《CY》Entry no. 45


I returned inside the house and noticed that Cynthia was quietly sipping tea in the corner but I saw her hands shake, she must've been shaken by the mob outside

"Don't worry, I won't let them hurt you" I ruffled her hair

"What? Oh... it's not that..." Cynthia was surprised and tried to correct me but in the end, she chose to be silent. I can see a slight smile on her face though

If it's not that then what then? women are weird.

'Lilith, how's DK's repair going?' I asked Lilith as I sat and sip tea

'DK's recovery is at 39%' Lilith replied

'Oh! I forgot!' Something suddenly crossed my mind as I looked outside through the window

'What is it?' Lilith asked curiously

'[Status]' I muttered under my breath, I've been too busy with all these bugs that I forgot that I was in another world...

I looked at my level and I was level 63, huh... it jumped that far? was it when I was with Gram inside that dungeon?

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard people screaming outside

Is it another mob? I peeked through the window and was shocked at the sight...

A huge 10-foot tall two-headed chubby is currently crushing the townsmen, it was fat and held a large log of wood, it wore no armor and only had some cloth to cover its ass and its ding-dong.

'What the hell is that!' I asked Lilith

'I've sent a photo of it to Dr. Alissa! please await her reply!' Lilith alerted

'Zeno! can you hear me?' Alissa connected to me

'Yeah, are you seeing this?' I asked

'Those things are called Ogres but this Ogre, in particular, is called an Ogre Magi, it can cast magic so be careful when facing it. It's generally leveled around 40-50' Alissa explained


'Where'd you get this info?' I asked

'Unlike someone who's too busy with bugs, I actually asked two friends of mine to share books of monsters' Alissa replied proudly

'Where would I be without you' I chuckled before jumping out the window with Azazel in tow

"Hey, two-headed chub, over here!" I shouted to gain its attention but what I saw surprised me

On its two faces are two Formars... The Ogre roared and its chubby stomach opened up to show multiple sharp bones ready to eat anything alive

I forgot that there are also magical lifeforms and beasts in here!

'Zeno! energy building up above you!' Lilith warned me

I looked above and saw a dark cloud form, I jumped to the side just as a thunderbolt fell from the sky. I looked at the Ogre and it was getting ready to cast another spell, I ran forward and activated Azazel's ability. The Ogre stopped casting its spell and just pounced forward with its gaping belly, I raised Azazel high and swung it down

[Plasma Slash!] A crescent wave made out of plasma energy quickly sliced through the Ogre and cut it in half. The two Formar's abandoned their and tried to run away but I shot them down, the Ogre started to melt and turn into steam. It dropped a loincloth and a wooden club

I looked at the river... maybe it wasn't the people here that continued the cycle of Chordodes Formosanus, maybe it's the magical beasts!

"Cynthia, call Rawl" I requested Cynthia who came out of the house

Cynthia nodded and ran

The house we were staying in was pretty close to the city gates, I should be able to find a way up on top of the wall. I looked around and saw a wooden ladder, I climbed up and kept looking around


'Lilith, help me scan the area'

'Already on it'

I patiently waited for the result, half a minute later, Lilith gave me the news

'I found 4-5 lifeforms in that dense forest'

'are they humans?' I asked

'No, I used the heartbeat sensor and excluded those the same and lower of a human's heartbeat so those are most likely Magical lifeforms native to this land'

'Five, Guardian Five, are you ready for combat?' I connected to Guardian Five

'Yes, I am at full energy' Guardian Five replied

'Then be ready, I might need you to come out and fight'

'Yes sir!'

I cut off the transmission

"Zeno! I've brought Rawl" Cynthia shouted

I should connect her to my DK helm

I went down and faced Rawl

"Is there a dungeon around here?" I asked

"Thank you for taking care of the Ogre Magi, I don't recall any dungeons around here... if it's about the Ogre, I heard that there was a dungeon far north of here where Frost Ogres spawn"

"Is that so...? hmm, then, how did an Ogre Magi come all the way here without arousing any suspicion?" The only method I know is through warp gates, an artificial wormhole that our scientists created but the Bugs have no idea on how to create one so they invade and control a warp gate

"I don't know, normally, adventurers would've already hunted it down... unless..." Rawl placed his arm on his chin

"Unless what?" I asked

"Unless the cities in the north were destroyed... it makes sense now..."

"Tell me what you discovered" I spoke to him

"We were all fed lies... the King told us that rumors of the northern city falling are but a rumor... that's why no one was allowed to go to the northern city, he told us that they've converted it to a stronghold since the Demons have created a base in the northern mountain range"

"Okay, so your King is lying to you" Nothing new to me, politicians are always like that

"But what can he gain by lying to us?" Rawl muttered

I heard a loud roar from outside the walls so I quickly climbed the ladder to take a look and sure enough, there were four Ogres (One headed) running towards the city, I zoomed in and found Formars stuck in their heads

'Five, come here with my M4 and Desert Eagle, now!' I connected to Guardian Five and ordered

'Yes sir!'

"Cynthia, prepare for a fight" I shouted

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