《No Face, No Life》096


The skylight seen from Natalia-sama’s office was amazing. The clouds scudded gently across a dark star-strewn sky. I could see the faint glow of the galaxy in that frame. It was truly breathtaking. My gaze lowered from that magnificent tapestry above. The girls were assembled around Natalia-sama at her desk. They were speaking softly.

“Susumu-sama!” Akuchi’s head swiveled instantly when I woke. She crashed into me.

“Hyaaaaa!” I exclaimed, thankful that Akuchi wasn’t pretending to be Reiko-chan.

“I’m sorry!” Akuchi apologized heartfully with her arms thrown around me. “They explained to me you had feelings for the girl whose face you’re wearing! This one is a little more comfortable, I hope.”

I nodded dumbly. “Yeah... what have I missed?”

“Eh... we’re just thinking about what to do. We’ve decided that our ‘take the bait’ strategy isn't exactly the wisest ever devised,” Akuchi whispered. “Therefore, I shall take this painful role for you!”

“I appreciate that, Akuchi,” I sighed in relief.

“But you know, I have a feeling we will have a hard fight ahead of us,” Akuchi sighed. “At least you don’t need to worry about trying to fill this role yourself when you still feel so strongly. You knew her best, better than everyone else. You would probably play the role best, but so I can help you in the best way possible, I’d like you to tell me everything you can about this girl who stole your heart. Knowing this will help me improve my acting.”

I nodded and proceeded to explain my history with Reiko-chan and what I knew about her. I shifted until I found a more comfortable position on Natalia-sama’s cot. Akuchi settled down at my side, turning her head as she wrapped her arms around her legs, and waited for me to begin. After we covered our past together, how we’d met on a playground, and everything I remembered from every time we spent time together, the conversation moved onto Reiko-chan herself. How she acted, behaved, and her way of speaking. I told Akuchi everything about Reiko-chan I knew, and I was happy to gush about her. Akuchi nodded thoughtfully, chewing her lip as I blathered onwards like a Reiko-chan otaku.

“What are you two doing?” Rui barged in, darting across the floor to us. I looked up blankly. My gaze turned on Rui just in time to notice her descending leg.

“Don’t hurt this face!” I yelped.

Rui’s heel drove into my chest, bowling me over. Akuchi watched, stunned. “Kami, she’d make a better Reiko than I ever could.”


I gasped as I leaned up on an elbow. “Damn, you’re a savage. We were perfecting Akuchi’s acting. Why do you have to be so crazy?!”

Rui’s eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms beneath her noh-breasts. “That’s not a bad idea, I suppose. My bad. You should join us, though. You’re wasting time. We’ve already devised a different plan. You don’t need to know much about the plan, anyhow.” She shrugged and pursed her lips.

I gaped. “How can we possibly succeed tonight if we don’t cooperate?”

“Hmph... it’s fine. The strategy will depend mostly on us. You’re the muscle if things come to a fight. So just get your butt moving!” Rui vaulted over the cot and grabbed my arm. “Hurry! I’m hungry!”

The moment she said she was hungry, my stomach cramped and gurgled. We hadn’t had anything since Ume’s mystical curry. There was a strong chance that her curry still hadn’t settled after the many hours since we ate. Rui seized my hands and yanked me to my feet before she charged back over to Natalia-sama’s desk. Awkwardly, I stumbled over to join them.

Thoughtfully, everyone turned their gazes on me, smiling.

Natalia-sama looked tired. “Susumu, take everyone downstairs. If you walk up the street to the north, there’s a twenty-four hour diner. It’s four blocks off. I’ve given Rui enough to pay for everyone. Go and have something to eat. The fact is, none of us may survive this, so have fun and make it count.”

“What about you, Natalia-sama?” I blinked. “You should join us!” I circled the desk to firmly take her arm.

“I’d love to go with you all, but I cannot. My skills are needed here.” Natalia-sama smiled warmly. “When you return, you’ll find a custom outfit waiting for you, just as you suggested. It has to be done in an hour, but I think I can fill in this order.”

Rui grinned broadly. “I wish you could join us, but please do your best. I’m counting on you, Natalia!”

