《No Face, No Life》080


When Akuchi performed his vanishing spell, I was able to see him in the same way I saw the rest of the world. He was somewhat more transparent than the world was which suggested that he’d become just as invisible as us. Rui had reappeared the moment Akuchi’s spell was cast on me. She didn’t speak when we were ready, but she imperiously gestured with indecipherable army-like sign language. I at least got the idea we should ‘move in’. I followed her as she ran down the stairs into the station. Thankfully due to the commotion we’d created earlier at this station, there were fewer people, though it might have something to do with the time too.

We weaved and dodged around people on the stairs and by the magnetic check stands. We vaulted over them one by one, finding gaps over them through the more sparse crowd. The policemen were still present, and worse, their numbers had doubled. Our activities had probably enraged the local law enforcement. A message played over the speakers repeatedly throughout the station.

“Thank you for your patronage, but ride at your risk tonight! You’re in danger! You have places to be, and we’ll make sure you get there safely! Thanks to the brave efforts of our police you should not have to worry! Please, don’t mind their presence tonight!”

We continued to dodge people who couldn’t see us. The policemen posted in the station now equalled the number of passengers. The people around looked around anxiously and they were jumping at every seemingly moving shadow. A situation like this would make anyone anxious. I noh-sweated as we danced amidst the passengers and officers. We had to get through the whole length of the station platform in order to charge into the privacy of the tunnel.

Rui raced like an athlete, springing and dancing around people. It wasn’t too difficult since there were a few semi-clear pathways, and since nothing was happening yet, people didn’t move very much. Thus we reached our destination without much difficulty. We stood before the chain which blocked our path down into the tunnel, the same as before. Rui slid beneath again as though it was high action limbo.

Akuchi flipped like a martial artist over it. I sprang over it and tripped, falling heavily onto the stairs leading down. My helmet rattled as it slammed against all the steps, causing a ruckus.


I heard a clattering of footfalls as people surged towards the source of the noise. My seemingly invulnerable helmet had broken. I wouldn’t be able to hide my identity any longer! Enough of my noh-face was visible and the plastic shards lay redly at the base of the stairs. Thankfully it had protected my noh-head a last time before it died. Everyone would see my featureless face. I turned to see many policemen charge into my view.


Something slapped my forehead again as they drew closer and the world became semi-transparent once again as an explosion of smoke-like vapor wafted around me. The policemen stared at where I was lying. Their faces were filled with anger and terror.

I scrambled quickly to the safety of the tunnel and Akuchi ran beside. We ran desperately up the tunnel for a long period. I removed the remnants of the broken helmet to drop them on the ground. Thankfully the leaf was attached directly to my forehead now. A train’s headlights shone as it approached us. BAD TIMING! I gasped and pressed myself firmly against the wall for good measure. The people on the train peered out the windows anxiously. They were pressed against the windows, straining their eyes to spot anything abnormal. Some looked oddly eager as though they were hoping to see Noh-face.

The rumors about its lurking in the darkness of the Yamanote were spreading. People were grouped for safety for the most part. The wind pressure of the train’s passage whipped air around us. My new leaf was torn from my face, and my bare noh-face appeared to the people on the final car. They stared at me, and I heard their loud panickinged yelling. One or two cheered. I knew the policemen would be on their way into the tunnel sooner or later. We wouldn’t have much time at all!

I darted after Rui and Akuchi. They were still hidden by Akuchi’s magic. I noh-panted as I ran, seemingly alone. Akuchi made me feel better when he poofed back into existence. “If you’re caught, Master, I will follow you into death!”

“Idiots! We’re not going to die!” Rui barked and poofed into vision too beside and ahead of us. “We won't fail! So quit being so defeatist!”

“I don’t have much energy left after my previous spell. But I’ll do what I can to assist you!” Akuchi murmured.

“Ehhhh? No worries, Akuchi! Our idiot here has far more abilities than he knows! I’m sure this will go well!” Rui reassured us with her backhanded compliments.

“Rui... I’m pretty tired myself... I’ve been running all day,” I complained.

