《CY》Entry no. 30


I woke up the next day and took a bath before putting DK back on, Lea told me yesterday that she was going to attend another meeting, she asked me to go with her since I've made a huge impact on everyone. All I could do was helplessly agree.

"You good to go?" Lea asked me


We both met up at the guild gate before we headed for the city hall where the meeting was being held. We entered a private room within the guild and saw the guild leaders from yesterday

"Hey there!" Mardoth was quick to greet us

"Morning" Lea greeted Mardoth while I only nodded my head

We sat down and waited for a while before Astarotia came in.

"Good morning" Astarotia greeted everyone

"Yesterday's battle was a huge success thanks to Zeno, now, the task at hand is to destroy the base of these monsters. I've sent a scout and he said that these monsters are using a cave in the south as a base. They're rapidly multiplying as we speak, we made a mistake last time of sending numbers but this time we will be sending qualified adventurers. I request all of you to send your best members" Astarotia requested

"Fine I will send in 10 of my best" Raiz announced

"I'll also send 10" Raizar followed up

"...Zeno, please" Lea requested

"Sure" I nodded

"I'll send in 5 because most of my men are out on their own missions..." Mardoth scratched his head

"I'll be coming too" Astarotia smiled before announcing

"The subjugation squad will meet up at the city hall entrance tomorrow, make necessary preparations" Astarotia quickly left

Lea and I left under the resentful gaze of Raiz and Raizar, I made it back to the ship and had lunch with Alissa before checking on Guardian 2's progress


"How is it?" I asked guardian 2 who was keeping himself busy outside the ship

"Everything is in working condition, no problems here sir" Guardian 2 was quick to reply as he presented me the M4A1

I aimed it at a tree and started firing, I kept firing at the tree until all 30 energy bullets were depleted. It took half a minute to recharge itself which is a huge setback but I've got to make do with what I've got.

"Did you learn how to create an M4A1 from giving it maintenance?" If I'm not mistaken, Guardian's have a system called 'Self-Learning' system

"Affirmative, however, I need multiple parts to construct the M4A1. My success rate at first will be 49%, however, I will learn as I create more"

"Alright, thanks" I nodded my head before my eyes landed on a Nexus armor made for females

"I'll be taking this" I took the nexus Armor

"Oh yeah, can you reshape the Nexus armor to fit Dr.Alissa?" I asked

"Negative, insufficient tools" Guardian 2 shook his head

"I see, that's too bad" I left the scene with the M4A1 strapped on my back

I started polishing my aim in the forest, using the birds as my target when Cynthia suddenly came

"Hey, what are you doing?" She looked at me and asked

"Practicing" I sat down on a fallen tree

"I heard about tomorrow" Cynthia sat beside me

"No" I quickly declined, we are attacking a base, I don't know what else is in there except for the Formars

"I won't take that for an answer"

"Cynthia, I don't want you to die"

"I don't want you to go and there alone either"

"I've got allies coming with me"

"I highly doubt you consider them allies"


I was surprised at what she said, I couldn't utter a reply because she was spot on. They may have the same mission as mine but I really can't trust them... yet

"I'm one the people you only trust" Cynthia pointed at herself

"There's the Guardians though"

"Aren't they defending the ship?"

"...Alright, you can come but you will have to be beside me at all times"

"Yes!" She nodded vigorously

"Alright, wear this" I gave her the Nexus armor, I knew this would happen

"Let's meet up early tomorrow"

Cynthia left with the Nexus armor while humming

I'll take Guardian 5 with me so he can watch over Cynthia

I slept peacefully that night and started my day with my daily exercise. We met up with everyone after that, all of them were weirded out by the two companions I brought along with me. It was Cynthia and Guardian 5 wearing the same Nexus armor

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