《No Face, No Life》088


Ume returned when the storm had faded off into the distance. By then, Rui had risen to do a few more constructive things than me, because I remained in bed. The two girls were watching television with the audio turned down, but I still heard screaming and dramatic music playing. It was a strange background sound, considering my thoughts were so sad and dark. I was happy that I wasn’t alone, but I felt that I was inevitably shutting down. Thinking about Reiko-chan’s face, her fate and my own future locked me down.

The sound of two cute, cheerful voices around me helped, interrupted occasionally by the loud screaming. Ume giggled after each horrifying scream. Lifting the blanket subtly, I peeked out at the television. They were mostly leaving me alone while they enjoyed a horror flick. I don’t watch these kinds of movies. As the film progressed to a particularly gruesome part, a girl was fused with strange alien cells and she started mutating. I ---

“HYAAAAAAAAA!” I ducked under the blanket.

Ume cackled even more. “Ehehehehehe! These cheesy video effects! Look at how her eyes are --” Nuuuuuuuuu! I curled up under my cover and blocked my ears with my pinky fingers.

I shook and quivered. The sight of that poor girl’s face changing wouldn’t leave my mind. Suddenly something poked my butt. Tentacles had sprouted from the girl’s body just before I covered my face. TENTACLES! NOOOOO! I practically climbed the nearest wall, clawing my way up. Rui stared at me with a blown away expression. Ume giggled softly. “Oh, Susumu! Don’t be so silly! These effects are some of the worst I’ve ever seen. How could you be so affected?”

“I just turned into a monster!” My voice was practically torn from my throat with how hoarse it felt and sounded.

“Ara?” Ume blinked. “Not like that. There are Yokai like that, and it’s actually even more gory when --”

“KYAAAAAAAAAA!” I ran to my blanket again and wrapped it so tightly around me nothing could unwrap me. My pinkies firmly lodged in my ear canals. After some time, a comforting hand patted me and I wasn’t sure which girl had done it. I fell asleep like that. Is it dangerous to fall asleep with fingers in your ears?

A set of hands shook me violently before noon, however. “Idiot! Get up! That’s enough moping! Ume’s making lunch! I have little skill in the kitchen. Get up and help her! You owe her that for feeding you!”

I gasped and rubbed my eyes. They burned so much. My futon was practically full of tears since I’d been crying for the last few hours. It made me feel better to have gotten them out, but physically it drained me. “You need to move beyond this weird sluggish behavior, Susumu! Ume-chan is making her special curry! If you want some, you’d best get up to help in the kitchen!” I yawned and sat up. Looking into the kitchenette, I saw Ume. She made me think of the dreams I’d had about living with Reiko-chan. Somehow, she found an apron, looking ever bit the doting and loving wife. She focused on what she was doing, but she glanced a few times in my direction. A vision of Reiko-chan in that apron transposed itself over her cute visage. I blushed and smiled happily, lost in my world of fantasy.


“Susumu!” Reiko-chan said with a happy smile. She was very cheerful and energetic as usual. That is, when she didn’t…


I went flying out of the futon to skid towards the kitchen. I looked up, dizzy. Reiko-chan smiled extra warmly at me as she moved her mouth to speak. Suddenly reality reasserted itself, but the reality wasn’t particularly disappointing. “You’re up!” Ume beamed warmly at me.

I nodded and smiled weakly in return. “Y-yeah... I’ll help. Thanks for making lunch! I’m sorry, I’ve been so lazy.” I stood and walked into the kitchenette.

“Wash your hands, idiot! I don’t want Susumu germs!” Rui called after me.

I glared over my shoulder and smiled. “Of course. I’m not so lost in my mind that I wouldn’t clean my hands.”

“I need you to peel potatoes, Susumu. Can you handle that?” Ume asked me as though I was an idiot. “Hahaha... yes... I can cook fairly well, I think..” I washed my hands and Ume hugged me from behind.

“You can’t keep on this kind of cycle, Susumu. Sinking into your depression won’t get you anywhere, plus you start smelling like moldy strawberries. Don’t inflict that on me, kid!” Her words were sage, but I blushed intensely, feeling her breasts press against me. That was far more motivating. “Didn’t that peek you had at me earlier cheer you up at all?” she whispered in my ear as she squished against my back.

“K-kyaaaa!” I gasped and kya’ed in a very high pitched tone. Rui stared at us thoughtfully.

“Fufufu... so cute. Irresistibly cute!” Ume teased me.

“H-how about those potatoes!” I panted, blurting something to try to redirect her attention to what we were discussing earlier.

“Yup! They’re on the counter here! Try to peel them carefully so you don’t waste too much.” She winked as Rui entered the kitchen.

“Ehhh… a potato peeling potatoes… that’s kind of wrong. Ne, Ume-chan... what are you doing with Susumu?” Rui asked with a slightly annoyed expression, causing me to flush.