“You can’t raise up a flag here. We’re in the last stretch. You have to do this. If you don’t, you will lose your humanity. Your mind. Everything!” Rui chided me, panting. We ran along the paved tunnel. “But be careful or you’ll be flattened! Even yokai can die!”

I pulled my phone from my fanny pack to see the time. Ten minutes remained. Twenty-three and fifty hours! OH NO!!!


“Rui! We only have ten minutes! This is bad!” I yelled.

“I know!” Rui panted. “Damn this! Things are pretty desperate! Midnight is close! Akuchi! Change into a motorcycle again! We need to find Noh-face in time! There’s an alcove we need to at least reach. But there’s no guarantee that even getting there will mean we’ll find it. It almost promised that it would wait for us, just...” Rui rounded on Akuchi while she spoke and she skidded to a stop.

“I-I... I’m not sure that I can manage this once more in my current condition,” Akuchi gasped.

“I’m going to die..." I bawled. That alcove was still so far away! It was halfway between the stations. “Uwaaaaaa! My mind will die here!”

“M-master... I will not let you..." Akuchi cried as he gritted his teeth with determination.

“Damn it! Don’t call me that, Akuchi! Call me by my name! Remember my name for me! I’ll die! At least please remember who I was!” I cried, interrupting his passionate response.

“Susumu... such a nice name you have. Yes! I will not let you die!” He gritted his teeth and his whole form vibrated violently. It was pitch dark in the tunnel because the lights along the ceiling had been broken by Noh-face, so this was a true lair of pure darkness, and yet knowing that there was no source of light, I belated notice that I was able to see everything and the both of them in detail. Akuchi quivered and shook, but finally his form changed.

“I can’t see a thing! Did he change? I heard something strange!” Rui yelled.

“Y-yes... he’s a motorcycle now! Come to my voice, Rui! I’ll be your eyes!” I rushed to her side and wrapped an arm around her to guide her to Akuchi.

She flinched at the contact but smiled, nodding. “Thank you!” Rui gasped as she stumbled over to Akuchi. “How can you see in all… this pitch darkness? You weren’t able to see anything in Rickey’s room earlier today, right?”

“Stop worrying about this! It doesn’t matter right now. Anyhow, it just happened out of nowhere! Just move your ass!” I threw one of her frequent commands back at her as I grabbed her and placed her into Akuchi’s seat.

“I-I’m so very tired..." Akuchi groaned. “I’m so out of shape..."

I straddled Akuchi’s seat behind Rui, and this time I took hold of his handlebars this time.

VROOOOOOOOMMMMM!!! Akuchi purred and charged at high speed along the tunnel. His headlight finally ignited and illuminated the tracks.

“Susumu... you’re really something else..." Rui sighed softly, holding onto my legs to either side of her. “But you know, now that you’re able to see in the darkness, this means you’re making the final irreversible transformation process... In other words, you’re becoming a true noh-face. We’re almost out of time. I’m sorry, I don't want to scare you by telling you this. It’s very demoralizing, I know, but I had to say it.”

“I know,” I sighed softly. “I might not come through this with my mind nor my body intact. I’m nearing my limit.”

“Please hold things together, Susumu! You can do this! Hold your mind together!” Rui begged me. “Please, you’re my friend now! I’ll mourn you as much as Reiko-chan if this goes badly, but I’ll always be your friend.”

“...Reiko-chan..." I mumbled softly. I thought about her again. I hadn’t recovered yet from her death, myself. I was still mourning. Every reminder of her was just one more blow upon my fragile id.

Akuchi’s engines rumbled as he stopped, skidding to a stop before a small set of stairs leading up to the alcove which we’d aimed to reach.

“I-I cannot continue..." Akkuchi exploded as his body reverted to a human one and he collapsed to the pavement beneath us. “I’ve done as requested... Please, Susumu, do your best. Everything now, your future is up to you.” He twitched and stopped moving. We got off him and I danced in a panic, staring at his prone form.

“He died! Nooooo!” I flailed and ran in circles to finally skid down next to Akuchi and touch his shoulder. “He died to get us here... Damn it… if only you hadn’t suggested this he would be fine!” I noh-stared at Rui accusingly.

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