《CY》Entry no. 41


I woke up to Cynthia tapping on the glass, I looked at timer in the corner of my eyes and noticed that an entire day has passed. It's 10:00 Am, I'm must be really tired to have overslept.

I connected my radio to Guardian 1 who was standing guard inside the examination room, I also asked him to put me in speaker.

"What're you doing?" Guardian 1 approached Cynthia by my order

"Ah? Zeno's voice? but you're in there..." Cynthia was pointing at me in the recovery cylinder while looking at Guardian 1 suspiciously

"This? I'm communicating through Guardian 1 since I'm unable to speak to you"

"Oh... Is that so? this feels really weird..."

"Yeah... anyway, is there something you want to say?" I asked

"Yes, actually, Brunhilde came to the guild early this morning to check on your condition but we had no choice but to turn her away since you're no longer staying there"

"Oh... did she leave a message?" I asked

"Yes, she wanted to apologize personally and wanted to take care of you, she even brought multiple healing potions"

"Can't do anything about that" I *sighed*

"How's your recovery? I want to heal you but..." Cynthia stopped midway

"Oh, It's okay, I will just have to stay here for one more hour and I'll be completely healed" I turned around and showed her the skin on my back that was fully healed


"Wow... even our healing spells can only close the wound and not completely heal the skin" Cynthia was amazed

"Well, go ahead and get some coffee or tea"

"Then, I'll be waiting outside" Cynthia left the room

"Officer Zeno, you seem to have attracted another female" Guardian 1 spoke to me

"She's a good friend" I replied

"Officer Zeno, you dense motherfucker"

"...What kind of personality did they give you?" I asked

"According to my programmer, my personality seems to be that of a really honest and jealous person"

"...So were you being honest or jealous?" I asked

"BOTH!" Guardian 1's eyes glowed red

I sighed and just closed my eyes, sure our technology has come so far but the people who made them are still weird


I woke up to as the water within the cylinder was being drained, I removed the tube in my mouth and patiently waited for the water to be completely drained. A few moments later, there was no longer any water and the cylinder split open. I left and took the clothes that Guardian 1 gave me, I was only wearing my boxers so I need to quickly change.

"Oi, don't look" I spoke to Guardian 1

Guardian 1 left the room, I looked to the side and noticed a mirror, I was completely visible on the other side. I pulled the curtains and quickly changed my clothes.

I left the room and was surprised to see that Alissa had already prepared breakfast for me, I noticed that her hair was completely ruffled and her polo shirt... wait... that's my polo shirt... anyway, the buttons were mismatched. She was probably up all night studying something and woke up when I was done recovering.

"*sigh* Thanks but look at yourself *chuckle*" I smoothened her hair out with my hand

Alissa blushed and quickly pushed me away

"That's cheating..." Alissa started braiding her hair

"Haha, let's have breakfast then" I chuckled

Cynthia, Alissa and I had breakfast together

We had fried chicken, I'm surprised that Alissa managed to create some breading mix and bread crumbs, I asked her about it but all she said was


Well, that's her answer.

I went outside for a bit while Alissa and Cynthia were happily speaking to each other.

I started mulling over the situation we were currently in, that larvae said sisters so there must be more of them, the only problem is how many queens are out there? I have no idea where to start, I have no clues but what I do know is that I need more equipment and firepower... as time goes on, the bugs will start mutating and evolving into their more stronger forms... I also fear that they start mutating into a new kind of species due to the mana present in the air.

This is really frustrating, I've checked with the all the information we had and found out that there so many blueprints of weapons but we lack most of the materials needed... arghh this is really frustrating...


I looked at the sun, and there it hit me... most of the equipment we use require a power reactor or power source but what if we create something that can harness natural energy? We still lack information on mana but there are energies present here that we've already studied for hundreds of years.

I quickly went in and looked at Alissa, the look on her face says that she knew an idea had struck me.

"What do you have in mind?" Alissa asked

"Ultra-violet cannon!" I told her my idea and I can see a smirk appear on her face... she really loves building something out of scratch so this will be something she will enjoy

"I'll work on the blueprints!" She smiled and went into our room

"What was that all about?" Cynthia was baffled

"Oh, we're developing a weapon" I chuckled, it's been a while since I saw Alissa so pumped up

"A weapon? is it alright if I help build it?" Cynthia asked

"Sure thing" I ruffled her hair and laughed

"But for now, why don't we go back to the guild"

Since DK was still damaged, I wore the Nexus armor but still wore the DK helmet.

We left the ship and returned to the Guild

I looked at the counter and saw Marcus

"Hey there Zeno, it's been a while huh" Marcus chuckled

"Yeah, where are the others?" I asked

"The guild participated in a hunt or more like cleaning up your mess" Marcus laughed

"...I'm very sorry" I felt slightly guilty and partially worried about them

"Nah, don't worry, they're strong people and besides, Lea went with them"

"Oh, that's a relief then" I sighed

"Well... seems like Lea has been happier recently" Marcus said those words out of the blue

"Why do you say so?" I asked

"Look at this" Marcus pulled out a ton of documents

"What's this supposed to be?" I asked

"Her piled up work" Marcus smiled

"Thank you for breaking my image of her" I didn't know Lea was a workaholic

"No, not that, see, ever since you've become famous, more young adventurers started applying here" Marcus chuckled

"Oh... I see" I could only reply with those words

"Well, you'll understand soon but for now, General Gram came by earlier and asked you to swing by his place earlier. According to him, there's something important he wishes to discuss with you"

"Thanks" I thanked Marcus before leaving with Cynthia

We both left and headed for Gram's place, we were led to the guest room by the butler, Gram came to greet us moments after

Gram sat in the chair in front of me, he looked very serious so this must be something big.

"Blade Knight, I wish for your assistance in a matter that has been wreaking havoc in the northern cities" Gram requested.

"Uhm, Do you have more information?" I asked

"Yes, well, a plague has been found in the northern cities, people have been dying here and there... we have no idea what caused it, people are panicking, they keep saying that these invaders are the angels of God sent to cleanse this world of humanity" Gram massaged his forehead

"Is that all the info?" I asked

"Yes, sadly, this is all new to us and the researchers are too afraid to even get close to an infected person... or a corpse"

"I see... well, I can't get any information standing around here... why don't we go?" I can at least have Lilith scan the area

"Great! when are we leaving?" Gram asked

"I'll just get my stuff ready"

"Then, this afternoon, we shall leave for Morbus city in the north, it will take about a month" Gram

"Why don't you guys go ahead, I have another method of getting there" I laughed

"Oh... then I'll meet you there, here, take this, it's a proof that you've been given authorization on the problem" He gave me a small badge shaped like a shield

"Thanks, we'll be on our way then" I took the badge and left

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