《No Face, No Life》092


My television’s audio blared faintly through the wall. I stood in my bathroom, holding my last fresh pair of underwear. Looking at myself in the mirror, my visage was a mockery of my whole life. My normal hair was paired with Reiko-chan’s face and voice. Those made up most of my current body. I wasn’t frightening anymore and instead I looked like Reiko-chan in part. With her face, I was a bishounen. I sighed. A wry smile wrinkled up the corner of my mouth. What would my future be like? Would we soon be marching to our deaths? Would any of us have a future?

My vision tore away from my reflection. I stepped into the shower and ran the water. For once, the water was instantly hot. Had someone else taken a shower already when I wasn’t looking? The last time I’d taken a shower, I cried so hard my tears could challenge the torrent of water pouring around my body, and at the time I wasn’t a noh-face. Now, I didn’t feel like crying anymore.

Reiko-chan, your murderer will pay! We’ll get him, even though we’re a ragtag militia. No matter what resources you have at your disposal, whatever you used to kill Reiko-chan, I’ll defeat you for her! We will. We’ll beat you! I punched the wall of my bath with gritted teeth.

The water ran loudly into my bathtub. With a sigh I let it wash off the tension filling my body. Relaxation gradually gripped me.


My door nearly silently opened, but I heard it. “Go away, please, Akuchi. You went overboard earlier.”



My body tensed while I waited for another noise to go off, but my tension eased again when nothing happened. Perhaps it was nothing and my mind had manufactured that clicking noise. I started shampooing my hair. I don’t have any experience with fights, but at least I should be clean. If I think a little deeper, this can even be a bit like a purification ritual. But what am I going to do? I can’t fight!

I sensed motion behind me and turned to spot who it was. I prepared my arms to grapple with an attacker. I gaped because all of the girls were in the bathroom. They all stood naked outside the bath, except for one. I looked down to see Rui was already in with me. She was entirely flat-chested, yet she had her own allure.

“YAIIIIIII!” I yelped, drawing back against the bath’s wall. The stream of hot water splashed over me. I stared at the girls, blushing more than ever. I thought I’d die. There was Natalia, with her angelic face and luminous blonde hair which gleamed in the bathroom lighting. To her right stood Ume in her own majesty. Her glossy black twintails draped over them. The breast sizes of these two were comparable. They were young and perky, even though I knew they both had to be hundreds of years old. Creeping closer was Akuchi, sporting her new transformed body. Her bosoms were exaggerated and thus larger than all the others. She had the habit of overdramatizing things like testicle size. He’d gone from elephant to cow. She slinked over with a sultry expression.


Ume giggled and laughed. “I thought it would be very small. I was right!”

I blinked, my eyes widening. “Super tiny,” Rui commented, tilting her head. “I’m a lesbian so I don’t really care for that thiny thing between your legs. Well, at least it’s a good thing it’s extremely, extremely, incredibly small.”

“I don’t care how small Master’s package is! It doesn’t matter! All that matters is how you choose to..." Akuchi started.

I waved my hands exaggeratedly, flailing. “Nooooo! Don’t go there!”

Natalia laughed. “I don’t care at all... tiny foods are the latest biggest trend... Let’s go!” She pounced.

At that moment everyone glomped me together.

“Kyaaaaaaaa!” I screamed, blushing.

“My head hurts..." I groaned loudly. When my eyes blinked open, I rubbed them fiercely. I cast my eyes around, unable to tell what was up and down. I was blushing and my body was reacting embarrassingly to what I saw.




Everyone was watching television. They turned to look at me with clueless expressions, seeming to have no idea why my behavior was so strange.

“Oh... you’re awake!” Ume exclaimed, leaping up.

I stared at them in shock. My head throbbed more. I clutched my forehead.

“That cat’s paw was so hard to catch,” Natalia commented, frowning. She held it up.

“W... what are you talking about?” I gasped.

“Idiot!” Rui exclaimed loudly. “You sent that cat’s paw flying so powerfully, it ricocheted off the walls as fast as a bullet could go. We all dodged it, but it hit you in the head and you were out cold. It nearly killed me! By the way, you can say goodbye to your deposit.”

“Eh?” I blinked, cluelessly as I rubbed my scalp. I felt a bump on it. I looked around a saw there were small craters on the walls and ceilings. It looked a bit as though weak guns had been fired inside. None of the craters had holes in them. My head throbbed extra painfully. “Yaiiii!” I touched the lump and it hurt worse.

