《No Face, No Life》093


“Susumu, this bracelet belonged to my father!” Rui gravely stated.

Oh... my... KAMI! It’s just like a wedding!

“He used it as a spiritual focus. When you’re in a crisis, concentrate on it. Whatever spiritual powers you have will activate far easier. You should be somewhat familiar with spiritual energy from your experience as a noh-face. That’s probably why you’ve gained a dense spiritual aura. I almost wish I was made one instead of you. Maybe then, I’d have enough spiritual power to follow my father’s footsteps.”

Is she complimenting me?

“With this,” Rui explained, “we have everything we need to storm that cold-eyed man’s building tonight! His tower is well guarded. Everyone will be necessary for this attack. We’ll assault his lair and we’ll valiantly fight our way to the top! When we get there, we’ll arrest him. It might not be that simple, though, because I’m sure there’s more to him than just being a rich murderer. My compass always goes nuts when I’m near his skyscraper.” She removed another object from her purse, holding it up. “It’s another indicator, but it can’t be used for fine detections like the cat’s paw. It will point towards locuses of spiritual power.”

The compass was metal and it had occult designs embossed on it. The shapes and designs were strange and swirly. I saw etchings of demons on it as well. Classic depictions of yokai.

My expression was thoughtful while I focused on Ume. “Hey... do you know where that cat’s paw went to?”

“Eh? Oh that?” She giggled. “Yeah, I’ve got it right here in my pocket. Why?”

“Can I hold onto it? It’s supposed to bring good luck, right?” I winked. “It’s not a monkey’s paw. Even though it nearly knocked me out, I had a great dream.” My face reddened.

“Ehhhh? Really? What was it like?” Rui asked.

I gasped and looked away evasively. “Oh... I don’t remember it well... hahaha..." I changed the subject quickly. “By the way, if you’re arresting this guy, what will you do with him? Turn him over to the police? Can they handle him, if he might be a yokai or is involved with them?”

“Good point..." Rui faltered. “Oh, darn... what would father have done? Oh! The scroll!”

“Scroll?” I asked, cluelessly.

“Yes! It’s charged with spiritual energy. It’s the only trick I have that I can use from the tools I’ve inherited. It’s specifically designed for capturing yokai, but depending on how much spiritual energy he himself possesses, it might lock onto that and seal him!”


“Ehhhh? You have something so powerful you could use on him and it would work so simply? In that case, why do you need me?” I asked.

Ume smiled warmly at me and winked back while placing her hand in mine. My face heated up when I saw our hands joined. And her hand was so soft. After a moment I noticed that a hard object was touching my palm. She folded my fingers around it. The moment her hand left mine, it tried to get out of my hand. Clenching my hand tightly, I held it while Ume siddled against my ear to whisper into my ear. She nibbled it lightly. “Whaaa?”

Rui answered my question, “Because the best and worst of plans can go wrong, Susumu.” Rui eyed us suspiciously.

At nineteen-hundred hours, we left my apartment building. I wore my last clean clothes, freshened up by Ume-chan. The blood stains on my shirt were now gone. It was immaculately clean. Far more than I’d have been able to manage. I’d always had little luck with removing spots from my clothes.

I turned to my door to lock it. Heaving a soft sigh, I stared at the door, thinking it might well be the last time I would be in this apartment which had been my home for several years. Since we were charging into another battle, there was no way to say how it would end. Belatedly, I noticed that all my neighbors were standing outside their doors. They were staring at the street below, which was filled with goths. They probably didn’t know what to do about it. Their gazes lingered on us when they noticed which apartment we were standing before. Not one recognized me.

My least pleasant neighbor, the elder, stepped over to us with a suspicious expression as she always did. She had short curled white hair and wrinkled skin. Despite her age, her gaze was always very sharp. That gaze of hers scanned over all five of us. Her lips pursed. “Do you know the yakuza who lives here personally?”

“We don’t know any yakuza personally,” Rui spoke up for me.

“Really? This apartment belongs to a notorious gangster. It is said he kills people and hides them under his tatami flooring,” the biddy announced.