I looked at them suspiciously and Rui’s wide smile spread contagiously. Is this ‘order’ going to be some kind of super-intricate dress custom made for me? This is for the fight and to hide my identity. What kind of a dress is she going to make me wear into battle? I thought about chain mail, or a dress made out of it; perhaps she would include a veil or a chainmail coif. Why are they making me wear girl’s clothes now?


Speaking of which, I finally looked down at myself and facepalmed. They had me dressed in a cute outfit Reiko-chan herself would wear. There was a skirt which reached halfway down my thighs, stockings, a pair of black leather boots and a blouse with a high collar. But then I noticed something I had to get off my chest. “Crap!” Two orbs had appeared out of nowhere. Resisting squeezing them was futile. I sighed in relief to find that it was some kind of convincing padding.

“Why did you do this to me? Wasn’t that goth loli dress enough for you? Do you have some kind of a ‘let’s dress Susumu in girl’s clothes’ fetish?” I protested, yelping as I stiffened indignantly.

“Of course not. It’s because I don’t make men’s clothes.” Natalia laughed softly. I got it right… they’re going to stuff me into something girly again after this. “You have a girl’s face and voice. We only needed to complete the look. I understand that you wouldn’t entirely pass as this Reiko, but regardless, you can pass easily as a woman. Now just go and have fun together.”

“Where are my clothes? Can’t we wash them?” I begged.

“There’s no time for that, idiot!” Rui slapped my fake breasts. “Besides, you look cute like that.”

“Not cute enough that you don’t want to hurt me, it seems.” My eyes narrowed as I huffed.

Ume laughed softly. “They’re so fun to watch together.”

Rui tugged my arm firmly, and everyone followed. Natalia called us. “Rui-chan. I’d bet that the vampires will fight the hardest, Ume-chan. Make sure that they’re rewarded properly.”

“Thank you, Natalia.” Ume winked, blowing a kiss at her. She looked tired but also was visibly filled with determination. While her shoulders sagged subtly, her eyes were determined and a little excited. There was an aura of rolling up one’s sleeves for the work ahead. She walked over to her workbench. I wanted to stay and watch her crafting, but Rui firmly pulled me out.

My cheeks were stained pink as we moved down the escalator to the first floor. There weren’t many people in the store at this hour, but those who remained looked in our direction as we passed through the floors. This time I wasn’t the one who everyone was interested in, but even though I was inconspicuous, I felt self-conscious. I was certain that some people would question me for wearing women’s clothes. It had to be obvious that I wasn’t female. As we passed through the first floor, I glanced towards a mirror and was stunned that I looked like nothing more than a pretty young woman.

We walked out of the store and Rui confidently led us to the north. I blushed intensely the whole time. It felt like a girl’s night, well... except for the vampires trailing us. My eyes flashed backwards a few times. It felt so strange to be one of a few leading so many goths, and more and more joined the crowd. They’d been waiting outside, unobtrusively this time. This procession had become a strange parade. I glanced backwards a last time when I thought all of them were tailing us. Half of the vampires were cute girls, the other half were bishounen. They possessed what I’d always wished genetics had seen fit to give me. Beneath the grunge, they were attractive. I wondered if everyone would be able to eat at the restaurant. The wisdom of mobbing a restaurant this time of night was questionable, but Natalia-sama had said we should all eat.

Rui tugged at my arm when we reached our destination. I looked up at the sign.

Regal Boost

I’d eaten at one of these restaurants before. I didn't know, however, that this chain operated twenty-four/seven. Rui tugged me firmly to the doors.

“Kyaaaa!” I yelped, stumbling. Thankfully, they hadn’t put me into high heels. Seriously, I don't think I could have walked in those torture devices. The things looked like they were designed to cripple and maim. When we entered the well-lit enclosure of the restaurant, I took in the atmosphere. There were only a few people eating at the smaller tables. I sighed in relief. At least seating wouldn’t be an issue. The waitress bowed and smiled.

“Welcome to Regal Boost!” Her expression was warm. I smiled back, blushing. Rui did the talking and I was satisfied to leave it to her.

“We need seats for, um…” She turned her focus on Ume, who giggled.

The parade of goths trooped into the restaurant and filled the waiting area to the brim. The girl’s warm expression turned pale white.

“Seating for fifty-eight.” Ume took over with a toothy grin. The girl gaped with wide eyes, sweating visibly.

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