《CY》Entry no. 44


My actions were seen by people and they clearly disapprove of my methods.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Asked one adventurer

"What's best" I replied without looking back and killed another man who was in a very critical condition

"What the hell?! what do you mean best? You're just killing people!" He grabbed my shoulder

"Can you heal him?" I pointed at a man who was roaring in pain

"NO! but a healer can!" He ran and pulled one of the healers before asking the healer to heal the infected guy that I pointed out

The healer was a bit angry for being dragged but he still healed the infected man.

"See!" He had a smug smile

"Congratulations, you did the best, now the man that was being healed by the healer you dragged here is dead, you must be proud of yourself" I replied as I pointed at a corpse in a bathtub

"...W-What?" He looked at the corpse

"You're a murderer now"

"I-I didn't mean it..." He stepped back

"If so then step back and watch" I left him and killed a worm that popped out of corpse beside me

It was total and utter chaos, good thing that before the operation, the non-infected civilians were forbidden from witnessing the operation. When we were done, the clean city square turned into a butcher's playground, you can see blood and intestines scattered everywhere. Most adventurers already left during the operation so those who stayed were either puking, scarred mentally, or was just quietly cleaning the blood off their weapons, the family members soon arrived and were scared shitless of the sight in front of them, they were struck with fear but they still approached their now worm free family member but not everyone was happy. The family of those who didn't make it cried their hearts out beside the bathtub of their beloved, ignoring the fact that blood was everywhere.

Rawl sighed and asked some people to start digging graves, he also prepared for a feast tonight, not to celebrate but to honor those who didn't live through this calamity

Cynthia and I left, Rawl offered us a house that was once occupied but the owners died from the disease. We accepted it and quickly entered it to get some rest, soon after, Rawl knocked on the door.


I opened it and asked him to come in, we headed for the small guest room. The guest room was pretty simple, two large sofa's with a rectangular table in between them, a table on the side that had a vase filled with flowers. Cynthia came in and distributed some coffee's and snacks

"...I'll get straight to the point, is there any way to cleanse the lake?" Rawl asked

"No, not with the equipment you have" I shook my head

"Then... what do you suggest we do?" Rawl was lost, he had no idea what to do since this is all new to him

"Do not drink water from the lake unless that water was boiled, also, put a fence around the lake" I advised

"Hmm, if you say so" He put his fingers on his chin before leaving after he said those words

A few hours later, I heard shouts from the outside so I peeked and saw a mob gathered around this house

"Come out murderer!" A random man shouted

"Yeah! you killed my husband!" This time, a woman shouted

"Come and receive your punishment!!" Another random man shouted

I knew this would happen, the loss of a loved one can get you so frustrated it affects your way of thinking. All you need is one person to snap and the rest will follow, they will put the blame on one person and then proceed to take action while thinking that they're doing the world a favor.

I walked out and faced the mob, there were almost 30 of them here, each carrying either a pitchfork or a torch

"Finally shown yourself eh, demon?" One man spoke out



"You murderer deserve to die a painful death!" One man came running while holding a pitchfork

He tried to stab me but I moved to the side and evaded the attack, I then knee his stomach before slapping his face

"You are all a bunch of idiots" I remarked

"What the hell did you say?!" Another man tried to attack me with his torch but I punched his stomach before he could even swing

"Tch!, let's kill his companion instead! maybe then he'll understand the pain of losing someone dear to him!" One man suggested and I noticed everyone agree



There's a limit to my patience you know

Do you even know what you're saying?

I snapped after they all nodded their heads

'Lilith, speed'


I quickly grabbed the man that suggested it and knocked him out, everyone was surprised but they surrounded me and tried to attack me. A 1 vs. 26? this would be a slaughter... for the 26 people that is

I kept knocking everyone out with a punch or a kick, I didn't care if they were a man or a woman, the fact that they threatened to kill Cynthia is enough reason for me to kill them

After some time, the entire mob was now down on the ground, they were all moaning in pain. I grabbed the man who suggested the idea of hurting Cynthia and dragged him by his hair, I kept on dragging him and arrived near the infected lake, I threw him in and pulled him out after five minutes. I then returned to the house, the mob was still on the ground, I dug a small pothole by stomping on the ground while in strength mode, I carried a water tank and filled the pothole with water. I then pushed the man in and restrained him, he started screaming which awoke all of the people that joined the mob.

"Well? go and call a healer" I suggested

One man ran to call a healer while the rest helplessly watched as the man suffered in pain and agony

"Save him please" I remarked as I sat there and watched them

"P-Please!! the healer!! tell them to come quick!!" He stretched out his arms but everyone took a step back

"Please! it hurts so mu-so.... So MuCH!!!" He kept punching his stomach as he screamed, teardrops already formed in the corner of his eyes

"Wow, you guys are really sick, why aren't you helping him? do you guys enjoy watching him suffer?" I mocked

Everyone responded differently to my jeers, some had bitter smiles while the others were condemning me in their minds for being such an asshole in this situation.

"AAAARRGGGHH!!!" The man in the pothole stretched his body with his stomach pointing towards the sky, he tore off his clothes and started scratching his stomach to the point that he's peeling the skin off with just his nails

"Wonder how long the healer will take" I was still mocking them

"SHUT UP!" One of the people watching got mad and shouted at me

"You think this is funny?! he's dying for fuck's sake! how can you still act like that!" A woman shot back

"Oh, I'll tell you something funny, it's the fact that you're all watching him suffer without doing anything, at least close your eyes and not eye him so much" I shot back

They were silenced by my words, minutes after the man that ran earlier returned but no healer was with him

"I-I'm sorry but all the healers are resting, they all ran out of mana and collapsed in the hospitals!" The man came bearing bad news

"NOOO! NOT LIKE THIS!!" The man in the pool panicked, both his arms tightly gripping his hair, tears and snot flowed down his face

He kept screaming as the people from the mob watched helplessly

"Ah- aa... A...AHHHHHHHH!" A worm popped out of his stomach and started growing but stopped after it was as fat as a child's arm

It kept wriggling, struggling to remove itself from the stomach from where it fed

"I'll give you money!! pl-pleaaaaaSEE heeelLLppPP mmMMEeeeE!!" Another came bursting out of his stomach

He kept screaming until he died, I killed the two worms that came out of his stomach. Everyone else but me was on their knees and were all throwing up on the ground

"See why I killed those who can't be saved?" I mocked them, sure doing this is the worst way of teaching them but I don't care, as for the soldier's rule of protecting civilians, I pushed that down to second and prioritized the safety of the people close to me

They all glared at me but couldn't say anything

"Try to hurt my companion again and I will toss you in the river" I warned them before entering the house

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