“Thankfully, you didn’t suffer a concussion.” Natalia waggled the cat’s paw.

“And there is no internal bleeding.” Ume smiled reassuringly.

“Um... I... didn’t take a shower? I think I..." I stuttered.

“You didn’t make it.” Rui pointed out. “You turned to go, and that was the moment it struck you. We weren’t sure how long it would be before you got up. We made sure you weren’t dead.”


“I nursed you to good health again, Susumu-sama!” Akuchi glomped me. “So now that you’re awake, why don’t I wash your back like I suggested. I’ll use my new..." NEW WHAT?

“NO!” Rui yelled as she teleported to Akuchi and firmly struck her a glancing blow across her head.

“Kyaaaaa!” Akuchi screeched. “I’m not associating with you anymore, you primitive pygmy!” That accusation just got Akuchi another few further firm smacks from Rui. Akuchi clutched at her head to protect it. She poofed and a metal helmet appeared. Rui drummed rhythmically on it.

“There’s time for you to shower.” Natalia smiled. “You really should.”

“He doesn’t smell bad right now,” Ume commented.

“It couldn’t hurt.” Rui gave me a thumbs up. “I’ll keep Akuchi from butting in.”

“You don’t have the power!” Akuchi stomped. “There’s nothing you can do to stop me!”

Ume whistled with a giggle. “Wow... that’s obsession for you.”

“How would you like me to help you, RuiRui?” Natalia smiled brightly. “I’m sure I can control a certain mischievous little tanuki.”

I shook my head. “No... I’m good. I don’t need a shower.” There was a fair chance that what had happened in my dream might really happen in reality, and if it did I’d soon be unconscious again. Then again, they weren't quite as amorous as they were in my imagination. I blushed.

“Fufufu... you blush far too often,” Ume purred. “Every time you do it, the air is filled with a sweet scent. Having you around is like having an air freshener dispenser which constantly puts out delicious aromas.”

“Okay, if you aren’t going to shower, Susumu...” Rui stepped closer to me. She tapped my chest. “We should discuss the reason why I tested your spiritual ability. Reiko-chan had some too, but she wasn’t interested in becoming my partner, even though she cared about me. She had her own dreams to chase. It wasn’t what she wanted for herself, and I respected what she wanted. But what about you, Susumu?”

“What do you want from me?” I asked Rui, blushing again. “Do you want a relationship with me?” My brain was still in the gutter.

“What?” Rui blushed and pushed me over. “Of course not!” She stamped a tiny foot. “Your face is hers... I love it so much, but you’re a man. Of course, it’s entirely out of the question!”

“There’s nothing you like about me?” I was disappointed, knowing the answer to my question.

“Not at all!” Rui wagged a finger. “You’re useful! You’re a great bodyguard! Remember our agreement? You said you’d be my slave for life. Now we know you have spiritual power, I’ll have you trained and then you’ll do what my father did! My genius will support and lead you.”

“If you don’t want him, I’ll have him!” Akuchi announced with a broad grin. “It’s my victory! He’s a virgin! He won’t be able to resist! Ahahahahaha!” She went into a full on maniac mastermind mode.

“No! I refuse!” Rui screeched. “Susumu is mine entirely! His soul and body are mine! I’ll crush anyone who tries to stand in the way of my success!”

Whew... Akuchi can’t compare with this little demoness...

“Natalia-sama will support my ambitions, right?” She beamed at Natalia who nodded, smiling brightly as the sun again.

“Don’t be greedy, Akuchi.” Ume stepped up to her. “I’m sure we can all work something out. I personally enjoy the scents he puts out,” she purred.

“Let’s get back on track!” Rui exclaimed, “Someone has to be the leader, so I’ll step up humbly to claim the position. Let’s start with this...” She blushed and reached angrily into her purse again. This time she removed a jade bracelet with an occult-looking pendant on it. “Give me your wrist, Susumu!” Rui ordered me.

I lifted my arm, staring at the bracelet. “Rui… Wh-what do you have in mind? I don’t wear jewelry, you know.”

“With this, a bond between us is forged.” Rui smiled and gleefully clapped it onto me like a manacle. Was this something like a wedding ring despite what she’d said earlier? The formality of those words... My eyes widened. Could it be?

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