“Are you sure?” Ume exclaimed, looking interested. “But inside, I didn’t smell much blood. At best the occupant cut his fingers preparing a meal or perhaps it was a few nosebleeds when he fantasized too wildly.” Ume thumbed her chin. “I’m sorry, but these rumours seem to be completely baseless.”


I blushed redly. Rui was defending me and it felt good, but Ume-chan said a few too many embarrassing things at my expense.

“Eh?” The woman stamped her foot angrily. “Who are you to know such things at such a tender age? Are you a fictional young detective, or what?! Hah!” she scoffed, “were you here to investigate this rumor? Phaw, I doubt it!” She rambled on, “I have called the police over a hundred times to get them to arrest him for the good of this city! They always ignore my reports!” The woman got angrier.

Natalia-sama stepped in and placed a warm arm over her aged shoulders. “I’m sorry you had such a difficult time.” Natalia smiled brightly as she always did. “I don’t feel the auras of any dangerous persons in the area. You can live your life peacefully. Like our friend here said, your ‘yakuza’ has died.” She looked at me with a slight frown.

“That’s helpful, if true. The world has been ridden of a true menace!” Her own lip curled like a yakuza.

Natalia-sama gently turned her and winked. “Hmmm... moving on is always best. Let’s all do our best to make the world a better one.”

“You’re wise! My feeble efforts have been recognized. Kami has given that criminal his judgement!” She seemed pleased. I certainly was not. Her constant bad mouthing infuriated me.

Natalia-sama shushed me, having correctly assessed my emotions. She turned her gaze back on the woman. “Say, grandmother, what heights will you conquer next? Why not be the most trendy and fashionable woman in your whole neighborhood? If so, come to my store soon. I’m sure I could find a special ensemble which would accent your distinguished features.” Natalia-sama produced a professional card and bowed to the elderly woman, who accepted the card, blinking.

“Ah, thank you! I’ll consider it.” She seemed mollified, but her eyes latched onto me. “Do you know anything about this... strange event which is going on down in the street here, young lady?” She just wouldn’t stop! Even with a new face she still wouldn’t leave me alone!

I blinked at that question. Rui giggled aloud.

“Is there something amusing about this situation? Don’t you see there’s another crisis upon us? Just as soon as we’ve been rid of the yakuza, there’s an invasion of strange goths!” The woman’s tone was again waspish. She could not be pleased for long.

“Ahahaha, not at all, Ma’am. We’re all headed to a convention,” I excused us.

“A... goth convention? Or perhaps, is it one of those obnoxious otaku conventions?” She scoffed. “I suppose that explains it. That means you’ll be out of the neighborhood soon. Don’t come back!”

“I can’t make any promises, but we’re leaving soon, so there’s no concern.” I glared.

Her eyes widened. “It won’t be soon enough, it seems. Aren’t you awfully flat-chested for a woman of your age?” Her eyes narrowed.

Rui spoke quietly to Akuchi, but she drew away from the annoying senior with a horror-filled expression.

“Go!” Rui yelled. Akuchi stiffened and leapt downstairs. I watched, blinking. Maybe Rui-chan can manage Akuchi for me. I had no idea what to say. Was this nosey woman already onto me?

“Phaw! Go!” The elderly woman started to chant, posturing aggressively. She scowled like a demonic creature. “GO!” I supposed that was meant for Natalia-sama too, given she was with us. The other neighbors started to echo her repeated word. I wondered if Ume calling her people might have been one of her rare mistakes.

We turned wordlessly to leave. I saw Touma, the boy who’d cheered for me this morning. He hid behind his parents' legs with a serious expression. They watched as we walked. I smiled warmly at the boy, opening my mouth to say goodbye to the one person who didn't treat me horribly. He seemed to think yakuza were cool.

“Hmmmm... what is your relationship to that yakuza, young girl?” The woman wouldn’t let us go so easily after urging us to leave.

“Relationship?” I stiffened and turned angrily. “Ma’am, I respect your age and wisdom… However, I must say this, you are a horrible judge of character!”

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