《No Face, No Life》087


Something soft... on my back...

I felt somewhat restrained. Something bound my arms.

Something soft... I snuggled against it. My eyes slowly opened and they burned. I blinked them to clear them and ease the discomfort. What came into focus was ‘Godzilla vs. Mothra’. Not the film, one of my shirts. I saw the print on it clearly due to how flat the chest was. I leaned back a moment and turned my eyes higher. R-Rui?! She was asleep. I gazed at her for a long moment, wondering about how the oni’s face could be so... My heart thudded faster.

Soft things pushed up against my back. It was so warm. I turned my head, straining. I could barely see Ume. Her long black hair was loose and shiny. My eyes widened. She was drooling as she cuddled up against me from behind and a fang hung over her lower lip. W-why?! I blushed red as I tried to reflexively clap a hand over my nose to stanch an expected flowing of blood. My arm was restrained by Ume-chan’s, which was wrapped around me tightly.

Thankfully my nose wasn’t dripping all over my futon. At least, so far it wasn’t.


I gasped and fidgeted. All I could do was lie there quietly. If I made too much noise, Rui would...

Even though I did my best to keep from thinking naughty things, inevitably my efforts were scrambled because two girls were pressing against me. Then reality crashed in, bringing things together again.


I cried softly, but the warmth of the girls helped me to relax. My tears hit the futon.


The sounds were soft thudding noises, a bit like rain drumming on the roof.

I closed my eyes to try to sleep further, as I had when I was trapped deeply in my depression.


“Eeeeeeek!” Rui leapt up. “What’s going on?!” I opened my eyes and felt Ume snuggle even more against my back.


She rushed to my sliding door to peer out. A low whistle echoed in my apartment room. “Flash flood storm,” Rui murmured, looking at us. She shook anxiously.

“A-are you okay?” I asked her quietly, fidgeting as Ume rubbed.

“I’m fine,” Rui lied. “I’ll go to the bathroom.” She rushed past us.


“KYAAAAAA!” Rui screamed as she ran.

“Nhhhh... R-RuiRui?” Ume’s drool had started pooling on the back of what I was wearing. I looked down to see I’d been changed to one of my few remaining clean tee shirts and a pair of shorts. Th-they changed my clothes? They saw me naked? I blushed even more intensely.

“Yaiiii!” I gasped.

“Susumu? What’s going on?” She yawned and let go of me to sit up. I turned over to look up at her. It wasn’t a cheery morning. She rubbed her eyes and her breasts bounced as her arms moved. Tekken 5. She was wearing one of my shirts, too. This was the classic girlfriend in her boyfriend’s clothes look. All baggy, covering everything that mattered, leaving the rest to imagination. Rui was cuter because of how she couldn’t fill out the shirt. Even so, Ume looked like the higher-level version of it. There’s something to be said for a pair of unbelievable breasts filling one of your shirts. I blushed and squirmed at the sight. “Oh... a storm..." Ume stretched. My thoughts became even dirtier when I noticed the suggestion of the outlines of her nipples standing out on my tee shirt. Oh, Kami... thank you so much! You haven’t forsaken me, after all!

I tightly closed my eyes. I was far too stimulated. “Mnnnn... you said you don’t have very much food, right?” Ume asked.

“Y-yeah... I’m sorry... I don’t have even bread now. The last bread I had was a little moldy,” I sighed, embarrassed about that too.


“Oh, my... you’re far too adorable, Susumu!” Ume giggled. “It makes me want to take good care of you! Hmmm... you have an umbrella, right?”

“I do... it’s in my genkan closet. Why?” I asked.

“I’m going to go shopping!” Ume announced cheerfully.

“In this weather, really?” I asked, opening my eyes again. My eyes widened intensely. She’d thrown off my shirt and she was completely naked! Her naked butt was wiggling right in my view! I saw her squirming into the dress she’d worn the previous night. U-Ume-chan! Yaiiii!

I passed out.

“Idiot! Wake UP!” Rui yelled loudly. “You’re supposed to comfort a girl in need!” She was sobbing. “D-darn it! Where’s Ume-chan! I want her!” she whined.

I opened my eyes again. My head felt like a jackhammer had been taken to it. “Oh, kami... it hurts..."



“Don’t talk about hurting! Do something about this!” Rui yelled.

“About what? Is something wrong?” I mumbled.



“KYAAAAA!” Rui cried, crawling under the blanket to press against me. “Nooooo!”

“W-- You’re afraid of storms?” I gaped at the quivering outline of her beneath the blanket.

“No, no! Just fix it!” Rui yelped.


“I... I’m not Thor Odinson..." I laughed weakly.

“Don’t dare laugh at me, you idiot!” Rui looked up, furiously under the edge of the cover.


“Yaiiiii!” she cried.

I can’t believe this is Oni. She still threatens others in a crisis situation, but... she’s so cute...

My heart melted. I hesitantly wrapped my arms around her. She was shaking and fidgeting. “Um... it’s okay... don’t worry. It’ll go away on its own. I bet we’ll be just fine.”


“N-no!!! What if there’s a tsunami! What if a meteorite falls?!” Rui yelled.

Th-that’s unreasonable...

“You suck at comforting people, Susumu!” Rui accused me. “You’re a failure of a human being!”

Ouch... Rough... What does she want from me?

“I can’t do anything about it..." I blushed and held her tightly. “I suppose if Ume was here, a kiss would make everything better instantly,” I commented wryly.

“Hey... where is she anyhow?” Rui asked, squirming.

I thought about her and I stiffened, blushing.

“ARE YOU HIDING THINGS? DID SOMETHING HAPPEN TO HER?!” Rui yelled, pounding on my chest with her fists. Those blows lacked her usual strength, however.

I organized my blurry memories of when I’d last seen Ume. Inevitably, what I recalled first was her perfect butt. Carefully filing the mental picture away, my heart still thudded. “Oh... she went shopping..." I finally remembered.

Rui blinked repeatedly. “In this? Oh... I guess it’s normal for her. Vampires like gloomy weather. They’re as cheerful as any human can be, but they flourish most when everyone is secure and warm in their homes.”


Rui seemed happier and more focused when she was in a teacher mode. “She’ll be fine... Whatever she makes will be special.” Her voice sounded musical. She sounded much happier when thinking about food cooked by Ume-chan.

I couldn’t help but giggle, and something about the sound disturbed me further. I hadn’t realized it, but something was occuring to me. “M-my voice… is higher pitched..." I gasped.

“You just noticed? What a moron!” Rui laughed. “Yes... it’s hers too... No... I shouldn’t joke about it. It’s tragic. Hmmm... there is something you can do for me, Susumu. Just talk softly to me. That’s all I want. I loved her wonderful voice.”

Me too! Tears leaked from my eyes again. “W-well... how about the Tokyo Swallows? They played extra well this year. They had..." I droned on about the last game I’d seen on my television.

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