《No Face, No Life》091


I stared down at Rui’s hand while Akuchi walked over. Ume licked her lips, eyeing me thoughtfully.

“I think so. He smells somewhat familiar,” Ume speculated.

“Um... you met me earlier today!” I gasped.

“Not that... my memory is infallible.” Ume laughed. “I mentioned it. There’s a certain odor to your blood... it implies that there’s something special about you.”

“This is kind of a long shot thing to look into.” Rui shook her head and eyed Ume with a raised eyebrow. “I can’t smell anything at all around Susumu except for his faint body odor.”

Ouch! Faint is good, considering that I haven’t bathed since yesterday.

Rui removed her hand from her purse to reveal a small good luck cat with one of those perpetually moving paws once you get it waving. The force of her slapping it down onto the table started its paw to waving. She caught it between her fingers to stop it for some reason.

“Um... is that a gift for me?” I asked, laughing. “It’s cute. Errrh… um… I don’t care much for little knickknacks, but I’d cherish it as a gift from my friends.”

“No, idiot!” Rui laughed. “Alright, why don’t we demonstrate how it works. Show him, Ume-chan!”

Ume nodded and waved her hand directly over the good luck neko. It started violently jerking its paw. She moved her hand away and it kept waving. I looked to Rui, wondering whether there were strings attached to it. I wanted to investigate, but Ume grasped my hand.

“Not yet.” She giggled. Her grip was strong as iron.

Rui reached down and stopped the paw. “Now, I’ll demonstrate what happens when I do the same.”

She took a deep breath.



She took another and chopped her arm over the cat.



The good luck neko remained motionless. Nothing at all happened.

“Is this some kind of a scam? Are you playing a cute little prank on me?” I rolled my eyes.

“Ehhh? Is that what you think of me? I’m hurt that you think I’d try to trick you!” Ume gasped and started to cry.

Natalia-sama laughed softly. “Ume-chan, hush. This isn’t very believable unless he has more evidence…” Rui leaned over and kissed one of Ume-chan’s tears. Ume smiled and nodded and her lips crinkled gently in a smile. Natalia-sama spoke again, “I’ll go next. Susumu... it’s a legitimate way to measure spiritual density. It’s a very special detector. There’s a milligram of spiritually polarized metal inside its paw.” She leaned down to wave her hand over the good luck cat, herself. The paw nearly flew off its hinges in its mad waving.


“W-wow... So you can make a cat wave its paw crazilly.” I blinked. “Spiritual density?”

“Yes! Exactly!” Rui held Ume, who was still softly sniffling. “There’s a field around conscious power capable people. It’s always there, and when this alloy comes into contact, it responds. Now, Susumu, just do the same thing we have... oh, but I need to stop the paw. I have no spiritual presence, so I may be the only one here who is capable." She pet Ume comfortingly, who snuggled against and embraced her. Rui smiled sadly.

“I’m sorry!” I exclaimed as I jumped up onto my feet and charged across the table to Ume.

Ume gasped as I hugged her. I spoke softly, looking intently and earnestly into her eyes. “I’m sorry for hurting you! You’re all my friends, and I don’t want to hurt the only friends I’ve had except for Reiko-chan.” Ume giggled and flushed slightly as she patted my back.

“Oh, I was just playing.” Ume laughed softly. “I’m sorry my acting was too convincing.” She squeezed me in a returned hug. “Even though this hug is quite nice, let’s not waste too much time!”

I looked down at the good luck cat. Rui held its paw between two fingers. She had a truly oni-like expression on her face as she stared at the two of us hugging each other. Letting go of Ume abruptly, I instinctively knew why Rui was scowling.


Everyone sitting around the table stared down at the cat. Its paw had come off between Rui’s fingers. “Oh, my.” Natalia shook her head. “You’ve destroyed yet another heirloom.”

“I... it’s Susumu’s fault!” Rui yelled.

“Now, now... I’ll arrange to get it repaired. Why did you break it before we finally got to the point?” Ume asked, slipping around me to examine the cat. “On the other hand, I have a few in my shop. For a small price, I could part with one.”

