《CY》Entry no. 46


The four ogres were 9-feet tall and held large wooden clubs, Rawl quickly hired some adventurers to deal with them. I need to proceed with caution when it comes to unknown enemies but the adventurers took these Ogres as regular Ogres

A party of four people stepped forward

"We'll take care of the one that is charging ahead, it's all alone so we can easily take care of it" The adventurer held a mace

"Don't, you'll die" I warned them

"Who asked for your opinion, you might be a bigshot in your city but in this city, I call the shots" He arrogantly remarked before running forward with his party

His party was composed of him, the leader, a 6-foot tall man who held a shield as large as him, and two lanky men who held staffs. The man with a shield took the Ogre's attention and tried to receive its attack, he raised his shield and received a heavy swing from the ogre. The leader of the party appeared behind the Ogre and attacked the back of the Ogre, the Ogre tried to move but two roots held his arms in place.

The leader of the party was happily tenderizing the back of the Ogre when its back suddenly opened and out came sharp bones, he jumped back but still received a wound on his shoulder

"What the fuck?!" The leader of the party was clearly shocked

"Kill that thing, we can't hold on any longer!" The two mages shouted out

Suddenly, the Ogre's mouth split half all the way to its belly and just completely ingested the shield in front of it before spitting it out. The shield was riddled with holes and you can clearly see some parts of it have already melted, the man without his shield tried to flee but a long tongue coiled around his body and pulled him back to the Ogre, the Ogre's stomach opened and multiple bones came out and completely pierced different parts of the man's body before pulling it inside its belly


Everyone was horrified of this scene, some adventurers even retreated while those who stayed behind grit their teeth and started planning on how to deal with these abominations

"Guardian Five has arrived, awaiting command" Guardian Five came from behind, he was wearing a hood and a cloak that covered his entire body

"Where're my guns?" I asked

"Right here sir" Five pulled out my M4 from his back and my Desert Eagle on his holster

"Use the Desert Eagle"

"Yes sir"

"Cynthia, please support me" I requested Cynthia who was beside me

"Yes" She nodded

"Five's let's go" I dashed forward and Five followed behind

The roots that were constricting the ogre was broken and the Ogre was free to move again, the mages and the leader of the party ran away. How can you leave your party member like that? I thought to myself as I ran past by them

The Ogre now has me on its sight and attacked by swinging the huge log of wood it was holding, I jumped to the side and cut off its left leg, the Ogre lost its balance and fell down. It tried to push itself up but Fives cut off its right arm, the Formar on its head got mad and forced a mutation where the bones on the left leg and right arm grew to be large spikes.

It stood up but it was suddenly hit by a huge thunderbolt, its head was fried and so was the Formar on top of it. I gave Cynthia a thumbs up before pulling out my M4 and started shooting the heads of the Ogres that were heading towards us, they tried using the wooden log they hold as a shield but my energy bullets still pierced through it and destroyed the Formars, Five's also used the Desert Eagle


The battle was over and I moved back to Cynthia, these Ogre's dropped nothing unlike the Ogre Magi from earlier... so as long as the Formar is connected to the body of the monster, it won't drop anything. I need to tell this to Alissa

The adventurers started clapping when I returned and that's when I noticed someone drooling... He/She gave me the creeps. I couldn't see really well because his/her face and entire body is covered by a cloak just like Fives

Rawl thanked me and gave me some gold before leaving along with all the adventurers but the person drooling earlier remained, Cynthia noticed that I was a bit uncomfortable

"Hey, you, get out of here" Cynthia was completely cold

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare, it's just that the Blade-Knight's weapon is so perplexing..." The person behind the cloak apologized and introduced herself

"I am Panday, a blacksmith nice to meet you" She was 4.9 feet tall, had a literal washboard chest and her hair was a c-cut.

"I told you to scram!" Cynthia didn't care

"...I'm sorry" She apologized before leaving with dark clouds hanging over her head

"Wait, you're a blacksmith right?" I asked

"Yes!" That dark cloud turned into a rainbow as she turned around and replied to me

I can ask her for some information mostly about minerals, sure there are books but what's better than actual blacksmith teaching you?

"I'll let you see my blade in one condition"

"AGREED!" She was quick to nod her head

"I want your soul!" is what I was about to say because she was so eager but I stopped myself

"Tell me all the minerals that you know and their uses" I stated my condition

"Yes, yes, now sword, show me" She came running and Cynthia came for a block by tripping her with her wand

"Let's please go to your place" I spoke to back of her head because her face was kissing the ground

"Agreed" she replied in a pained voice

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