerpiece to any jewelry, it is very tough and hard to melt so you can rarely come across a diamond sword!"

"Then there's Ybur, a red gem that is usually chipped and turned into a jewelry by an experienced artisan.

"After that is, Edaj, a green gem and just like Ybur, it is turned into jewelry by an experienced artisan"

"Now listen, the last two minerals are very rare and hard to come across...

First is Obelisk! an obelisk forms when lava and holy water mix, of course, people brought multiple buckets of holy waters in a volcano and tried to create an Obelisk but they all failed so it is said that coming across even a small pebble of Obelisk is a lifetime of fortune.

The Obelisk is extremely tough and is extremely hard to melt, some of the strongest warriors have an equipment made out of Obelisk, according to rumors, their weapons were forged from dragon fire! it can also be a sign of wealth so those rich people have at least an accessory that has an Obelisk in it.

After Obelisk is something called Nature stone, a Nature stone can only be found in the Sea of Trees in the Elven territory. It is hard to access it because unknown creatures stalk the Sea of Trees, legend has it that once you enter, you can never go back. Hundreds of heroes forced their way in but none of them returned, one at least returned... well his hand is a part of him...


No one knows the exact use of a Nature stone but it is said that it can breathe life back to the dead

And that concludes our lesson, monster bones can also be used to forge weapons but since we're only talking about Minerals, let's end it there!" Panday... she's smiling but I can see drool in corner of her lips

"Alright, a deal's a deal" I unsheathed Azazel and placed it on top of the table after she wrapped up the parchment

"OOH!! I've never seen material like this!! this isn't Steel nor Obelisk but it's black in color... It's alright if I hammer it right?! it's okay right?! this is part of our deal right?!" I can actually see stars twinkle in her eyes

"*sigh* Just once okay" I reluctantly agreed

"Just once is fine! hehe hehe HEHE!" Panday pulled out a huge hammer beside the forge

She slammed it down, I was too shocked to even react... is it because a small person like her can carry a hammer larger than her or the fact that she is clearly insane in the membrane... reminds of the AI development team in charge of creating female robots...

The hammer hit Azazel and the hammer clearly shook, the shock was transferred to Panday, she chuckled and threw away the hammer. She checked Azazel for any deformities with her hands that were still shaking from the shock. I took Azazel back and sheathed it, I'm afraid that she's going to do more crazy experiments

"WHY?!" Life left Panday the moment I took the sword back

"I'm afraid you'll hurt yourself" I sighed

"N-No, A-At least tell me the material used!!" She got on her knees and held my legs

Cynthia had enough and started poking Panday with her wand

"Get off him!" Cynthia was so pissed off

"Cynthia, relax... I got this" No, I'm never good with people like these

"The Material used is native to my homeland, it is always kept a secret from outsiders so I can't tell you" I shrug her off and started running away

Cynthia and I left the house and soon after, Panday came out with a large backpack, I can even see some frying pan hanging at the side

"What are you doing?" I asked, my eyes twitched for a moment there

"I'm going to your homeland!" She said with a cheerful smile

"Goodluck!" I left, I'm too tired for this, she'll soon realize that she has no idea where I am and it's dangerous outside the city

Cynthia and I returned to the house, she prepared some tea and even massaged me as we waited for the water to boil

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