I remembered the cats in her shop, thinking they were useless knick-knacks spread throughout all the creepy items. Their paws had suddenly started waving on their own. Thinking they were haunted kept me from approaching any of them, not to mention I hadn’t the time. “I remember you had tons of them, Ume-chan!” I managed.


“Yes.” She smiled broadly. “They’re meters. Since many of the items are haunted by violent spirits, I can keep a closer eye on any activities they may be up to. They don’t mess with me much, but their mischief can be annoying.” Ume laughed.

And I went into that room? I walked through it? Oh, CRAP! A room filled with poltergeists?! Hyaaaaaa!

“Anyhow, don’t hug or kiss Susumu! His fail cooties will probably rub off on you!” I gasped at Rui’s words. Are you still at that age? Cooties, this from you? But you kissed me yourself!

“Oh, my. Relax. None of us minds Susumu’s germs.” Natalia rolled her eyes with a soft laugh.

“I second that!” Akuchi wrapped his body around mine again. This time at least that enormous pouch between his legs wasn’t present.

“Me too!” Ume winked over her shoulder. She stood with the lucky cat in her hands.

“Traitors..." Rui mumbled softly.

Ume rose, approached Rui, and leaned over to nibble her ear. “Maybe you're feeling a little lonely?”

“Kyaaaaaa!” Rui purred, delighted.

“Thanks for the light snack.” Ume purred, licking her lips. “Anyhow..." she whispered the rest so others couldn’t hear.

Rui blushed redly. I wondered what kind of dirty, naughty things Ume was whispering into her ear. My thinking leaned towards what she might have been promising that she’d do to Rui that night. I fidgeted, thinking about this a bit too much. What would Ume do to Rui in her room?

“Oooooh... a blood fountain,” Ume exclaimed.

I blinked and felt blood dripping down onto my shirt.

“Hyaaaaaa! I’ll take a shower!” I gasped and darted away.

“I’ll wash your back, Susumu-sama!” Akuchi bounded after me, arms spread as though he intended to catch me, and he did.

“Nooooooo!” I shrieked exactly like a girl. My voice was that of a girl’s.

“Susumu!” Rui barked. “Wait!”

Akuchi’s arms wrapped around my waist. I strained against his or her grip. My fingers clawed at the wall as I struggled to free myself from his clutches. “Rui, help me!” I pleaded as Akuchi rubbing disturbingly against my back.

“You should shower.” Rui nodded, ignoring my plea. “All your clothes are dirty. What are you going to wear tonight?” she asked.

I froze, forgetting about Akuchi. She was right. There wasn’t anything I could change into without stinking or looking shabby, since most of my clothes had stains.

Ume walked over to me and tugged at my shirt.

“I’ll clean this well for you. I don’t mind having leftovers once in a while. Lust-infused blood has a special flavor.” I pictured her sucking the bloodstains out from my shirt. Was I too far off the mark about what she intended? Ume giggled. She suddenly spun me around and deftly tugged my shirt off. This freed me from Akuchi’s grasp. She grinned even more broadly as my shirt came off. My arms raised up towards the ceiling as I whirled and came to a stop, dizzy. I gasped and blushed, standing there nude from the waist up. Akuchi in particular did not hold back. In fact he licked his lips and sprang at me again. “Kyaaaaaaaa!” I clutched at my chest.

Ume inserted herself between us and moved her hips. Her butt struck Akuchi, knocking her against the nearest wall. She promptly fell over. She didn’t acknowledge that feat and instead poked her finger against my uncovered chest. I squirmed while looking around. Is she going to attack me, too? Does lust-filled blood affect her like this? Kyaaaa! I had visions of being ravished by Ume. In my mind, she stripped me entirely and had her way with me.

A moment later, she lifted her finger away and something went shooting across the room. Akuchi jumped up and his mouth was practically frothing. A white object ricocheted all around the room and bounced off her head and she crumpled again. My head crooked, and I was intensely disappointed. I turned to take the opportunity to take a shower...

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