“Eh? I’m cheering him up!” Ume flashed her toothy grin. “If this bothers you, why don’t you try doing it yourself?”

“Do what?” Rui asked, flushing.

“Hmmm... Well, start by cutting up some onion for me.” Ume waggled her finger.

“Not that!” Rui hopped. “It’s the worst job! I’ll cry!”

“Hehehe... I think Susumu has cried enough today. You will do it for him!” Ume smiled. “I’ll start cooking the meat. Doesn’t it smell wonderful?” She sighed softly as she unwrapped the meat. It was raw. There wasn’t any real smell in the kitchenette, excepting for the raw meat scent.

“Oh, yes! The blood! It’s animal blood, but it’s a comforting scent.” Ume winked. “It motivates me to do my very best when cooking!”


Wow... I’m not sure I’m impressed or worried.

The kitchen started smelling wonderful when the meat was starting to fry with seasonings added. She added fresh-cut herbs she’d prepared. Afterward, she tossed the meat into a pot. And she opened a container of flour to spread it evenly in the oil. She added more spices and ginger. The curry aroma exploded. I finished peeling the potatoes and cut them.

“No... a little bigger,” Ume-chan corrected me when I started. “Good job, RuiRui!” Ume smiled. “When you finish that, cut up some carrots. Discs are fine.”

I laughed as I finished the cutting and shifted my attention to the carrots. It smelled so wonderful. Just the scent of curry washed all my worries away. We all laughed and smiled as we worked together.

“I started rice in your cooker already, Susumu.” Ume hummed softly as she stirred the pot of delicious curry which was taking form. “All that’s left is for you to relax while it blends wonderfully!” My heart thudded as I looked at Ume. She sparkled. Suddenly, I screamed as Rui yanked me from the kitchen by my hair.

“Yaiiiiii!” I yelped, clutching at her hand to ease the tension.

When we reached the living room, she pointed to the futon. “Don’t sleep. Air it! It smells like you! You don’t air your futon enough!” I huffed.

“Y-yess, Ma’am!” I bowed and carried the heavy futon to the sliding door. She surprised me when she opened the door for me and helped me. We set the futon up on the rail. She looked at me and leaned on the rail, troubled.

“You see, I want you to be in the highest spirits possible tonight. I had to think hard about what I could do that might help you..." She fidgeted. “Anyhow, stop looking at Ume. I know her breasts are amazing... W-well... anyhow... this doesn’t mean anything, okay?!” she yelled. I blinked.


I squeaked because she was sitting on the balcony rail as she leaned over to kiss me fully on my lips. My legs trembled. I threw my arms around her to protect her from falling. That was the only reason. She was still wearing my t shirt. I wondered things I shouldn’t. I-is she wearing panties?

My eyes closed and I lost myself in the moment, feeling like I was falling into a void expanding beneath us.

We sat around the low table in my living room. The delicious smells of curry filled the air, making the apartment far more cheerful and alive than it ever had been before. I looked into their eyes and thanked kami for finally having friends. It was a wonderful feeling.

The television blared in the background, filling the air with music and chatter. It felt like I had a family. More so than the one I’d been born to. Meals were always such a silent affair. My mother was always working in the kitchen. The taciturn nature of my father had prevented any interactions with him. I had no siblings. My childhood was filled with uncomfortable silence. Reiko-chan had been an explosion of color and excitement I’d never experienced before.

Ume ladled out curry on our plates which were already piled up with mounds of steaming rice. The curry was golden. It glistened on the semi-fatty cuts of meat. The vegetables were bright and they shone like jewels.



Ume finished ladling and clapped her hands together in a little seated bow. “Please enjoy it! I hope you love this curry! All my love is in it!”

I could easily believe it! The scent made me drool. I couldn’t resist shoveling food into my mouth. The moment it touched my tongue, more tears drizzled from my eyes.



My eyes widened. Ume smiled even more deeply because Rui had taken a taste of the curry too and she was staring at me with bulging eyes. I shoveled more into my mouth, crying.

My father never smiled at a meal and my mother never joined us. Rui looked away, her lips trembling. I continued to eat enthusiastically, encouraged by Ume’s wonderful smile. Ume looked at Rui with that warm and loving smile. Rui fidgetted and smiled as she started to quickly devour the curry like me.

It was the worst curry I’d ever tasted. But Ume’s smile was so warm I couldn’t ever tell her. Rui grinned and shovelled curry into her mouth happily, and she looked suddenly as though it was the most delicious thing she’d ever had. I felt the love in the curry, and I think Rui had too, but I did wonder why Ume herself wasn’t eating. We both cried harder as we started racing to finish our plates

This magical curry... thank you so much, Ume-chan. And Reiko-chan, thank you too.

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