《CY》Entry no. 43


Chordodes Formosanus, one of the parasites that I mentioned when I was talking to Gram. They're basically a super tapeworm, unlike the aggressive zombie fly, a Formosanus lets itself get eaten by a fish, it then controls the fish so that they could be eaten by humans or animals on land. If it gets eaten by an animal, it will then proceed to control that animal and lets it get eaten by a human. Once inside a human, they will eat everything except for major organs that keeps its host alive. Once matured, they will then control the host back to water where they will pop out of the host's stomach to lay eggs back in the river, thus, continuing the cycle but I already asked Rawl and he said that no infected went near the water. The host must've been too weak to even stand or walk so they just died along with their host.

I returned to the old house, everyone was waiting for me, there was a large bathtub filled with water in the middle of the room.

"Please grab one of the infected" I requested

"Alright" Allan nodded and entered one of the 12 rooms

He soon came out with a middle-aged man who was so thin it was like looking at a skeleton with a skin

"Please enter the bathtub" I requested the infected man and he nodded

Allan supported him, the man was now in the bathtub, the water reaching his chest.

"Now, what you're about to see is a bit disturbing, Cynthia, please be ready to cast your healing magic" I announced before requesting Cynthia

"Allan, please hold him down" I asked Allan before pulling out Azazel

"...I-It HURTS!" Then out of nowhere, the infected man who looked lifeless suddenly screamed

Everyone watched him struggle, Allan is having trouble restraining him so Rawl helped him. The man flailed his arms and he kept thrashing about in the bathtub until something popped out of his stomach


The Formosanus is very unique because when they are within their hosts they always restrain their growth but once outside, they rapidly grow to be as thick as grown man's arms, they're also thrice as long as an adult.

The Formosanus kept wriggling its small body and started to grow as it left the man's ruptured stomach, the bathtub instantly turned red as the Formosanus opened its jaws and showed its shark-like teeth.

I quickly beheaded it, the man was already long gone. Everyone needed some time to digest the information but after finding a "cure" for the disease, they'll be eager to use it on everyone that is infected.

This method was used to trick the Formansus inside the host's body, making it think that it is already within a river, once they show their heads, our weapons will the there to greet them.

"Prepare bathtubs, all of the infected must be cured as soon as we can" Rawl quickly went out after saying those words

All of us, Cynthia, Allan, Sucy and her sister, left the house after extracting the parasite within the stomachs of the infected that were within the rooms of the underground research lab

We went to the city square and noticed hundreds of infected people supported by their loved ones, Rawl announced about the antidote and the person who made it. Everyone was eager to try it out but Rawl stopped them and asked for everyone to await the arrival of the adventurers he called

Adventurers came, there were almost 50 of them, that's when the extraction started. Some people had their own bathtubs while other the other infected were putting up the small pothole filled with water that the earth mages made.

Screams of pain and anguish were heard all around, the mages had a hard time healing the infected so I figured I should help


"Are you going to help them?" Rawl asked

"Yes, I can be considered as a combat medic" I replied

"Combat Medic? you mean combat doctors?" Rawl once again asked

"No, I'm a combat medic"

"What's the difference?" Rawl looked at me

"This" I replied before stabbing the heart of one of the infected people

"What the hell?! I thought you were a medic?!" Rawl angrily shouted but it was quickly drowned by the agonizing screams

"A doctor's job is to save lives, while a medic's role is to give the patient the greatest comfort as they die"

Rawl sighed and shook his head

"For a young man, it sounds like you've been through so much"

"You have no idea" I replied

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