《CY》Entry no. 33


I returned to the ship and removed DK with the help of Alissa, she started running a scan on DK.

"...Something's wrong" Alissa spoke out as she looked at the monitor

"What is it?" I asked

"Tell me something, is there something going on with DK recently?"

"No, everything is fine when I use DK"

"Look at this" Alissa beckoned me and I looked at the monitor

"See this?" She pointed at the monitor that had no display

"There's nothing on it" I replied

"That's just it, nothing, DK's energy levels should be shown here if DK had no energy, there should at least be some red bar at the bottom and if DK was full of energy then, the bar would reach up to the top of the monitor... There is something really wrong with DK"

Alissa and I were contemplating what to do next when the radar within the ship rang

"I'll check it" Alissa went to the control room

"Zeno! trouble!" Alissa shouted soon after

"What's wrong?" I quickly asked

"Nicrophorus class!"


Nicrophorus class bug, they were as large as a fully grown elephant. These bugs burrow into the ground and create a tunnel into the heart of a city that had low defenses, this is the reason why most of the planets they invaded fell easily. They were also capable of spitting out their own digestive juices which instantly melts human skin. I looked at the radar and saw that the Nicrophorus has already reached the center of the city

"PREPARE TO LEAVE, NOW!" I quickly put on my helmet and notified all of the Guardians through radio

I went out of the ship after wearing DK, Azazel was strapped on my back

"Where are you going?!" Alissa shouted out

"I'm going to warn everyone!"

'Lilith, activate speed mode'


I ran back to the guild office

"Zeno? what's wrong? you seem to be in a hurry" Lea asked

"No time to explain, tell everyone to evacuate the city, NOW!" I explained

"What? I can't just tell anyone to evacuate without a reason and didn't you guys deflect the oncoming attackers?" Lea asked

"This time it's different, they built an underground tunnel and they will soon invade!" I explained to the best of my capabilities

Lea was silent before running out to the veranda and casting a spell, she fired a fire that released a bright light when it reached the skies. Minutes after, the light vanished and came the sound of people rushing to leave their homes


"What was that?" I asked

"It's what we use to warn everyone of an impending danger, although its use needs to be approved by all the guild masters within the city" Lea explained

The door soon swung open and Astarotia quickly came in

"What the hell was that for?! did you even get permission to use that?!" Astarotia was mad

"Zeno said that it was an emergency" Lea answered

"It's true, this city is going to fall and there's nothing we can do to stop it" I backed Lea up

"How? Didn't we successfully defend the city?" Astarotia calmed down

"No-" I was about to explain but the sudden earthquake caught me off-guard

"Goddamnit, It's coming! Astarotia, lead any available men to the center of the city!" I announced before jumping out the window

'Lilith, can you detect how many enemies there are underground?" I asked

'Negative' She replied

Damn it

I quickly called back to the ship

'All guardians, report energy levels'

'Guardian 1 reporting, 90% energy'

'Guardian 2 reporting, 87% energy'

'Guardian 3 reporting, 90% energy'

'Guardian 4 reporting, 88% energy'

'Guardian 5 reporting, 58% energy'

'Good, Guardian 1, I require your assistance, 2,3, and 4, you guys defend the ship, 5 recharge your batteries' I gave out my orders

'What about me?' I heard Alissa's voice

'Steer the ship here and make sure that it's invisible, just drop 1 off before heading to a safe place' I requested

'Got it!' Alissa replied before cutting off

I passed by panicking villagers, they only took what they can before leaving... this sudden evacuation is causing a riot but I can't help any of them right now, I have to meet the attackers or else they'll be in much more trouble than they already are.

I reached the center of the city and noticed large cracks all around the streets. Another earthquake came as something underneath is doing its best to surface, I brought out my M4A1 and aimed. Another earthquake came as the cobblestone on the ground broke apart, the ground opened as a large Beetle came bursting out sending debris everywhere.

The moment it popped out, I started shooting at its head. It still hasn't fully surfaced because half of its body is still stuck underground, it started struggling to get its lower half out.

This is my chance to stop an invasion, I aimed at four of its exposed legs and started shooting them. I had to empty all of my bullets on one leg before proceeding to cut the other 3 down with Azazel, I tried to get close but it won't let me. I took out my Desert Eagle and just started shooting it from a distance, I managed to damage one of its legs but it won't be enough.


Suddenly, the shipped appeared above the beetle before 1 jumped down and tore off one of its legs. The ship then vanished and left the scene, the beetle flailed both of its legs in pain.

I ran forward with Azazel in hand, the beetle tried to attack Guardian 1 but 1 jumped out of its striking range. It then changed to me as its target, it raised both of its front legs to attack me but I did a front roll and evaded it. It tried to raise its legs back up but 1 jumped out of nowhere and slashed one of the legs off, 1 landed on the ground and clasped both of its hands. I placed my foot in his hands before he gave me a boost and tossed me up high enough to cut down the only scarab leg left.

The beetle opened its mouth and digestive came splashing out, 1 jumped back and avoided the attack, I, on the other hand, landed not too far away from the attack. The cobblestone let out an awful smelling smoke as the digestive juices started to melt the stone.

"What the hell is that?!" Mardoth came from the side along with multiple spearmen

"Keep your distance and watch out for its spit!" I warned them

The beetle opened its mouth once again and was about to attack but a fireball hit its mouth forcing it to shut close, I looked at one of the roofs of the houses and noticed Astarotia there

The beetle kept rampaging and wiggling its body as we attacked it, Mardoth and his men threw spears while Astarotia attacked with her fireballs. The beetle was about to die but the unexpected happened, Digestive juices gushed out of its mouth and flowed down its body, melting it enough for the body to fall back into the hole and allow the enemies from within to surface

"Goddamnit, find a way to seal the hole!" Astarotia roared out

Honestly, it was a bit hard to do so, the hole was 10 meters wide thanks to the beetle's constant struggling and digestive juices

People with ragged clothes and damaged bodies started walking out of the hole, everyone was on guard but me? I started shooting them down... I already know what's coming but these guys... I don't want them to see what's going to happen next

"Zeno! calm down, they're survivors!" Mardoth shouted out but I still fired as I replied

"Do you think a survivor would just pop out of a tunnel created to invade?" I roared out before continuing "If you want to save them, kill them now!"

"N-No! I'm still ok!" one of the people that came out shouted but I quickly silenced him


"He's crazy!"

"Why is he shooting us?! we're humans too!"

The people that came out started to condemn me, even some of the spearmen spoke out.

But then, a bug's wing popped out on one of the survivors back, the survivor kept screaming in pain until another popped out. The wings started flapping and carried the survivor up as he screamed in confusion, pain, and terror. When he got high enough, his back exploded open, revealing a fly... or more specifically, a zombie fly

Zombie Fly, unlike other parasites I saw, are very aggressive, the moment the female injects its eggs inside you, the larvae quickly takes control of your mind as it feeds on your body until it matured enough, once that happens it will burst out of your body, leaving you to die.

The survivor fell down with his organs on full display, the people started panicking and started running in different directions.

"Goddamnit, contain them and kill them! don't let anyone escape!" I roared out before shooting down the zombie fly that just emerged

The spearmen were confused but Mardoth took the lead and forced them to form a circle, the bloodbath began as the spearmen killed the survivors. They apologized each time they killed a survivor while the survivor screamed in anguish as they cursed at the spearmen, saying that they will go to hell or they'll remember this and stuff like that.

There was no attack after that, the queen of that Hive probably thought that the people here had no idea on what is inside those survivors... good thing I was here, if I wasn't then this city would've been overrun by flys and the eggs implanted to the other people would amass an army for the next city

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