《CY》Entry no. 40


"But don't celebrate just yet, we only killed their queen, their army is now in disarray and they're all wild animals that run on extinct, they will kill everything they see. Now, form a group, each group has to have 10 people whose levels are above 30" Gram shouted out

Everyone followed his orders and started moving out, one group stayed behind in case some Bugs come out of the hole we came out from.

"A-Are you okay?" Brunhilde checked the wound on my back

"I'm okay really, I'm only in a bit of pain" I replied

"I-I'm really sorry... b-because of my... of my..." Brunhilde can't even complete her sentence

"It's okay, I'm alive aren't I? Now go and take some rest" I pushed her away

Brunhilde looked at me, she's clearly still worried about me but she nodded and left

"I'm sorry about my daughter, whenever someone gets harmed because of her, she becomes like that" Gram came and explained as he scratched his head.

"Is that so?" I asked

'Lilith, did you scan her?' I asked

'Yes, Brunhilde seems to have had exhibited signs of trauma, shock, confusion, and sadness' Lilith reported

"Yeah, it's the reason she trains so hard every day, she doesn't want anyone to get hurt because of her" Gram explained

"Ah, I see, please tell her that I'm alright" I spoke out before Fives and Cynthia supported me

We headed towards the ship, Guardian Four was outside guarding the ship

The door opened

"Zeno, what took you so... long?" Alissa stood up from her seat and greeted me but she saw me being supported by Fives and Cynthia

"Officer Zeno's back has been damaged by a Nicrophus beetle's digestive juices" Five reported

"Take him to the examination room" Alissa was calm but I can see her arms shake

Fives and Cynthia carefully removed DK before supporting me inside the examination room.


I laid on my stomach on the steel bed and let the scanner scan my back.

"Scanning complete; Officer Zeno has sustained 3rd-degree burns on his back, permission to heal the wounds" The computer laid down its findings

"Permission granted" Alissa quickly replied

The area underneath me opened up and a transparent cylinder came out, the steel bed moved back and entered the cylinder. The cylinder then closed, multiple tubes came out and attached themselves to the cylinder. Water came pouring in as another tube came in and started producing air, I took it and inserted it into my mouth

The cylinder was filled with water, I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

"What is happening to him?" Cynthia asked Alissa

"He's submerged in a water with multiple healing properties, He has to soak himself in that water for at least a day" Alissa explained

"But won't he drown?" Cynthia asked once again

"No, see that tube in his mouth, it's providing him oxygen"

"Oh... you really have sophisticated pieces of equipment"

"When you're faced with such monsters, you have no choice but to adapt don't you?" Alissa bitterly smiled

"...Say... you and Zeno are lovers right?" Cynthia nervously asked

"Yes... *sigh* that womanizer" Alissa smiled

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to intrude on your relationship" Cynthia apologized

"Actually... in our tim- country I mean, Polygamy is accepted" Alissa smiled

"What... but Zeno doesn't seem to be that interested in me..." Cynthia belittled herself

"Actually, he sees you as someone who can trust, if you ask me, that's a huge step towards his heart, you just have to make your feelings reach his dense heart. I'll also tell him that I'm okay with Polygamy" Alissa patted Cynthia's back

"I-I... I'm speechless... I can't find the words to say"

"Does it start with a Thank and ends with a you?" Alissa smiled

"Thank you is not enough... I will forever be grateful to you..." Cynthia hugged Alissa


"Whoa there, you still have a long way to go and basing on Lilith's data, I seem to have found a rival" Alissa smiled as she looked at the monitor

"A rival?" Cynthia was surprised, she looked at the monitor and saw two faces.

She couldn't recognize the first person but the second person was Brunhilde

"Brunhilde has feelings for Zeno?" Cynthia asked

"Not yet, She seems to have her eyes on Zeno. She's curious about him but at the same time, grateful for saving her life"

"Doesn't that amount to being friends?" Cynthia spoke out

"Indeed but they will soon start to spend time together during missions and this Brunhilde just might fall in love with him"


"So shall we form an Alliance?" Alissa smiled

"An Alliance?"

"The ZWT which stands for Zeno Wife Tests" Alissa proudly brought out a huge glass panel and started writing on it

"...I'm not his wife..." Cynthia blushed

"Alright then, ZWFT, Zeno Future Wife Tests!" Alissa didn't give up

"I give up..." Cynthia admitted defeat

"I always win~" Alissa smiled and looked at the monitor before mumbling in a weak tone

"But not against her..."


"It was nothing"

"Oh... if so then I must go... I'm tired" Cynthia started leaving

"Oh, Please leave the nexus armor here"

Cynthia was silent

"Don't worry, I'll ask one of the Guardians to do some maintenance on it" Alissa reassured her

"Okay then, thank you"

"You can change in that room" Alissa pointed towards their bedroom

Cynthia entered and came out moments later, she gave the armor to Guardian 2 who was waiting outside. Cynthia then left the ship and headed to her room back in the guild, she went to the main hall and was greeted by Lea

"Hey, Welcome back, I heard you succeeded in your mission but Zeno got hurt, how is he?" Lea asked

"He's alright, he just needs some time to recover" Cynthia replied

"Oh... well? wanna go to my room and talk about it?" Lea spoke out

"Talk about what?" Cynthia had a huge question mark above her head

"About how much you like Zeno or how much you hate other women oogling him" Lea chuckled

"...It has become a habit, I apologize for always straining your ears" Cynthia was embarrassed

"No, I enjoy it, don't worry" Lea started walking up the stairs and opened the door

"Well? I have some tea ready"

"Thanks!" Cynthia entered the room


In a certain mountain

"...One of my sisters has died" A small golden larva spoke out

Its voice echoed throughout the entire cavern

"...My queen, how can you say so?" A man asked, the man was covered in yellow armor that had black lining all over. He had two small wings similar to that of a fly, he also had a large stinger in his right arm.

"We sisters are connected to each other, we may not be able to communicate but we can sense if one of us dies" The Larva replied

"Isn't that great, one has already died, less competition"

"I agree with that logic but the fact that these humans with their barbaric weapons killed a queen who is protected by her minions is making me... uncomfortable"

"Don't worry my queen, as soon as you emerge from that state, we can increase the number of royal guards to protect you"

"Yes... I have nothing to be afraid of... just a few more days and I'll be out of this dark cave... heh... hehe... HAHAHA" Her laughter reverberated in the cavern. A small yellowish glow came out from a hexagon shaped hole and then another... soon the entire cavern was lit

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